Can't get used to the pain

on 12/15/11 9:54 pm
First of all, thanks to everyone *****sponded to my last post! Your stories were incredibly inspiring, and I definitely clung to them before my surgery.

I'm five days out and did not anticipate being in this much pain. I read posts on this board that make post-op sound like a piece of cake! I was screaming through my raw throat and begging the nurse to give me morphine. Even on pain meds, the pain never really goes away. If I knew how much and how long I was going to be in agony I would never have done this. There's a big difference between knowing intellectually that something is going to hurt and actually experiencing it. I go to sleep in pain and wake up in pain. I can't get used to it, I can't get away from it, and it's driving me up the wall. I've been walking, deep-breathing, meditating, doing everything I' supposed to do religiously, and while my pain levels are decreasing incrementally every day I'm still constantly hurting. I know that it will be worth it, but again, there's a difference between knowing something intellectually and actually experiencing it -- especially because there's obviously no real difference in my body shape yet.

I hope I don't come across as a whiny brat. I guess I just want to know if there's anyone out there who's in the same boat. 
on 12/15/11 10:29 pm
My first week was tough also...I should start getting better! Hope you feel better soon!
on 12/15/11 10:34 pm - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I've had multiple abdominal surgeries. The RNY was the most painful one I went thru.

The good news is tho, it will pass. You will heal and feel so much better.

Your life will change drastically. Be ready for anything.

Welcome to the losers bench.

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
on 12/15/11 11:53 pm - TN
I'm 1 week post-op right now and still have some pain.  Every day it does get better, though.

Mostly, it just feels like I pulled a muscle on my left side under my ribs.  I guess it's possible that I did that by moving my fat butt around and getting out of bed in the hospital. :)

Good luck and even though mine's not gone yet, I know it gets better!

HW: 330   SW 314   CW 262   GW 130      
on 12/16/11 12:45 am - TX
If this continues, i would contact your surgeon to see if something is wrong. I had pain the fisrt day and some the next evening, but that was it. Wihin 4 days I was off pain meds and I went back to work part time after 1 week. i will go back to normal work on Monday. I dont think you should be in this much pain. 5 others that I know from my surgeon's office had less pain that i did and mine was not much of an issue at all.
on 12/16/11 12:54 am - Ashland, KY
 The thing you have to realize is that pain meds are not meant to take away the pain completely, it is only meant for it to make it tolerable.   If it took away the pain completely then how would you know when something is wrong?   Pain is the body's way of letting you know something isn't right.  If you are in extreme pain even after taking pain meds then i would most certainly contact your surgeon.   They want to see your pain levels go down not shoot up.    
on 12/16/11 3:09 am - Hilliard, OH

Alot has to do with you tolerances of pain which everyone is different. Some people you could cut their arm offf and they would keep right on going and never say a word others  go biserk at the slightest scratch. I personally had no pain at all after the surgery. But I hated the first three days with a passion and said I wouldn't have done it if I had realized what I would go thru my weakness? I had to go a total of 72hrs with water It about killed me I could rinse my mouth out but not swallow. man when they first gave me ice I felt like  I could have lived just that it was so good lolhang in there it will get better

on 12/16/11 4:20 am
 My discomfortment was more of an achiness and sleeping was a little hard but can't say that I had serious pain.  It took 2 weeks for it to be gone entirely but like the previous post, some people tolerate pain differently.  Have you tried Tylenol?  It usually works for me. Hang in there and keep smiling.  Definitely call your doctor.
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