Scared about a possible 2nd surgery

on 9/8/11 2:29 pm - somewhere...., SC
well..I'm four years post op and after not seeing my doctor for like 2 years I finally went back! After getting my upper G.I. done they think I have a possible fistula....OMG I am slightly freaking out. Has anyone else experienced this? how was surgery for it? the complications? Weight loss afterwards? (I have regained some weight) I go to the doctor on monday to get everything situated but I'm just AGAIN? 
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/8/11 3:06 pm - OH
Although no one ever wants to have additional surgeries, I am sure your surgeon will not do it unless you really need it. 

I have not had to have any additional surgeries directly related to the RNY itself, but have had an incisional hernia repair (my RNY was open), a tummy tuck (which turned necrotic), and just had surgery last Tuesday to removed adhesions and the mesh put in during the hernia repair because my bowel was attached to the mesh by some scar tissue.  I personally have not lost any weight after my additional surgeries, but I have also made it a point to get in extra protein before and after surgery in order to speed up the healing process (and extra protein means additional calories).  Some people lose weight after surgery because they are not hungry and therefore don' eat much (but if you don;t get enough protein from your food to ssupport the healing process, your health may suffer (and you may lose some hair) so I have always forced myself to get the protein in.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 9/8/11 4:04 pm - somewhere...., SC
 Thanks for your input and advice!!! I hope everything continues to get better for you!! Good luck with everything
on 9/9/11 6:07 am - Arlington, TX
 I had surgery 10/2008 and was just diagnosed with a fistula.  I too am worried about additional surgery but know that I don't want to put back on the weight I have loss.  The doctor is waiting til Nov to make a decision.  I have put on 30 lbs since Dec 2010.  I probably needed to gain 20 of those but don't need more.
I have read everything I can.  My regular doctor thinks I need to do it sooner than later because if it leaks, it is an emergency.
I hope someone will answer your questions and let us know what to expect.  I know mine will be open due to mesh for hernia and adhesions.
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