I cant be trusted around food :(

on 12/21/11 2:34 pm - TN
I cant...I just cant. because I can pretty much tolerate anything damn it and i have NO will power :(. This is why i wanted surgery, i wanted to be a dumper like so many are yet NOTHING makes me sick. My only saving grace at this point is the fact that I cnat eat nearly as much as i used to. WTF is wrong with me!? Im 8 mo post op, down over 130 lbs....I tried so long and hard to get this surgery and NOW look at how Im sabotaging myself! Im so mad at myself right now I could scream....anyone who says food isnt addicting is a damn idiot. I have a problem damn it ...every bit as bad as drugs no joke....:( 
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/21/11 2:49 pm - OH
Unfortunately, now you understand why many of us vets so strongly encourage newbies to get into counseling to address the emotional and psychological issues that contribute to the overeating behaviors... because the surgery does NOT fix those.  Let's face it, if ANY of us had adequate willpower, we would not have needed the surgery.  I have been able to gain some measure of control over what I eat through counseling, but I still cannot have cookies in the house because I will eat every damn one in a short period of time!  I have NO self-control when it comes to cookies, so I simply cannot have them in the house.  That really does help... simply not having unhealthy things available to eat.

Only 30% of RNYers dump, so the odds are significantly against you being a dumper from the very beginning (and some people who dump early out lose it to one degree or another down the road)... which is why we warn people not to COUNT on dumping to keep you from eating certain foods.  Even some of us who DO dump only do it with a LOT of sugar.... way too many calories to ingest!

The problem is that a drug addict does not have to have drugs to survive, but everyone needs to eat!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 12/21/11 4:05 pm - PA
RNY on 12/31/13
 worse than drugs, we gotta eat to survive
i borrowed this from theworldaccordingtoeggface:

Don't trade what you want most, for what you want at the moment.

today i was able to not buy a cookie at panera, i was sweating and salivating but grew a small piece of willpower, said this to myself twenty times at least,

i won't eat that cookie, i want to be healthy!

on 12/21/11 4:38 pm
While I fully acknowledge that food addiction is in fact very real for some people.  I never really considered myself a food addict.  And I'd get pretty angry at OPRAH for suggesting that overweight people are large because of some sort of psychological issue with food.  This is not the case for everyone. People learn eating habits culturally, and behaviors are learned in families.  There are diets high in rice  and fat that work for people in their native land, and then when they move to the USA and get into our sedentary society, their own cultural food proves to be overwhelming and they find themselves gaining.  

 I like food that tastes good with satiety  (which is always usually high calorie , high fat, high carb food). However, I hear stories about folks pre-surgery eating until they couldnt breathe, or until they threw up, or just eating for the heck of it.   That was never my problem, so I was always unsure how the surgery would affect me. I'd eat 2 to 3 square meals a day , and rarely snacked between. However, the meals were greasy, an fatty, and full of carbs (ie. greasy pork  fried rice more than a cup with some sort of greasy meat on top and a sweet drink).  Well when you factor this in 2x's a day plus breakfast, it was easily over 3,000 calories a day.  My body over the years began to store weight. Gain 10 pounds a year, and in 10 years, you have gained 100 pounds.  The worst thing I've ever done to my body was to "crash diet". It ruined my metabolism to the point that I couldnt even a normal calorie diet and lose.

How surgery has affected me most thus far, is that I do very very minimal sugar. Whereas previously I'd literally put up to 12 sugars in a cup of coffee and this is every single day.  Now, I'm not sure whether I am a dumper or not, and I never really wanted to push the issue. I SUSPECT  that I'll dump, but I have eaten quaker maple and brown sugar oatmeal and when you factor in the sugars from the milk 12 and the cereal 9 it totals up to 21 grams of sugar, and I haven't dumped thus far.  I haven't gone over 21 grams of sugar though because I don't wanna  be sick.  Also, I can never sit and eat a whole bowl of the cereal, so Im not even really getting the 21 grams in yet.

I typed a novel, mainly venting for myself. I think that it's good to  know what your triggers are, and perhaps you will need some therapy to find that out. You won't be able to stay away from food so the best that you can do is not keep really suductive offending foods in your home. And just remember how bad you felt physically when you were 100 pounds heavier.

Because my issue was with drinking sweet drinks, I worry about losing my dumping affect. I think I dump because I once shoved a piece of starbucks coffee cake in my mouth ( which ended up getting stuck / lodged) and I threw it up so I wasnt sure if I was dumping or if making a desperate post-op move made me ill.  I ate that Starbucks coffee cake to see if I could dump, and then changed my mind after barfing my guts out and havent eaten anything sweet again. I felt I'll for some time afterwards so I think I do dump.


Highest Weight: 314, Pre-Op Weight: 294, Surgical Weight: 279, 1st Goal Weight: 170, 2nd Goal Weight: 155, Current Weight:163

on 12/21/11 6:36 pm
I agree with you too.  What you described, calories wise in your meals pre op, would cause weight gain.  You will be very successful at this.  I too love good food, but unfortunately learned very early in life that food was a huge source of comfort in my out-of-control family of origin.  While I became aware of my food use for that purpose as an adult, I did not understand it as a child.  So it is not surprising that need to medicate went from food, to drugs and alcohol abuse back to food. 

It is so true what you said about the cultural differences and what often happens once people to come this country.  We supersize so much in this country.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/21/11 9:09 pm - OH
The natural sugars in the milk are very unlikely to make you dump (or to contribute to dumping on the 9g of sugar in the cereal).  So do NOT assume that you can eat up to 21g of processed sugar without dumping, because that assumption could result in a severe case of dumping!  The sugars from fruits are also unlikely to cause dumping (but more likely than the milk).

Although I agree that not ALL obese people need counseling, all of the studies indicate that the vast majority of people who become morbidly obese DO have emotional or psychological issues that contribute to their obesity and would greatly benefit from some counseling to address those issues.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 12/22/11 1:44 am
 I'm sure that there are in fact studies out there that indicate that the Vast Majority of people who become morbidly obese do have emotional or psychological issues, however I'm still am not convinced that this is accurate.  In GENERAL, I believe that the medical community still has a lack of understanding of why some people become obese besides the general (calories in / calories out) factor.  They don't seem to grasp the reasons for the metabolic factor . I suspect that we will gain more information on this topic as time progresses.  At least we've gotten to the point where medicine is beginning to admit a physiological addiction to carbs, high fat etc (ie. the body will crave more and more of these foods whether the mind wants them or not, if you eat the foods frequently). Previously, they felt that if you were fat, you were just fat because you lacked some sort of willpower. 

It is clear that the poster of this thread acknowledges a psychological connection and lack of will power with food, so what you talk about is very relevant to her particular story in regards to there being an emotional / psychological connection. But I still  think that people have to be careful not to let other's write their story for them.  I also believe that the majority of people can benefit from counseling or support groups whether or not they believe that they medicated with food or not. I think Weigh****chers understood this concept for many years, if you have support and can identify with someone who has a similar story to yourself I think you can be successful in supporting each other.  Although Weigh****chers always worked to take the weight off of me. I'd always go back to old ways at some point, so I needed additional help to keep me on track. Hence the surgery for me.  
on 12/21/11 6:25 pm
You are sooooo right.  I cannot tell you how much food I have trashed since the Holidays began.  My house can be filled with pies, cookies and other goodies, and my family can take it or leave it.  They usually leave it.   I on the other hand....  Following Thanksgiving I had multiple pies on my table and I seemed to be the only one eating them multiple times per day.  I got up the day after Thanksgiving and tossed them all in the garbage.  Did it again last week.  Food is addicting, and like you I WAMTED to dump.  I don't.  It is entirely up to us now, and I watch the scale like a hawk.  I have to.

on 12/21/11 7:28 pm - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I try to not have things around the house that I can't eat. It's only my adult son and I so that is a bit easier than for most people.

I've also been eating a low carb diet. So I have learned to make things with almond meal, flax meal, and coconut flour. I also use carbquick sometimes. I use lots of davinci and torani syrups to change up the flavor of things.

It's much easier to say no when you have to fix it from scratch too. So instead of say having cookies around. Find a low carb cookie recipe and when you want a cookie make one. There are low carb recipes out there for a single cookie or a single muffin or a single cheesecake.

Make one of those when you are craving something.

Counseling also helps. Find someone you can trust and let them help you. This can be an addiction for some of us. Not everyone who is obese is a food addict but there are those who are. It's not a shame to get help. It's something to be proud of. You realize you needed it and got it.

Just the way I look at things. I hope you get this figured out and wish you the best of luck.

Met my first goal, met my second goal, met my surgeons goal. Now I have a new goal!
Michelle E.
on 12/22/11 10:56 am

Its a challenge.. everyday is an opportunity to be and do better. Everyday there are temptations.. some days I am great others not so much.. I dont beat myself up.. I just try to do better..

Today, I had only one protein shake. My goal was to have 3.. but one is better than none..

Is there anyway you can be kind to yourself? Instead of being mad and disappointed try.. getting a massage, pedicure, a walk, treat yourself to a nap, go for a stroll, buy some new music to be motivated by, pray or meditate, journal, Long soaking bath, hot cup of tea, a good book..Positive motivation goes farther... and does wonders for the self-esteem.

Its okay to fall off the wagon.. seek support.. as long as you're still in the fight that is all that matters.. reward yourself for all the efforts and awareness you have..

My weight easily fluctuates between 175-185..I dont dump either.. guess what .. its fine.. Its difficult during the Holidays and cold weather.. I promise you this that you are stronger than you realize.. no need to beat yourself up..

Here's a big hug from me to you..(((HUGS)))..


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