9 1/2 Years Post op RNY

Jerry R.
on 4/4/12 5:21 pm - Simi Valley, CA
 Here's my story:

RYN 10/2002, Starting weight 340.....now 9 1/2 years later maintaining @ 215-220.  I am 5-8 putting me at a BMI of ~32. 

Over the past 1.5 years I have lost the my ~20lbs that I had regained over the years but seem stuck at this point.  I am doing many of the right things.....managing my liquids, watching the amount of processed cabs, journal my food, overall eating a very healthy diet.  Not perfect, but very aware and doing well.

Long term complications include some micro nutrient deficiencies including slight anemia....the doctors don't seem too concerned.  I am taking iron supplements.  The most concerning complication is late dumping syndrome...."reactive hypoglycemia".  With limiting carbs and not having liquids while/after I eat events have been sporadic.  

I am within 5lbs of my lowest weight ever as an adult....however I would like to get down in the 180's.

I had an upper GI and was told that I have moderate stomal dialation.

I am considering a revision but am not certain it is the right choice, which procedure, and how it will affect the hypoglicemia issue.

I am considering RNY-RNY revision, ROSE or BOB.

My biggest concern is making things worse!  At this time I dont have any issues with eating/keeping food down....if I keep on track with the basics, my poch still works.....kind of.  Empties quickly though.

Anyone out there have similar issues?  Oppinions?

My advice to any newbies here...enjoy your honemoon, loose as much as you can now because one day you'll be back in the same boat where you can eat more than you need and re-gain is possible.

on 4/4/12 7:19 pm - Lynchburg, VA
That's a pretty major procedure for 30 pounds.  What's your body fat %?
on 4/4/12 8:39 pm
Maintaining a 125 lb. loss after 9 1/2 years is amazing.  Congrats!



on 4/4/12 10:16 pm
Now at 18 months out and down 200 lbs, I have discussed this very topic with my surgeon.  You might want to consider getting a couple of opinions from different surgeons.  There might be things they can do now endoscopically to tighten up the stoma.  As RNY surgery continues to evolve, there are new techniques available all the time.  You don't have to just give in to weight regain.

Your advice is sound - I watch things like a hawk to avoid any regain, which is very hard to lose.

On the plus side, I would bet  that whatever complications you have now are nothing compared to what could have happened if you had been 125 lbs heavier for the last decade.

In any event, congratulations are in order on your long-term successes!

on 4/4/12 10:56 pm
Wow. 9.5 years. That's amazing to be maintaining so well.
I don't understand why you are considering a revision?

Things are going well aren't they? Your pouch is still working and yes, why possibly "make things worse?"
You said you are doing "many of the right things"...why not do a few more to achieve your goal of losing a little more..

Good luck!


on 4/5/12 1:55 am
RNY on 02/01/12
My advice to any newbies here...enjoy your honemoon, loose as much as you can now because one day you'll be back in the same boat where you can eat more than you need and re-gain is possible.

As a newbie, this is a little discouraging...i appreciate your opinion...and this may very well be true...it's just that when we go through as much as we have to go through to try and make this journey as successful as possible...that's a VERY difficult realization...i'm on this site daily trying to learn & take notes so that this wont happen to me...i'm so very grateful for everyone that contributes to this site...

I wish you the very best, and much success with your decision.
on 4/5/12 6:16 am
You know , his advice IS TRUE. And many people wish they knew about this starting their journey.

Many of us think it's going to be great because we physically won't be able to eat junk foods, ie fatty high in sugar etc. Most after a year or less can. AND I always think the reality of regain is only a Hersheys kiss away. You might not be able to sit down and eat a half of a bag like you used to but I'm sure you can have one probably every 15 minutes.

It's work to keep off the weight. The further out you go the more people seem to be able to eat. Old habits creep back and you start trying things and realize. " hey I can eat that and it doesn't bother me" etc.
You have to change your lifestyle for good. It's work.


Jerry R.
on 4/5/12 3:03 am - Simi Valley, CA
  ~40Lbs is my main weight goal getting me in the 170's.

I agree that I am holding it together pretty well, everyone that knows me keep continually say I'm looking good....and I agree.

I am back with the rest of the world as if I never had RNY, I can eat way more than I need and without tremendous willpower and dedication I cannot maintain, and it is very hard to loose.  

I am not going to rush into anything here.  1st things first.  I am going in for a endoscope in a few weeks to better evaluate my anatomy thus giving me a "picture" of how things really are.  The barium test said that I have "moderate stomal dilation" and this is what I would like to correct.

I am hopeful that the ROSE procedure could be successful for me since I am not looking for major weight loss....only a stomal repair.  The slower the food passes....the less reactive hypoglycemia I will have.  

In the mean time I have been using www.myfitnesspal.com everyday tracking my food on my iPhone.....great service and completely free, check it out.  Friend me there, my user name is JRAlphaDog.

on 4/5/12 3:14 am
 Great job !!!
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