Help... I think I'm starving to death!

on 6/26/11 11:06 am
So I had bypass on Tuesday 6/21, I am home, and the pain is managable. I haven't been taking pain meds all day long. I do take them at night to help me sleep longer. I'm not feeling hungry, I am on a clear liquid diet until Wednesday. when I switch to full liquid.  
I have absolutely NO energy. I sleep ALL THE TIME. I am a single mom to a 9 yr old son who's at home with me. He really has been such a big help, I'm lucky to have him. However, this weekend has been very tough. I sleep way to much. I won't allow him to go outside cuz I can't keep an eye on him, cuz I'm afraid I'll fall asleep on the couch.
Am I starving to death? I feel like I could fall asleep and never wake up. I just have 0 energy.
Is this normal? Should I be concerned? I had the lapband years ago, and I never remember feeling like this! BLAH!  Please help.


on 6/26/11 11:14 am
It's not uncommon to sleep a lot right after surgery. Your body is trying to recover from major surgery. I do hope you are walking occasionally and sipping often. You don't want to end up dehydrated.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 6/26/11 11:15 am - Joppa, MD
Ok stop and take a minute.  You had major surgery 5 days ago.  Your body is focusing all it's got on healing.  And suddenly it's not getting all the calories it was before.  It's very confused.  And had your stomach reduced to the size of your thumb and your intestines rerouted.  Give yourself a break.

You are going to be tired.  And even after you are a month or so out you will have days where you are just exhausted.  Again your body is healing and you are drastically reducing your food intact.  Make sure you are getting all your protein, liquids and vitamins in and follow your surgeons plan.  You will be fine.


Wes J.
on 6/26/11 11:18 am - MI
Hi Dana. I too had surgery on 6/21 and was in total miserry the first couple of days. I have absolutely no appettite and have to force myself to eat. All I can tell you is that you MUST find a way to get your fluids and proteins. You are going to have fatigue because you just had major surgery and your body must repair itself.  I have been told by many who have gone before us that it will get better in the next week or two. Good luck and God bless.
on 6/26/11 11:19 am - Canada

You may be reacting/responding to anastesia (sp).  And yes... the body has been dealth a might blow - precise, but mighty!  Please DO keep sipping all the time you are awake.  If you are sleeping for extended periods you may be getting dehyrated.  If you're not picking up a little by tomorrow (Monday), I'd call the surgeon.  Really, I think you should notice feeling a bit better each day.

MSW will not settle
on 6/26/11 11:22 am
You are recovering from major surgery.  Feeling fatigued is not unusual.   Starving?  That's really not likely a problem.  Even those of a normal healthy weight can fast for a few days without risk of starvation.  You've got more than enough reserves.  

Take short walks even if its just indoors.  Stay hydrated.  Rest when you need to but don't let yourself get lazy.  If you are really concerned check with your doctor.  You're staving to death would be bad for his reputation.  Relax and allow yourself to heal.  You will be ok. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 6/26/11 11:25 am
Thanks everybody for your responses! So you know I'm unable to add protien to my diet until Wednesday... gosh I can't wait! I'm just concerned that I am sleeping so much. I do walk and I do sip, but I'm tired soooo quickly. I notice the pain getting better every day for sure, but seems I just keep sleeping more and more. **sighs** only a few more days till I can have full liquids... hope that helps!
Thanks! You make me feel better! ((hugs))


on 6/26/11 11:34 am - Hyattsville, MD
evening chica...I didnt eat for almost 2 to 3 months post op.... and my dr mentioned as long as Im staying hydrated I'll be fine and I was. He told me as Ive said many times on here "one can lives months without food but cant live a day without fluids..
Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
on 6/26/11 2:19 pm
Hi... a small unrelated suggestion...
Could you set up a playdate for your son, so he could go hang out and play, and you don't have to worry about him? That would give you some time to rest without worrying, and give him some time to get outside.

Just a thought!

Amanda :)

on 6/26/11 11:55 pm
Hi! Please don't worry... our body reacts differently to the surgery. It took me 4 weeks to feel normal again and I read that some people went back to work after 2 weeks!! I can't even imagine how they they that! Try to drink water and your protein as much as you can... it will help your body to recuperate. I agree with one of the ladies to have your son to go to his friend's house so you can rest without worrying. You'll be fine. Make sure to drink your water and as much as protein as you can.
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