One year anniversary! Twelve observations.

on 11/7/11 9:41 am, edited 11/7/11 9:47 am
So I'm one year (and four days) post-op, and have had time to reflect:

1) I'm 126 pounds lighter than I was at my all-time record high of approximately 293.

2) My before and after pictures are staggering, particularly "before." Damn, was I fat.

3) My high blood pressure is now normal, sometimes a little low; my high-ish blood sugar is now normal. My other numbers are terrific. My vitamin levels (as of my check three mos. ago) are good.

4)I've almost gotten used to the loose skin and friends don't notice the horrific neck that I see whenever I look in the mirror.

5)I almost never get sick, whereas I used to get sick every week or two. That's partly because I know whta to avoid and partly because I think my pouch is stretching.

6) I'm back on coffee! Had two cups today; a record.

7) I don't exercise as much as I should. This is a problem.

8) I worry about my honeymoon period coming to an end, because I find myself eating more than I should without geting sick (see No. 5)

9) People I last saw pre-op don't recognize me. Happened just today. "Can I help you?" said a guy who was actually expecting me.

10) Lastly (just to make this a ten-list), it's odd but I don't feel dramatically different. Yes I know I lost six bags of kitty litter. But I only really notice the change in weight when I need to squeeze into a subway seat and find I don't have to squeeze, or when  I walk lengthy distances and find I don't get even slightly winded.  I thnk the body adjusts in both directions.

11)  OK,  make this an eleven-list. Last but not least, I can buy clothes again!

12) Editing to make it twelve. Last but not least, I'm not fat for the first time since my age was in the single digits.

Highest weight: approx. 293
Pre-fast weight: 284
Surgery weight: 274
Lowest weight:163
Current weight:182 

Trish S.
on 11/7/11 9:50 am - Upstate , NY
That's quite a list!!!  Congratulations on your successes!!!!  Thank you for reminding me of all the things that I will be able to do when I'm finally post-op.  You are an inspiration.  Thank you for posting this....... Keep up the good work and again, congrats!
“I think everyone should be told they’re beautiful until they believe it.?
on 11/7/11 9:54 am
You know, it's been such a dramatic change in my personhood that sometimes I just have to sit back and reflect. Usually people ask me and I downplay the effect, but that's a lie and they know it.
on 11/7/11 10:16 am
Great job!  Where are the pictures?

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 11/7/11 10:53 am
Oh, I'm much too shy. Maybe I'll do it after blanking out my face (though the face is the best part).

Highest weight: approx. 293
Pre-fast weight: 284
Surgery weight: 274
Lowest weight:163
Current weight:182 

on 11/7/11 1:34 pm
Awesome list. Congrats on your success. I WANT TO SEE PICS.... U have worked hard and you deserve it.
Liz J.
on 11/7/11 2:15 pm - Woonsocket, RI
pic-tures! !  pic-tures! !   
Bonnie Reinhardt
on 11/8/11 12:41 am - Anaheim, CA
RNY on 06/23/11 with
Great job!  You are an inspiration!
on 11/8/11 1:13 am, edited 11/8/11 1:15 am
Thanks for all the encouraging replies! But really, it was no effort, just doing what the doctor ordered (and not even all of that).

Next I'll post my no-sugar pie recipes! (My latest internet discovery, a no-sugar, no-artificial-sweetener pumpkin pie, is in the oven right now.)

I'll think about photos, maybe with my face fuzzed out.

Highest weight: approx. 293
Pre-fast weight: 284
Surgery weight: 274
Lowest weight:163
Current weight:182 

on 11/8/11 6:03 am
 Sounds like you are quite aware of some of the pitfalls. I'm sure you will be closely watching yourself. I love your long term goal. (maintenance!) Good luck and congrats!


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