VENT Time...Am I wrong???

on 11/16/11 3:27 am
OK, the people who know that I have had surgery are  the ones I told.  Everyone else, well screw them.  But yes it's visible that I have lost weight, but no one ask so I'm not going to offer up my private info.  But this one lady at work has been fishing for information.  Ever now and again she mentions about my weight going down and how good I look I say thank you and keep it moving. 
Well today we had a Thanksgiving lunch and I made me a small plate of food and sat down to eat and she sits next to me.  I sighed, not because of the food, I just had a lot of work to do and was frustrated cause my Internet went down.  She ask what's wrong I say nothing and she said I 'm made cause everybody made big plates and I can only eat a little bit of food.  I was like no and explained why.  Then she goes into how a friend of hers girlfriend had the surgery like I did to loose weight and I said huh, what are you talking about? She said you know the surgery you had to loose weight and I was like what surgery?  But she ignored that and kept talking about how the lady just eats anything she lost 100lbs but is eating all this food and that she's going to gain it back.  I just shook my head and said wow.  And I said well I go to my trainer and am on a strict diet of what I can and can't eat. And how I wish I could have that surgery, but insurance won't pay for it. 
Yes, I was wrong to lie but for her to fish for information, my thing is if you want to know ask me.  Anyone who has asked I told them.  I am kinda pissed, but at the same time I'm like whatever I LOOK GOOD!!!!
HW:306  SW:291  CW: 265  GW:165      
on 11/16/11 3:37 am
 Your right it's no ones problem but urs , just keep doing what u do and forget every one eles.. I'm just like that I just told my family and that's all when I start showing my weight off all I'll say is thank u  So don't worry about it to much
(deactivated member)
on 11/16/11 3:39 am - AL
She was real bold for that mess and you were not wrong to lie. It is not her business and you are absolutely correct, if she wants to know, she can ask. Some people kill me with doing the most.
on 11/16/11 3:57 am
this is off topic but kim you and I had our surgerys very close to one another.  Mine was done on 6/15/11. 
Cheryl D.
on 11/16/11 9:34 am - Wapakoneta, OH
RNY on 06/15/11 with
Mine was done 6/15/11 also.  I have lost 93 lbs. so far.  I still have a ways to go, but, I do feel so much better.
on 11/16/11 9:55 pm
oh we were the exact same day.  I have lost 88lbs so far and I have a ways to go as well but I'm doin it one day at a time.
on 11/16/11 4:00 am - IL
I would have done the exact same thing.  It's never of her damn business!!  She was desparately trying to find out just how you're losing that weight.  If anyone asks, say you are on a medically supervised diet and have a NUT.  That always shuts up people who ask me.  I have only told a few people.  I told no one on my husbands side of the family.  My MIL tried to get me to say how much weight I've lost just yesterday.  She said that she's telling people I've lost "80" lbs.  I didn't respond.  So she asked if I'd share how much I've lost.  I said "no, I don't care to share.  Only my husband knows."  I didn't tell her 'cause it's none of her business!  You have every right to be pissed off.  You keep doing what you're doing.  Nosy people need to keep their mouths shut.  And I HATE it when people are watching what you're putting on your plate.  When my MIL comments on the little amount of food on my plate, I respond by saying "how do you think I've gotten so thin?"  Let that co-worker stew over the fact that you didn't give her what she was fishing for, LOL! 
                        HW: 307  SW:  254  CW: 177 GW: 150
on 11/16/11 4:09 am - IL
some people are just messy and miserable.

you handled it like a pro....good luck to you
on 11/16/11 4:21 am - OH
Was it wrong to lie?  Well, I don't think you owed your coworker any info about your private medical stuff, and I'm not sure it really matters one way or the other if you lied about it.  It sounds like it did not have the desired effect, though.  Personally, I prefer not to lie.  If someone asks me a question I don't want to answer, I just say "I prefer not to talk about that" and then change the subject.  If they keep asking after I've said that, I leave.  Like, I would not have left work but I would have gotten up and sat somewhere else.  I did leave a friend's house once, pre op, when she kept going on and on about how much weight I'd gained (how rude is that?).  She was really mad I left, we had planned a visit for a while and I was supposed to stay over the weekend, but I just didn't want to put up with it.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/16/11 4:29 am - Fort Campbell, KY
I'd probably have lied too, simply because it is not her business, and if shes really that worried about it, she should have come out and ASKED not made a big deal and just assumed it. Rude!
Morgan  My Blog
Proud Army Wife! 

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