work and my RNY

on 8/5/11 12:43 pm - NC
I am having problems drinking enough and eating my meals every 3 to 4 hours due to work. Do I really need to worry about this since I am almost 15 weeks post op? I am almost at my goal, or at least what my goal was when I had my RNY. I have already beaten my doctors pre surgery goal weight.
on 8/5/11 12:53 pm
I'd say to keep at it and try. The real goal is good health, not just weight loss.  It's not worth much if over the long term you don't take in enough fluids and don't get enough nutrition.  Thin and weak isn't much to look forward to.  I struggle some days too (okay more than some) but I just keep at it.Good luck!

on 8/5/11 1:43 pm - Gaylord, MN
I think you need to get your fluids, protein, etc. in.  I don't know if it is necessary to eat meals every three or four hours during work as long as you are able to meet your body's needs, you are not getting super hungry during the day, etc.  I eat three meals per day with snacks.  I often use protein bars to help bring protein consumption up.  They are easy for me to eat when I am on the road, between clients, etc.  I always have a bottle of water nearby and keep packets of flavor for my water both in my desk drawer and in my car.  Do remember, however, that the first year or two is the time to establish healthy life long eating habits.  If you do not do that you risk gaining much of your weight back.

on 8/5/11 4:13 pm - Joppa, MD
First of all Congrats!  Fantastic job.

And yes you need to worry about your fluids now.  Pretty sure you will always have to make sure you are getting enough fluids in.  We dehydrate more easily now.  And you run a risk of getting kidney stones if you don't get enough fluids. 

I have had the kidney stones since surgery and both times I had let my fluid intake slide prior to the incident.  And I have dehydrated a couple of times.  Not pleasant really and it takes awhile to get your fluids back up where you need them. 

And your protein.  Got to get your protein.  As far as eating every 3-4 hours, I don't know.   I eat 3 meals with an afternoon snack.  That's what works for me.  My surgeon's plan has us on a straight 3 meals a day but I work 8-6 & around 3ish I really need something. 


on 8/5/11 9:04 pm - NC
 I am getting my protein in by supplementing with a protein shake or a protein pudding. I guess the main problem is not getting enough water. I keep a bottle of water in my drawer at work. The main problem is I forget to drink because I am so busy. I have not been hungry. I had blood work done a couple of weeks ago and all my levels were perfect.
Price S.
on 8/5/11 10:07 pm - Mills River, NC
Fluid is very important, especially in this heat.  I do 3 cups, my decaf coffee with protein, before work, then have a 20oz bottle of water or tea or something before lunch, before afternoon snack and before dinner and my before bed protein drink.  Then I stop or I would be up all night peeing. The need for fluid will never stop, goal or not.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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