sutures question

on 7/13/11 8:00 pm - NY
My RNY was 5/17 and I am over 8 weeks out. My incisions have healed nicely. However, I still have some sutures that are sticking out (the ends) and while they're clear and not really visible, they do occasionally catch on my clothing. They look quite a bit like fishing wire (the clear stuff).

I don't see my surgeon again for another month but wonder what I should do. Just leave them alone?
RNY 5.17.11

on 7/13/11 10:09 pm - MI
 I had the same thing happen.   BTW my surgery was 5/13.  I just took a small sharp pair of scissors and snipped them off.   They were making me itch horribly and had to go!  No problems with them at all now.  Good luck to you!
on 7/13/11 11:16 pm - NJ
Those sutures are dissovable but because they are on the outside they are not dissolving. If it has been 8 weeks I would just snip them off. If your nervous about doing that call the dr and ask the nurse on staff if it's. There is no need for them to still be there.
Sara B.
on 7/14/11 12:24 am - Edenton, NC
My discharge papers from the hospital stated to gently tug on any sutures that were outside your incisions and cut them. Me being ocd about sterility (I work in the OR) I waited a couple weeks till I was fealing better and took my home scissors to work and sterlized them then once home I tugged on the suture and as I went to cut the suture it broke and I didn't even need the scissors!
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