Excess Skin Following Weight Loss

on 6/18/12 1:41 am
So..I have lost 117 lbs and have another 8 lbs to go to reach my goal. I am so much healthier and happier! My question is obvious, is there any way to help 'tighten' the excess skin that I have now that the weight is gone? I do a 45 min. workout in my pool every day. This has speeded up the weight loss but doesn't appear to do much for the 'looks' of my body. Short of body sculpting surgery has anyone had any success with any other form of treatment that I may not know about? 
What a journey!! 

"the two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why"                    
Dave Chambers
on 6/18/12 2:01 am - Mira Loma, CA

Family genetics may prevent your final appearance. It also takes some time, with a consistant exercise routine to see some of this issue resolve itself. But likely, years of stretched skin may not be as firm as you like. I know several women and a couple of guys who either had a panni or opted for the self pay of plastic surgery. They had poor body image that bothered them immensely, and they feel much better about their post op skin removal surgery.  You'll likely need to be at a stable wt for at least 6 months, and some surgeons require you to be 18 months post op, before plastics can be done.  There is no "magical cream" that will cause the skin to shink several inches.  DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Calla Lily
on 6/18/12 3:10 am
RNY on 01/23/12
I was recently searching the same thing and came accross this link: http://getfitguy.quickanddirtytips.com/how-to-tighten-loose- skin-after-weight-loss.aspx

Drink lots of water, lotion, and time

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


on 6/20/12 11:13 am
lol..i love your reply..and your sense of humor..!

"the two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why"                    
Dagne Tripplehorn
on 6/18/12 4:54 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12
 I've looked into this problem. It could be that someday I will have empty skin again! After two babies I was skin and bone and belly flub. No amount of dieting, time, lotion, situps, or massage got rid of it. I eventually filled it up with fat, which eliminated the wrinkles and had a, er, firming effect.

Theoretically, if our cells renew constantly, and they do, why shouldn't saggy skin renew itself tighter? It has to do with collagen, elastin, and whatnot, but there ought to be a way to replenish those. No doubt Big Pharma is working feverishly on this problem, because when they find the cure they're going to rule the world. I know I'll buy a vat of it, whatever it costs, and slather it on my turkey neck.
Alice P.
on 6/18/12 9:57 am
I am over 2 yrs out and still noticing changes in my excess skin. I know my panini and bat wings will never completely go away but things are still changing and tightening. I have been exercising routinely with 2-3 free weight sessions a week and varying cardio--swimming, running, spin class. I didn't start running till last spring about 15 months post op and was amazed at how adding that to my routine helped things to tighten up. I am still seeing changes especially in my abs.
 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


on 6/18/12 12:10 pm - Miami, FL
 I have personally found that the excess skin remains with me no matter what I try.. I've done creams and lotions, worked with a trainer to build muscle, exercised in hopes of it leaving and resigned myself to being thin with lots of skin! Aside from shape wear nothing really changes it. For the most part, I dress to hide it and deal with it. Wish I had a better answer...

I lost 230 lbs at my lowest and right now I'm still down 215. The skin won't leave...


Lowest Weight: 145 lbs
Current weight: 148.6 lbs

Total Loss: 226 lbs



on 6/20/12 11:15 am
thanks for your input everyone. I'm pretty sure i'll just have to accept most of whats left over and just be grateful I can move again! 

"the two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why"                    
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