Request for gall bladder to be removed

on 6/17/11 2:28 am
I've read that so many people don't have theirs and if they do they end up having problems and have to have it taken put. 

Should I go ahead and have mine removed now instead of waiting until something happens?
 I've haven't had any problems before, but want to avoid any in the future.
HW:306  SW:291  CW: 265  GW:165      
on 6/17/11 2:35 am - IA
Your surgeon will determine, atleast in my case, he would not take it out even though I have had problems all my adult life with it not functioning correctly, but it had no stones and no other sign of disease so he left it in.  So far so good, I have had 2 attacks post op, am still taking the actigall, but we'll see if I end up having it out down the road.
on 6/17/11 2:46 am
My gallbladder is fine.  The surgeons will generally leave them in. 
I was not given the option to have it taken out.
on 6/17/11 2:58 am - MA
They took mine out, but they said I had sludge in it. When I did the preop diet and lost 15lb I started having problems so I was happy to see it go. Maybe you could ask your doctor if she's going in just take it out w/the bypass?
Amy R.
on 6/17/11 3:43 am
My surgeon took mine out, even though I've never had a problem with it. He said so many folks have problems post op, he just likes to avoid a second surgery. Of course if I had protested I'm sure he would have left it in, but I certainly didn't want even the possibility of another surgery a few months later so I agreed to have it removed when he did my RnY.

You can always talk to your surgeon and see what he thinks/says.

Best of luck on your journey.=)
on 6/17/11 3:47 am - OH
I don't know if your doc will remove it if you aren't having problems, even if you ask.  Many don't like to remove perfectly healthy organs.

Personally, I suggest asking for a prescription for Actigall.  Something like 2% of patients that take it following RNY have gall bladder problems.  That's pretty good odds.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Sue C
on 6/17/11 4:18 am - Fargo, ND
My gallbladder was removed.  The doctor does this to prevent any problems/surgeries down the road.  I never had any problems with it either. 

~ Sue ~


on 6/17/11 4:26 am - Lake Ronkonkoma, NY
I had mine removed during surgery as well, but I had a 6mm stone that was scarred into the wall of my gallbladder that had been there for about 3 years.

I had gone to the ER back then for pain, they told me I had 1 small gallstone, but thats not what was causing my pain... to quote the doctor his exact words were "a stone that small, would not cause pain. you're in pain because you're fat. lose weight"

When they took out my gallbladder, they showed me pictures at my first post-op and  it had started to become necrotic where the stone was.  Awesome right? for the past three years I've been asymptomatic while my gallbladder began to rot inside me.
<3 Katie  My blog!
~~ Life is too important to be taken seriously~~ Oscar Wilde

Includes the 50lb loss pre-op       
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