4 months out and gout

on 7/3/11 9:21 am - NC
I had gbs on March 16, 2011 and have done really well with getting off bp meds, but since the heat set in this summer I have had to start back on fluid pills. I don't know if it is the fluid pill or not but I think I am having a bout of gout on the top of my foot where I broke it years ago. Has anyone had problems after surgery? I am so out of my element with all the new changes with my body. Any advice would be appreciated.
on 7/3/11 1:54 pm - Canada
You'll only know if it's really gout by having a blood test to check your uric acid levels....could be with weight loss you are now changing the way your weight balances on your feet, knees and hips and spine as your center of gravity changes...Some people just have hurting bones and ligaments as they lose weight and redistribute the weight and walk differently...I did.
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