Need gym exercise help bad

on 7/9/12 12:20 am - NY
I have been going to LA fitness for a few weeks.I'm doing the treadmill 20 min bike 20 min then some weights 20 min.I feel better but Im not seeing anything on the scale.I lost 140 lbs so far but still have at least 60 lbs to go.I still have terrible knee and shoulder problems so I can't work out like a pro but I'm trying so hard.I have rashes from the skin wich im having removed soon so that doesn't help either.I can't  do the personal trainer thing right now.Does anyone have any suggestions as I'm getting really fustrated?.I do watch what I eat as well.Help
Dani Dutch
on 7/9/12 12:43 am - Netherlands
Does your gym have a machine that measures the fat % in your body? You might still be losing but it is not showing up on the scale yet.
on 7/9/12 12:47 am - NY
Im not sure.I will have to ask about that.Thanks
Dave Chambers
on 7/9/12 1:06 am - Mira Loma, CA
If your gym has warm water aerobics, you might consider using that until after you have your skin removal.  You only weigh around 12 pounds in the water, and may offer you some knee and shoulder relief. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

Neen L.
on 7/9/12 1:47 am - Arlington, VA
Congratulations on the 140lb loss thus far. That's impressive!

I understand that it can be really difficult to do an intense workout when it is painful or uncomfortable. Gold Bond makes some lotions and powders to prevent chafing, so that may give you some temporary relief during workouts until you have your skin removal. I also wear a compression shirt sometimes to keep loose skin from moving around too much and becoming bothersome.

You may not see much difference on the scale, so try to measure your progress in other ways (i.e. taking your measurements or tracking the improvement of your fitness****ep a log of my weightlifting and cardio because it reminds me that I am still succeeding even if the scale doesn't move the way I'd like it to. I use for logging activity, which is neat because you earn points for exercises and it makes it like a game. Some days I'll think, "Oh I'm so close to leveling up! If I can do jumping jacks for a few minutes I'll get those extra points!"

It is frustrating when the weight loss slows down or stalls, but if you keep up the good habits it will start again.

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

Always cooking at!

Need a pick-me-up? Read this:

on 7/9/12 3:53 am
RNY on 06/11/12
You can always change up your routine a little bit to confuse your body.   From what I understand you body get's used to a routine and unless you shake that up, it will know what you are doing...  Just my 2 cents....
on 7/9/12 6:08 am
 Wow 140!  That is awesome. I also go to LA Fitness.  I have been in a stall for about 7 weeks.  My doctor kindly reminded me that muscle is heavier than fat. so although I've not lost much weight in that time, I have dropped like 5 inches.  

I to think you should try the water aerobics.  I love them.  I also started the spin class.  That seems to get my sweat going and I feel amazing afterwards.  I sill need to loose 60 to 70 pounds as well, hang in there.  
Dawn A Boesch    
Paul C.
on 7/9/12 6:20 am - Cumming, GA
 Sometimes our ability to perform better is blocked by our beliefs we are unable.

First the skin issue can't speak anough about compression garmets!  Smaller than what you believe you need helps with the skin issues.  I wear an XL but in compression gear I wear an L or M size depending on the fit.  If you can barely breathe then you got the right size to help with this issue.

How long have you been doing your routine?  Our bodies are amazing things and learn to adapt and optimize for what we do.  There is a reason the Runners Run and Weight Lifters Lift.  They have trained their bodies to do well at something.  My point in this is that unless you change something and sometimes it is a small change and other times it may require a major change your body becomes optimized to do something.  Remember calories are burned based on the effort you body puts out, remember when walking 10 minutes would put you out of breath and as you lost weight it became easier and you could probably go farther in that 10 minutes easier, meaning your body wasn't burning the same calories in those 10 minutes.

Try different workouts try some group fitness classes  SPIN! is totally awesome.  

You don't need a trainer but any good gym will have people willing to answer basic questions and show you the proper way to use a piece of equipment to avoid injury and maximize your benefit.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 7/9/12 7:41 am
The weights that each piece of equipment use make a difference too. If they aren't heavy enough they may not be doing any good. Try to ask around and find out how others adjust their equipment. It will definitely make you firmer and stronger. Don't give up because it may take a while for you to see the result but others will notice. My gym offered a trainer for the first month or so as an incentive to join. Some of the equipment have settings that tell you how many calories you are burning, etc.
on 7/9/12 7:55 am - NY
Ive been going about a month.I did the my thing and it says I need 100 and something carbs.I have been only eating 40-50 because Ive always felt the carbs were the devil for me.Im wondering if uping the healthy carbd will help??
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