Regain-don't despair!

on 8/24/12 1:21 pm - Yreka, CA
Thanks everyone for their support last week. I have followed my healthy lifestyle most of the week. I only felt out of control once. I like to think of obesity as a little devil sitting on my shoulder telling me lies. Obesity tried to take my health as I was putting my head in the sand the past 10 months. I lost 6 lbs this week! No crash diets, no gimmicks. Just following the lifestyle I followed for five years before I let obesity get in my head again. 

1. Excercise 30 min a day (brisk walk at lunch)
2. At least 64 oz of water/crystal lite (not during meals)
3. Eat appropriatly for someone with RNY gastric bypass. Protein first, veggies, fruit, carby stuff if I have room. Only calorie liquids consumed will be protein drinks if I need one.
4. Only snacks I should have are highly nutritious ones if I need them. I can eat a lot at one sitting. I usually don't need to snack. If I do snack, it will be a protein drink or something like string cheese and fruit.   
5. If I blow it, pick myself up dust myself off and do better next meal. Obesity lies to me telling me to dispair...that I've ruined everything. Obesity is a liar.

The one day I felt out of control was a super busy and stressful day. I will avoid this by planning better for days like this.





on 8/24/12 1:24 pm - Tucson, AZ


on 8/24/12 1:51 pm
Great post!  Congrats on getting back on track, losing 6 lbs this week is great!  When the control you feel is difficult re-read this thread for inspiration, you CAN do it.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Citizen Kim
on 8/24/12 1:59 pm, edited 8/23/12 7:00 pm - Castle Rock, CO
Well done! So good to see someone appreciate that it doesn't take any crazy fad diets to lose any regain ... The RNY lifestyle we all signed up for (and that we sometimes let fall by the wayside) really does work - even for those of us that are years out!

You are an inspiration!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 8/24/12 2:04 pm - Baltimore, MD
on 8/24/12 2:17 pm - Yreka, CA
Thanks everyone! I'm so thankful for my RNY gastric changed my life and my "tool" is still there helping me fight the obesity devil. Now the trick will be to continue to ignore obesity as the weight loss slows. I want to follow my lifestyle & not worry about how much weight I'm loosing so much. I am confident it will eventually come off. The weight came on over 10 months I can't expect to take it off quickly. I just need to be disciplined and patient.





on 8/24/12 6:26 pm - OH
Love it!
on 8/25/12 8:15 am - Brighton, IL
Thank you for posting this. I am getting ready to have surgery on the 29th and it is so encouraging to know that this tool I am getting will continue to work for a lifetime. I can't wait!!
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