Severe muscle cramps

Missy A.
on 7/13/12 4:09 am - NC
RNY on 08/17/12
So here is the deal. I haven't had surgery yet, but hope to within the next month or two. I'm waiting on insurance approval. However, in the past three weeks I have been upping my protein, watching my fats, carbs and calories AND exercising. Because of severe back pain I can't walk just yet for exercise, so I have been riding my recumbent bike for 30 min 3-4x weekly. The problem begins about an hour or two after exercise. I start getting muscle cramps and not just in my legs. I have them in my stomach and arms too (which absolutely makes no sense, since I'm not working my arms). At night while sleeping it gets worse. The leg cramps are awful and if I turn the wrong way, the stomach ones hurt worse than contractions! I know cramping can be from a lack of potassium, but my potassium levels were fine when I did my blood work and I take a multi everyday and have since my hysterectomy 9 years ago. I eat 2-3 bananas every week, another good sorce of potassium. So why the muscle cramps? Could it be that I'm pushing myself to hard during exercise? Maybe not stretching enough? Suggestions, please!


HW:348 Consult W:320 SW:295 Current W:156 GW:140

Neen L.
on 7/13/12 4:19 am - Arlington, VA
Are you drinking a lot of water? A lot of cramps are caused by dehydration, so upping your water intake and watching your sodium may be helpful to you.

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on 7/13/12 4:24 am - OH
Are you drinking enough water?  How are your magnesium and calcium levels?

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


H.A.L.A B.
on 7/13/12 4:31 am
Mineral deficiencies - not only potassium - but also magnesium and calcium. Even if you are taking calcium - but if you can't absorb that - the calcium will do you no good.

I used to get that - still do - and minerals is what helps me a lot.
You D may be low - or magnesium or boron or other minerals.  Even salts..
If all your muscles are cramping - think what that does to your heart... it is a muscle. You may need electrolytes - and other vitamins..
Not sure if you have detailed blood work done - but you did not - please call the doc and have it done. Muscle cramps all over the body is  something I would not risk having. Unless I am sure I know what causes it 

In my case - it is low salt. - I do not eat enough salt and when i exercise - I lose the rest I have... not good.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Dagne Tripplehorn
on 7/13/12 4:31 am - OR
RNY on 04/06/12
 This might be junk science, but here's a summary of what I found in a Google search:

Muscle cramping can be caused by:

* Older age
* Longer history of running
* Higher body mass index
* Shorter daily stretching time
* Irregular stretching habits
* Family history of cramping

* "...abnormal spinal reflex activity is the real culprit behind muscle cramps. In other words, muscle fatigue leading to abnormal functioning at the spinal level of the muscle contraction mechanism is the root cause of muscle cramping..."

*  Poor posture during exercise
*  Carbohydrate depletion

Good for you for exercising! Maybe the recumbent bike is not a good one for you--could be it puts too much stress on your spinal nerves or something. Can you see an exercise physiologist or a physical therapist?
Missy A.
on 7/13/12 5:02 am - NC
RNY on 08/17/12
I average 68-86 oz of water everyday. My multivitamin is Centrum Silver and i take D3, B12 and a B complex. Just looking at the vit bottle, it definitely could be a lack of calcium and magnesium. 

I, too, was wondering if sitting on the bike could cause some spinal difficulties. I have an appt. Monday with my PCP, so i will definitely bring this up to her.

Thanks for everyone's help!


HW:348 Consult W:320 SW:295 Current W:156 GW:140

on 7/13/12 6:31 am - Lithonia, GA
i started aqua aroebics at dekalb wellness center here in decatur ga...All pain ceases when you are in the water, and the reward from that is priceless .The workout in slow then intense..try it..and good luck with your'e weight loss journey..
on 7/13/12 6:44 am
VSG on 06/11/13
I put a question out about this a few months ago.  I deal with the same issue.  When I do a low carb diet I get Horrible Charlie Horses in my stomach/abdominal area.  It is NOT lack of water.  I drink plenty of water.  Sometimes it is under my ribs....sometimes its on the sides of my abs....obliques I think there called....and it all involves movement.  When I stretch the muscles it doesn't happen...its when I compact them such as just sitting or bending forward when I sit.....or turning to the left right.  I wish I knew what caused it.  I'm 44 and I have had these periods of time when this happened about 4 times. There are only three commom denominators I can say.  #1  I am dieting/actively trying to lose weight.  #2  I am on a lower carb/low fat diet plan.  I've done Atkins 2x's and this did NOT happen.  #3 Its always when the muscle is compacted in some way.  Even just sitting it can happen. 

You didn't mention your water intake. Many say 64oz. of fluid a day.  I agree with the 1/2 your body weight in fluids.  300lb. = 150oz./day. 

I didn't have the overall body aches you are experiencing.  I'm sorry to hear about that.  I know for me the ab charlie horses were excruciating and at times I wasn't sure if they would ever subside and the muscle would remain sore three or four days after the episode.  I hope someone has an idea to help you.  I could use it too. 


    Cons. Wt. 394       Surg. Wt. 386        Curr. Wt.  311

Missy A.
on 7/13/12 6:55 am - NC
RNY on 08/17/12
Omg, the abdominal cramps are exactly how you described!!! Especially when sitting and leaning forward. I get anywhere between 68-86 oz of water daily, so I'm pretty sure it's not that. I have noticed it like I said since I started eating healthier and watching my carbs, fats and calories and focusing on more protein. Sorry it happens to you also. If i find something that gives me relief, I will let you know.


HW:348 Consult W:320 SW:295 Current W:156 GW:140

on 7/13/12 6:59 am
VSG on 06/11/13


    Cons. Wt. 394       Surg. Wt. 386        Curr. Wt.  311

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