First good day since July 30.

on 8/20/12 9:31 pm - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
 Today was honestly a great day (comparatively speaking). Yesterday I hit a breaking point and just wanted to lay in bed and stay put for weeks. Couldn't keep any solids down, felt nauseous all the time, stopped being able to get any more than 30 g of protein and my body started rejecting protein shakes. It was just horrible. I called my surgeons office and he said he wanted to prescribe zofran before we went thru the scope process. Well, today I went shopping with my fiancé for about an hour, plus I got my eyebrows waxed plus I made him a big lunch. I also got in 93g of protein in under 600 calories, so there's still room for more. I managed to eat deli turkey and chicken and a cheese stick and didn't feel nauseous or that awful pain once. Ive kept everything down, even my morning shake. My fluid intake has been unfortunately low, but I'll be working on that tomorrow. I just really can't believe the difference one day and one pill made. I'm just honestly overjoyed right now that I was able to leave my house for a few hours and even make my fiancé food all while keeping mine down. I'm so glad I ended up calling the office today (I'm the type that prefers riding it out), though I am due for blood work and I'm sure those numbers won't look too good. But I'm hoping things keep improving so I can maybe get out and exercise tomorrow.

But thanks again for helping me out and probably saving my butt by making me call my surgeon. :) 

on 8/20/12 9:41 pm
zofran is good stuff, Did your surgeon say why he thought you felt so nauseous? was he concerned about a stricture? glad you are on the mend, hope you are in the right direstion now. :o)
on 8/20/12 9:44 pm - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
 He just said some people have more issues with adjusting to foods again and the shakes won't stay down because I could be developing lactose intolerance. He said as long as things go well and stay down, he doesn't think there's a stricture, but I have a follow up appointment coming up so he's gonna make that call then. 

Kelly L.
on 8/20/12 10:56 pm - San Jacinto, CA
 I hope you have many more GOOD days ahead!


  HW 274. CW 129

on 8/20/12 10:57 pm - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
 Thank you, Kelly! I really hope I do, too. I really want to be able to look back on this and say it was all worth it. 

on 8/20/12 11:03 pm - AK
 So you had surgery about 4 days after me and you get to eat solid foods now?  Must be nice, my surgeon still requires me to do pureed foods for another three weeks.  Its amazing as I read posts on here how diets vary from surgeon to surgeon.  I tried scrambled eggs about a week and a half ago and paid dearly for it.  They were to hard and if felt like someone wa*****hing me in the chest as I could tell my stomach wasn't liking it.  

If you have a Costco near you, you should tried the Premier Protein Shakes.  They have some milk, but they have 30g of protein.  Although, it does sound like you are one of the ones who make be lactose intolerant.  I've ventured a bit with milk products, and fortunately for me I seem to be okay.

This whole figuring out what we can eat is a challenge.  I just went back to work after being off for three weeks and tomorrow morning we are doing a breakfast "out".  I've tried to look at the menu of where we are going and I'm afraid it'll be either 2 runny eggs or oatmeal.  Kind of sucks, because I don't know if they have any sugar free jams or syrup that i can mix in my oatmeal (I may bring my own, just in case).  But I don't want the other 9 people to cater to my dietary needs either.

Anyway, more than I meant to respond with but I guess you know what it feels like.  This adjustment does alot to a person's psychological part than the physical sometimes.  

I look forward to having those meats and cheese sticks, sounds wonderful. Oatmeal, re-fried beans, apple sauce and soup are getting old.

Thanks for sharing!
on 8/20/12 11:16 pm - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
 Yeah I feel for you. The puréed stage wasn't easy for me, either. I lived off Greek yogurts and refried beans. I remember when I was in one of my dietitians classes and she said gastric bypass patients could have puréed foods the day they go home from surgery. My jaw dropped because I had read so much about liquids only for weeks. But every surgeon is different, even my own surgeons partner. I know he does things very differently with his patients. 

If you're worried about food in the morning, why not just take your own? You'll know exactly what's in it and that it won't make you sick. It's not making anyone else cater to your needs, but still a safe option for you. You're much braver than I am though. I still couldn't even THINK about going to a restaurant. Jus****ching my fiancé eat his food breaks my heart enough (luckily I got me a healthy man! It was just lots of potatoes and a ton of mixed veggies and cottage cheese, but that's all stuff I used to stuff my face with.). Tomorrow I'm making him a pizza I do and that's gonna be SO hard for me to sit and watch. But like you, I don't want anyone catering to me. 

I also hope things get better for you soon. I know how hard this is, but if you're able to go out and back to work, that's great! 

Oh, also since you're in the puréed stage still, check with your surgeons plan first, but right at the end, I bought a Lean Cuisine meal. It was meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I heated it up like the instructions said and then took the meatloaf and threw it into my magic bullet and puréed the crap out of it. Lol. Then I mixed it into the mashed potatoes. It looks disgusting, really. But it was the best meal I had since the day before surgery. But of course, make sure something like that is ok by your doc. And I had it for three meals right before the soft foods stage.  Hope that helps some! 

on 8/20/12 11:44 pm - Blairsville, GA
RNY on 07/24/12
 Good days are good! I am glad you are feeling better.
check out my blog:      
on 8/20/12 11:45 pm - Reisterstown, MD
RNY on 07/31/12
Thanks, dear!  Good days are amazing! I'm praying I have a lot more coming! 

on 8/21/12 1:04 am
RNY on 06/26/12
 I am so glad it is getting better for you. I am a full month ahead of you and have not progressed nearly as far. I am still doing puree. every time i try solid food it is so painful that i just keep on with blended food. By all accounts i am doing well and i guess i am more comfortable with puree. It is really good to see that you are progressing well. I look forward to seeing the changes in the months to come.  

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