I am 19 months out What is your daily Carb/protein intake

on 6/8/12 10:14 pm, edited 6/8/12 10:33 pm - College Park, MD
I am 19 months out I have reached my goal weight.   I am so afraid of re-gaining the weight.   My surgeon told me 70/30.  Due to a change in insurance I am no longer followed by him.   Please to all of the PRO's help me  

on 6/8/12 10:37 pm, edited 6/8/12 11:49 pm - San Antonio, TX
  • These are the rules I followed/follow:
  • *Drink 64 ounces Liquids daily (drink up to a meal, wait 60 minutes after a meal) (I add 2 packets sugar free drink mix and 1 teaspoon Benefiber to 2-32 ounce water containers)
  • *Must eat at least 60 grams of Protein a day (100 or more grams beginning at 1200 calories a day)
  • *Eat dairy products that are no fat/low fat
  • *Eat simple (fruit) and complex (vegetables, whole grains) Carbohydrates (I do not count daily grams)
  • *No more than 15 grams of Sugar per meal (more grams if able to tolerate-I allow myself up to 30 grams Sugar per meal from Simple and Complex Carbohydrate sources and also from Dairy products that are no fat/low fat because I do not seem to dump on Sugar)
  • *Eat 3 main meals (B, L, D) no further than 5-6 hours apart
  • *Eat 1 protein snack at 1200 calories a day at least 2-3 hours from breakfast
  • *Eat 2-3 protein snacks at Maintenance calories a day at least 2-3 hours from B, L, D
  • *3-6 Months After Surgery: I ate 600-700 calories a day
  • *6-9 Months After Surgery: I ate 800-900 calories a day
  • *9-12 Months After Surgery: I ate 1000 calories a day
  • *12-18 Months After Surgery: eat 1200 calories a day (I ate 1200 calories a day until 15 months when I reached my goal weight)
  • *18 Months after surgery (or when goal weight is reached before 18 months): Maintenance calories (BMR/RMR & Activity Level) (Malabsorption of calories lasts approximately 18-24 months) (I eat 1700-1800 calories a day to maintain my weight loss of 200 pounds at a weight of 131 pounds. My height is 5'4")
  • * I do not participate in a formal exercise program due to Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. I do move around a lot more and do a lot more walking.

Age at RNY: 55, Height: 5'4", Consultation Weight: 331 lbs-12/1/2009, RNY Surgery Weight: 281 lbs-3/22/2010, Goal Weight Reached: 141 lbs-6/23/2011, Lowest Weight: 126 lbs-12/11/2011

Current Age: 61, Current Weight: 161 lbs-5/20/2016Total Weight Loss Maintained: 170 lbs  


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/12 10:53 pm - OH
It briefly throws me a bit each time I see this, so I thought maybe I would suggest slightly rewording your statement about the dairy products.  Maybe it's just me, but I always have to do a double take because it initially looks like you are saying that you eat no dairy products rather than that you eat only "no fat" or "low fat" dairy products.  Like I said, maybe it's just me, but I thought I would throw it out there to maybe avoid confusing any newbies.

Your guidelines are very much like the ones I got from my surgeon, and at almost 5 years out they are definitely working for me (although I don't shoot quite for 100g of protein in order to keep the calories down a bit since, like you, arthritis limits how much exercise I get).  I always get 80, though, and often get 90.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/8/12 11:53 pm, edited 6/8/12 11:54 pm - San Antonio, TX
  • Lora, thanks for the heads up! The last thing I want to do is confuse others. Here is my corrected version:
    • *Eat dairy products that are no fat/low fat
    • *Eat simple (fruit) and complex (vegetables, whole grains) Carbohydrates (I do not count daily grams)
    • *No more than 15 grams of Sugar per meal (more grams if able to tolerate-I allow myself up to 30 grams Sugar per meal from Simple and Complex Carbohydrate sources and also from Dairy products that are no fat/low fat because I do not seem to dump on Sugar)

Age at RNY: 55, Height: 5'4", Consultation Weight: 331 lbs-12/1/2009, RNY Surgery Weight: 281 lbs-3/22/2010, Goal Weight Reached: 141 lbs-6/23/2011, Lowest Weight: 126 lbs-12/11/2011

Current Age: 61, Current Weight: 161 lbs-5/20/2016Total Weight Loss Maintained: 170 lbs  


on 6/8/12 10:54 pm - College Park, MD
Thank  You.   This really helps.
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/12 10:46 pm - OH
I have never counted carbs (I just significantly limit the refined ones) so I cannot help you as far as a specific number on that (but the replies you will get from others will be all over the place... Some people limit their carbs a LOT and some limit them much less), but I always get a minimum of 80g of protein per day.  

I want to clarify your question, though, because usually when people talk about food ratios, it is not just protein and carbs... it usually is protein, carbs and fats, so I assume you mean 70g of protein and 30g of carbs per day rather than 70% protein, and 30% carbs.  FWIW, I get more than 30g of carbs just in my daily protein sources (carbs from dairy in the yogurt and cheese I eat), and I have been maintaining my weight without any problem at all. (and will be 5 years out in August).  As long as you are limiting refined carbs and starches, your  overall caloric intake is more important than just the raw number of how many carbs per day.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/8/12 11:01 pm - College Park, MD
Yes I did mean Protein/carb ratio.   The surgeon I had was so adamant  about these number and the further I am out the harder it is to follow.   I am scared to eat fruits.  Mt source of protein come from lean chicken, fish,beef once in a while, yogurt and cheese.   I usually don't do milk because of the carbs.   I also try to exercise 4-5 times weekly.  Thanks Lora


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/12 11:10 pm - OH
Where do the fats fall into that ratio, then?  It would be VERY difficult to eat 70% protein and 30% carbs and ZERO fats...


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/8/12 10:48 pm - Rochester, NY
i wasn't given a carb goal. I do track on myfitnesspal though so i can keep track of protein, etc. i get between 60-80 grams of protein a day and about 100 carbs or so. No refined carbs, all fruits and veggies, and some dairy. I also get between 25-40 grams of fiber a day as well.

at this point (and i'm only 5.5 months out), i worry a lot more about the quality of what i'm putting into my mouth then the actual stats. no one is ever going to convince me that the carbs in my 5 strawberries a night is a bad thing lol

Follow my vegan transition at www.bariatricvegan.com
HW:288    CW:146.4   GW: 140    RNY: 12/22/11  


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/12 10:54 pm - OH
LOL at the strawberries!  (Just ask Nik about carbs in strawberries sometime, LOL.)


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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