Blood Sugar Issues

on 7/11/11 10:28 pm
 I have been nauseated and vomiting for months now (probably at least 3, but maybe 4) after I eat. A stricture and ulcer were rulled out. Then gallstones and issues with my galbladder were ruled out. When this first started, I would get really tired, then the nausea and vommiting would start up. Later it would be associated with mild chest pains and heart palaptations. I have finally gotten my vomiting under control. (After surgery, I had two strictures and I vomited so much then, that now it seems like whenever I get a slightly upset stomach, I will vomit). This would occur every so often. Now I am experiancing nausea, heart palaptations, shortness of breath, mild chest pains, headaches, and extrem fatige every single time after I eat. I also seem to be constantly batteling a headache all day long.

I've been to the ER... they informed me that I was dehydrated and had a UTI. The UTI, I can believe, but the dehydration I was having trouble believing. I mean the tests showed that I was, but the thing is, for the first time since my surgery (10 months ago), I have actually been getting my 64 ounces of water in, or more. Currently all I drink is water. I haven't really wanted anything else. 

I called last week (before my ER visit) and my PCP couldn't get me in until next Monday (July 18). After my ER visit on Friday, I called and insisted that I get in sooner and they gave me a appointment for tomorrow morning. So I will see what my doctor says.

I previously thought this was a potassium issue (since its always been low since surgery), but now that is at normal levels (ER was 3.6 and my blood work from early last week 3.9). I think this is a blood surgar issue (reactive hypoglycemia), but then again, I'm not a doctor. I just know that drinking a surgar beverage like a juice box or sports drink, will help immediately and then eating a piece of fruit will keep the symptoms away until my next meal, when they come back again. My brother was the one to figure this out. I didn't want to go to the ER again, and since I had already drank the rquired water for the day, plus some, I wasn't dehydrated. He suggested to get something with sugar. 

I am very frustrated. I feel like I am always sick. And test after test is being done, but they never seem to confirm any problem, so I am stuck still feeling ill. 
Carol M.
on 7/11/11 11:36 pm - TX
You may well be dehydrated if you are only now getting in the correct amount of water. Sounds like you were not getting it for a long time.  So it may take a long time before you are at the proper level of hydration.  In the ER did they give you IV fluids after they told you that you were dehydrated?

You could also be experiencing  what is called Reactive Hypoglycemia. Do some research on this either in the archives or on Google.  My time this morning is short or I would find some links for you. Make sure you eat protein along with complex carbs, not just sugar.

Good luck and feel better.

Carol , East Texas
on 7/12/11 12:32 am
 Well, they gave me fluids, so if I was dehydrated, I'm not now. Also, its probably been like the last month and half of getting my fluids in properly. Seems like a little bit of time to me, but I guess its been a while. But after a month and half of getting in enough fluids or more, I have trouble believing I was very dehydrated. And if that was the issue that took me to the ER, wouldn't the problems have stopped after the IV fluids, plus all my fluids by mouth?

I did do some reading and started doing fruits. I mean, the sugar drinks helped for a quick fix... like when I was in the middle of the mall and was so sick, I couldn't walk out. But I realized to do fruits. I don't want to do too much reading until I actually have a diagnosis... I'm not a doctor, so I can only guess at what it is. And well, so far, all the doctors guesses have been wrong. 

I have to be picky with what fruits I eat though, some fruits, such as apples, don't go ever so well with my stomach. 
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/11 11:41 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
At a certain point in dehydration, taking fluids by mouth just won't take care of the problem.  You might need an IV or two to bring it up to normal hydration levels.

Please don't use a sugary drink to alleviate your low blood sugar levels;  it just exacerbates the problem.  Use a high protein/whole grain carb snack;  it will bring your blood glucose up and help it to stabilize without the massive dropoffs associated with sugar intake.

RH is unfortunately not uncommon with us, I have it too unless I eat properly.  Many doctors have no idea how to deal with RH;  for me and others on this site, we have found that eating 5 to 6 small meals daily is the best way to stay equalized.  By small meal, I mean a serving of deli meat & cheese rollup, or a high protein bar, or a serving of cottage cheese, etc.  This can be handled, once you pinpoint the problem.

The dehydration is a worse problem, and you must get immediate assistance with an IV or two.  Once you get your hydration to a good level, then you can maintain it with oral intake.  If you're exercising, be sure to drink even more in order to replace the liquids lost during your workout.

I hope you are able to get to a good place very soon.

Best wishes,
on 7/12/11 12:43 am
 For months, I have ALWAYS felt hungry. I will eat and maybe an hour later, I am starving. So I've been doing smaller meals more often, rather than 3 meals a day. I guess I really need a diagnosis, and then a plan written out for me. I can't keep taking guesses from my symptoms and my knowledge and try to read on the internet to see what I should do. lol. 

The ER gave em fluids, plus with all my dirnking there is no way I am dehydrated anymore, even if I was. I can sort of believe it, but on teh other hand I can't believe that I was. This ER has misdiagnosed me several times. They kind of go for the quick fix and scoot me out the door anytime I am there. 

I was reading, that when working out and sweating, water doesn't fully replenish what you sweat out, so I should use a sports drink (sugar free will work) to get my body back to where it needs to be. This was actually in the information from the ER. I'm not really sure about that. Seems to make sense. 

I found that a sugar drink helped in a quick fix, but that fruit does better for long term. I really dislike sugar drinks and stuff. They have never tasted good to me. My mom once tried to give me regular lemondaide and was super shocked (that at a young age) I could tell the difference between that and crystal light. So I keep a juice pouch in my purse for emergencies for now, but I try to use fruit. I need to find a fruit that I can slip into my purse that will work for me. Apples were always my go to fruit... I used to carry them in my purse all the time, but now me and apples don't get along. They irritate my stomach. I would be welcome to suggestions. Fruit seems to help with my headache. Its never gone, but it will dramaticly hurt less. 

Kim S.
on 7/12/11 12:17 am - Helena, AL
Yup-what Lynn said.  Also, are you eating high protein meals?  It may be what you are eating that is creating the problem.

I too have RH-6 meals a day, high protein, only whole grain complex carbs and some fruit fix it for me.  As a matter of fact, I'm eating my "2nd" breakfast right now....grilled chicken breast.

Hope you get it resolved soon.
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