Ulcer after bypass?

on 7/29/11 1:00 pm
Had surgery on 6/21. The first two weeks went exactly as planned. No real hiccups, and not too much pain. I felt I was recovering well. I went back to work, and my first day back was in the bathroom with blood coming out both ends. I called the Dr. and he said it is normal after surgery to have this problem, that sometimes blood pools in areas and eventually it's like a scab ripping off and has to go somewhere. Makes sense I guess.... but this problem continued for the next three weeks. One night I threw up so much blood in my bathroom I passed out on the bathroom floor, and had to call 911 when I woke up. SCARY STUFF! My blood count went way down, and I had to get 4 blood transfusions. I was in the hospital for 5 days, and underwent several tests to try and figure out what was wrong, and they found nothing. Once I was stable, they sent me home. I was home for one day before it all started again. I was admitted to the hospital again for another 5 days and had another 2 blood transfusions, and FINALLY they found an ulcer in my pouch. They cotterized it, and they are treating me with meds, protonix and carafate. I have been home for 3 days now, and lastnight I started to vomit blood again. I went to have my blood drawn to check counts and I'm ok for now. Has anybody else had this problem? Are there other ways to fix this other than just treating it with meds? I am so tired all the time, and so weak. It wears me out just to take a shower. BLAH. Several people have told me to get a second opinion, but I don't know anything about ulcers. I mean I have my bypass sergeon and the gastro Dr. both working on me. They seem to have the same opinion. Anybody have any info they can share? I hope I'm not alone! Please help.
If there is a bright side at all to this story......... it is I'm down 56 lbs! However, I'm having a lot of regrets right now! I just want my life back!
Thanks a bunch!


on 7/29/11 1:40 pm - NC

I don't have any advice but I hope that everything gets better soon.  I will be praying for you. 
on 7/29/11 1:45 pm
Thanks honey! I'll take all the prayers I can get! (((hugs)))


on 7/29/11 9:58 pm - Niceville, FL
 I have an ulcer, but it has never been a bleeding or perforated ulcer. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not get complacent and NOT go to the hospital when you begin to vomit blood. I have NO medical training whatsoever, just so ya know, but even I know that vomitting blood is a very serious situation and I would never let that go. Second opinions I do know about, and they have worked out to my benefit every single time I have sought one out. 
on 7/29/11 10:42 pm - FARGO, ND
I just got back from the hospital yesterday and found that I have 2 ulcers. Now, they aren't causing me to vomit blood or anything, but my doc said if you vomit blood come in immediately! I know these are the worst in the world. When I ate that half of a spicy buffalo wing and felt like I was going to die it was too much to handle. I ended up in the ER overnight only to find out...we can't find out whats wrong with you. lol. I went in to my surgeons office the next day, he did an egd and found em. They have been biopsied and he gave a prilosec prescription and told me to stop injesting coffee, spicy/acidic foods, alcohol, soda etc...and go on liquids for a week. Meaning basically milk and water are left but I'm just glad to no longer be in pain. All I've heard is changing your lifestyle, again, and taking prescriptions is the only way...but if yours are causing you to vomit blood I would definitely get a 2nd opinion because there is no way that is normal. Good luck!

"The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live."

on 7/29/11 11:43 pm
 I did not have any bleeding, but I did have an ulcer. The ulcer developed at about my 1 month mark and too****il about my 4th month to heal. The pain was horrible and was so bad I could not even drink water. All I could eat for several weeks was apple sauce with Prilosec sprinkled on top (Doctor's orders) I also took Carafate 4x a day. I had no appetite whatsoever and the thought of eating made me physically sick! 
As time passed, the ulcer healed and one day I woke up to no pain and was actually hungry. Now, I can eat, don't get sick and have boundless energy! Up until month 4, I deeply regretted getting the surgery because of being so sick and exhausted all of the time. Now, I am extremely happy I got the surgery. I am very happy with my weight loss. I know I would not have lost as much weight if I had not had the ulcer. I guess that is a positive side effect from all of the suffering I went through with the ulcer.
Hang in there, it will get better!
Carla M.
on 7/30/11 12:29 am
RNY on 02/21/11 with
I have a really bad ulcer, but it has never caused me to vomit blood. I would definitely get a second opinion. I'm sure it's perferated and you are bleeding internally or something. They've been worried about that with me every time they scope. All I can say is, something is definitely wrong and you need to have someone else check it out too.

Hope you feel better soon!
on 7/30/11 3:19 am
Thanks everybody for the 411...... guess I need to get a second opinion.
Weird thing is.... I've never had any pain with this ulcer. Will keep taking the meds for now and hope for no more blood loss! BLAH!
Hope ya'all have a great weekend!


on 7/30/11 6:23 am - harrisburg, PA
Please don't play with that.. When my ulcer started to bleed I had which felt like a mild stomach virus in my lower stomach...That started on a Friday, Saturday night I had eaten dinner and thew up what looked like bright red blood.. However, I contributed it to the Crystal light fruit punch I was drinking.. Then Sunday morning I went to get up to go to the bathroom and felt like i was going to pass out.. So I layed back down and asked my husband to the bathroom.. Now from saturday i had dark stools but contributed that to the two snickers I ate of my hisband( bite size I mind you..lol) Anywhoo.. on my way back from bathroom I knew something was wrong I hollered to my husband to call an ambulance something was wrong.. I get to the ER felt fine they took me for a CT Scan with contrast and I was sitting in the bed texting people. Then I had gotten up to go to the bathroom.. and on the way there as my husband was pushing me in a wheelchair i started to scream put me in the bed.. hurry up hurry up... Then he said my head went back and he said when he looked down all he seen was a puddle of blood... He said that I was out for about 30 minutes before I finally came around... I can remember being out of my body watching the nurses working on me and the doctor standing in the corner watching as the nurses try to stabilize me. They had to move me out of that room due to so much blood over the room. I ended up in MSICU and they had to Cauterize the ulcer which was at the site of the bypass and after 4 units of blood and 5 days in MSICU then 5 more days on the floor they let me go home.. Then it happened again in Novemeber but I knew the symptoms this time before it got bad. I spend 7 days in the hospital that time... They treated me with Carafate and protonix... they said the ulcer was gone a few weeks later when I went back for an EGD.. However it acts up sometimes for no reason,,  I dont do spicy food but it will act up anytime anywhere but I know that if I see blood it is to the closest ER immediately...  So please please don't sit back and think blood is normal get to the ER NOW!!!!

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