Carbs from fruit, veg, dairy...

on 10/16/11 6:22 am - TN
 whats your take on these? I LOVE yogurt...ive always liked it but since surgery I cant get enough. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the great value brand from walmart banana and strawberry low fat yogurt, I mix it with a big pinch of frosted flakes cereal(surely that amnt cant hurt?) to add crunch, or sometimes I put 1/2 a serving of raw almonds in it. I also LOVE cheese and eat a lot of it either in salads or as snack, or ill take turkey and spread some avacado on it and roll around a string cheese for lunch. And I like my veggies too, live off salads lately. All these tho have a LOT of sugar and carbs...but my thinking is carbs from fruit, dairy and veggies isnt as bad for you as those foudn in processed foods so Im not really worrying about *those* carbs. I recently watched a video of a post op(2yrs i think) and her outlook on carbs is this. If you are goaling towards at least 60-80g of protein a day, and keep your calories say under 1100 or so (depending on how far out you are) and you stick to those two goals then the fat and carbs etc fall into place on their own and im noticing shes pretty right on with that. Its helped me to stop stressing over carbs so much. I dont do pasta, rarely do rice and when i do its a VERY tiny bit, and rarely do bread and when i do its whole wheat or multi grain. But do you view those "natural carbs" from fruit dairy and veggies?
on 10/16/11 7:19 am, edited 10/16/11 7:20 am
Two years out is one thing IMO but 6 months out is another. IMO I was inclined to be more strict in the begining and in that way I made it to goal without a problem. Soon your weightloss will hit a slow down and then it might be harder to get to the goal you have set for yourself.  I would avoid frosted flakes, stick to greek yogurt as it has more protein and fewer carbs , skip the bread skip the rice et****il you get where you want to be. than I would consider adding things to maintain.......

" Oh you who love clear edges more than the edges that blurr."
on 10/16/11 7:57 am

The food guidelines I got from my Nut included "healthy carbs" from pretty early out.  Refined sugars are a different story.  I would try something else to add crunch to your yogurt -- I can't make any suggestions because I've only had cereal once post-op and it didn't go well.  Fruits & veggies I eat pretty much unlimited amounts if I have either met my protein goals or know that I will.  But, I'm in maintenance. 

High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
on 10/16/11 8:10 am
I agree with the others.  What I ate when I was losing is completely different now that I am trying to maintain.  I kept my carbs around 50 grams when I was losing, all from natural sources like fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grains.  Obviously not a lot of those things since I couldn't eat much.  After I hit my goal I went up to about 100 grams a day, again nothing refined, just natural sources.  Now I don't even count them.  Well I do because it's on my tracker but I don't worry about them.  I seem to get about 125 to 150 a day now.
For me as long as I stay away from refined carbs I do fine but that is because I have a problem limiting them.  I can't eat them moderately at all.  Every time I regained weight after a big weight loss it was because I tried to eat them moderately and I failed so I choose to learn from my mistakes and not try it again.  I dump anyway so refined sugar is out.  I also eat gluten free now and that seems to work well for me.  My biggest problems were always sugar and things with wheat in it, especially bread.  It didn't matter if it was whole grain or not.  So I just stay away from them, although I have had gluten free bagels and didn't have a problem with them.  In fact I decided not to buy any more because of the cost and it was no big deal.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 10/16/11 8:12 am - Germantown, MD
 At 6 mo out, I tolerate all veggies & dairy well but fruits are another story. The only fruit I'm ok with, in small servings, is strawberries & that I only add to my greek yogurt. The bulk of my intake is protein, then dairy, then veggies. The math does add up if you focus on protein first and only getting 1000-1200 calories, then you really don't have much of a buget for other carbs. But I'm very strict on total carbs - no more than 50g, even from dairy/veggies. I've not had ANY sugar or refined carbs for the past year, before my pre-op diet.

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/16/11 8:57 am - OH
I agree with the others... you should probably limit the fruit and veggie carbs until you are further out (close to goal).  Notice that I did NOT say eliminate them, just limit them.  There are people here who will tell you to FOREVER severely restrict your carbs regardless of whether the source is whole grains, fruits, veggies, sugar, or white flour products.  (I find it curious that some of the anti-carb folks give dairy products a pass...) 

I firmly believe, though, that the vitamins, minerals, and fiber that you get from fruits and veggies and whole grains are well worth their carb content (especially the fiber!!!).  I get much of my protein from dairy products, and I do eat fruits and veggies and whole grains, so my carbs are probably higher than some folks (it has been a while since I tracked them), but I have been able to maintain my weight loss eating them (and I am 4 years out).  I do significantly limit the "white carbs", though.  I had surgery in order to lose weight, to develop a healthy and balanced diet, and to be able to eat like a relatively normal person (and eating any fruits or veggies is part of that).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Samantha L.
on 10/16/11 9:49 am - Petaluma, CA
 Agreed.  I didn't have surgery to be on a "diet" forever, but to relearn how to eat and limit my portions a bit.  
  The question shouldn't be "Is it ok?" but "Is it ok with YOU?".   How is your weightloss, well being, labs, etc?  If all of those things are going well, then as long as you feel in control of the carbs you are eating (like if the pinch of FF STAYS a pinch and doesn't become a 1/2 cup), why not?  I hate to use the "You aren't cheating anyone but yourself" phrase because it always sounds to me like " *I* don't care, because the only person you are screwing over is yourself.", but honestly.. it is really about your comfort with your weightloss.  
  If your weightloss stalls (and it will), will you be able to give up those little extras to get back on track?  If so.. meh.. crunch away!!

on 10/16/11 10:01 am
Honestly, I don't pay attention to the carbs in fruits and vegetables.  My focus is on getting my daily protein and fluids.  I throw in some fruits and veggies, cheese, yogurt and try to keep my "carbs" to whole grains (a few whole grain crackers, pita chips, or a piece of toast).  I honestly am unable to do any pasta/rice, but occassionally I'll have some whole grain cous cous.  That being said I am 18 months out, and everyone's nutritionist is different.

My favorite way to add crunch to my yogurt is by adding some Go Lean Crunch (honey almond).  It also has the most protein of any cereal on the market.  Good luck.
                    3/24/10 - 297 lbs the day of surgery    
on 10/16/11 10:16 am - TN
 I just have such a hard time with the carbs....try as I may i always go over 50g per day. I cant eat straight meat 24/7....ive never been able to tolerate much meat. Its gotten to the point where when I start to put any kind of meat towards my mouth I start to feel the gag joke. My loss has stalled...ive been stuck in the 260's for over a month altho the last few days ive dropped 2 lbs. Im driving myself crazy with the #'s for this and the #'s for that...its consuming me really is. Im almost back to where i was a few months ago when i pposted so much about hating food because everything made me sick, well now i hate food because I feel im either making the worng choices (which theyre still WAY healthier than post op) or its like if i cant have something I want then I just wont eat at all. Im getting so frustrated and depressed over it.I miss having variety I guess. ....that and having to constantly watch some damn  on the label of some food. I knew this was part of it, so plz dont jump me  and be critical...but like anything that you prepare yourself for, when it becomes reality its still hard to deal with. I dont like feeling like im dieting. I just want to eat healthy, and I think I am. I dont eat candy, chocolate, pasta...i literaly eat klike 2 slices of whole wheat a month if that much. I dont eat fried food or processed junk. But i still feel like im effing this whole thing up majorly. Ugh...
Samantha L.
on 10/16/11 10:25 am - Petaluma, CA
 According to your ticker you have lost a whopping 114 pounds!!  I HARDLY call that "F-ing the whole thing up".   You are doing a wonderful job.  The fact that you are aware of what you put in your mouth says a lot.  
  Don't diet.  Eat healthy.   Get small plates and just try to make sure that your protein is about 1/2 of the food you have on your plate.  Then, 1/4 veggies and 1/4 (or less) your carb of choice.  (veggies with cheese would be the veggie AND the carb).  Eat the protein first.  
  I know a long timer that says "I don't count anything except my protein.  If I get my 100g a day in, the rest sort of falls in place."  Combine that with a very simple "Only healthy carbs" and it's less of a diet and more of an awareness. 
  If you are having trouble with meat, Kelly is really the person to talk to.  (Of course, I think that Kelly is the person to talk to about MOST things RnY).  I'm sure she could suggest some high protein choices that won't turn your stomach.  
  Stop beating yourself up.  Seriously.  


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