
on 1/2/12 12:30 pm
I love, love, LOVE sushi. Plus I go to a small liberal arts college where's it's the culinary cornerstone of our social lives. I've been googling around and couldn't find a clear consensus on whether or not sushi (specifically the RICE in sushi) was a bad idea for us post-ops. I'm just about 3 weeks out, and so far I've had a pouch of steel: no nausea, no vomiting, and I was moved to purees a week early. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to tolerate sushi -- I'm really concerned about whether or not the rice (brown or white) is a bad choice health-wise, even in such small amounts. My mother is concerned that it will expand in my pouch. 

So, thoughts? Do YOU eat sushi, or avoid it?
Ashley K.
on 1/2/12 12:43 pm - GA
Whenever I eat sushi, I just get them to make it without the rice. They can wrap it in cucumber or seaweed. My cousin, who also had RNY cannot tolerate rice at all. It put her in the hospital. So I'm just really afraid to try rice. Everyone's different, though. I just try to be on the save side and get it without the rice.
on 1/2/12 12:47 pm - Chandler, AZ
I am four and a half months out. I had sushi on Saturday night. Third time since surgery. First time was maybe a month after. I peel off a lot of the rice or get sashimi. Never had a problem with it - in fact, my dietitian says it's a good choice for RNYers because it's full of lean protein, and we can usually get it with brown or not rice.
"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

on 1/2/12 1:06 pm
 I've heard about the cucumber option, but I'm not a big fan of cukes. And sashimi sans rice is too much fish for me. :/
Michelle E.
on 1/2/12 3:21 pm
My thoughts.. avoid rice.  And dont test the limits of your pouch.. Its like opening padora's box. We all want you to be successful at this surgery now and later.. meaning 1 yr out, 2 years out etc...

on 1/2/12 10:18 pm
Sushi rice also has added sugar.  At 7 months out I had one piece that I made myself.  Other than that I snacked on the salmon and crab while the others ate it.
T. Deeds
on 1/2/12 10:35 pm
I've been eating sushi since very early out.  Compared with other dining out options, it's one of the better choices because it's portion controlled and can be lean. 


on 1/2/12 10:44 pm - New Carrollton, MD
RNY on 08/22/11 with
I LOVE sushi...but I get it without rice or I get sashimi.  I've had the sushi made with cucumbers and its not bad.  I'm also a fan of seared ahi tuna as well.
HW & SW: 363     Surgery date: 8/22/11    
Paula F.
on 1/3/12 2:27 am - Rochester Hills , MI
I didn't have the ok to eat rice at 3 wks out, but at my 3 month ck up was told I can eat what I want, but ideally still stay away from breads (no problem as I am gluten intolerant), pasta, rice in large amounts.  In su****here isn't that much rice and it's the only time I eat rice and only get sushi as an occasional treat.  Also, use the rice toward your carb count for the day, if you are told to track your carbs.

I would still worry about eating rice so early out though.  Since every program is different though, I would suggest you call your surgeon or your program's nutritionist or dietician for their opinion.

on 1/3/12 4:09 am - TN
I agree about checking with your nutritionist to see what he/she thinks, but I wanted to add something else.

Anytime I'm planning on trying a new food, I make sure I try it at home first before taking it to work or eating it out in public.  If your nutritionist is ok with you trying it, I would make some rice at home and try it there to make sure you can tolerate it.

I love sushi also, but plan on waiting quite awhile before I try it.  I've also had pretty much a pouch of steel.  I vomited once but that was my own fault because I knew I was eating too much as I was eating it. :)

Good luck, but definitely check with your nutritionist.

HW: 330   SW 314   CW 262   GW 130      
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