I need 911 and quickly, I am failing and I hate it!!!

on 9/21/12 6:05 am

2 years out this past August and I REFUSE TO GO BACKWARDS..... I have gained almost 20lbs and really need a new regimen, someone please plot this out for me.  I am not a bad eater, but I do slack in the protein category BIG TIME!!!  do you truely think this is half my problem?  I am feeling like a failure and because I am feeling this way, I am having a very hard time motivating myself to take a step in the right direction.   I DIDNT GO THROUGH THIS HELL FOR NOTHING AND I NEED TO GET  BACK TO MY HAPPY PLACE. 


on 9/21/12 6:24 am - IN
I was told that the biggest mistake people make when they start to re-gain is not going back to see the nutritionist right away. Keep a food journal. Track absolutely everything you eat and take that in with you to the appointment. Also it's a good idea to get to some WLS support groups. You need to get in touch with people who can help identify your problems and offer solutions before your 20lbs become 40lbs.
(Roux-en-y 07/05/2012) Heighest Weight/Surgery Day Weight 240lbs     
on 9/21/12 6:28 am
thanks.  I am doing the nutrtionist and i am going to the monthly meetings.   i need a daily reminder. and i think by people yelling at me and saying what the hell are you doing is my motivator.  I know that sounds ridiculous but its true.
on 9/21/12 6:43 am - IA
Consider yourself yelled at!  What the hell are you doing?  lol

Seriously, it sounds like people are giving you good advice.  Hope you get back on track!

on 9/21/12 6:54 am
RNY on 06/18/12
Then what the hell are you doing with the hutritionist? I think it is time for a new one. Seriously if you gained weight back and he/she hasn't gotten on you something is wrong!

Go back to the basics, start remeasuring and weighing.
Good luck!!

Was that enough motivation?
on 9/21/12 6:34 am
I'm 18 months post RNY. My suggestions are:
Eat protein first, followed by veggies
Drink at least 64 oz of water
Take all your vitamins/supplements
Journal everything you put in your mouth
Get at least 60 grams of protein daily
Always get more protein in, than you do carbs
Never drink with your meals. Wait at least 30 minutes after eating, before drinking anything.
Attend support meetings, if possible.
It's not easy and it's not fun. I recently gained too. I hoped that by having this surgery, I wouldn't have to diet any more. Wrong!! I don't know why I thought that. Maybe just wishful thibkingn. I've realized that I actually pay more attention food than I ever did pre-op. Anytime I think "that sounds good", it's head hunger. Taste buds are only on your tongue.
There's probably more "rules", but those are all I can think of right now.
on 9/21/12 6:39 am
Thank you Jules,
and your absolutely right, its about taking time to restart the schedule and do for me.  I think once i get rolling the weight will hopefully go away fast and not take forever.
on 9/21/12 11:51 am
 Julie on Back2BasicsWLS said something that has stuck with me..
Fake it til you make it.
She described it as, even if you don't want to follow the plan, like exercise, do it anyway and pretty soon you won't need to fake it anymore. 
I love their YouTube channel and ProofWLSWorks too. They are pretty much my source of support at this time.

on 9/21/12 6:40 am - IN
 Can you look back on old journals and spot what has changed since you started to gain? That may  be your best bet.  Something has to have changed with your diet and/or exercise regimen. Maybe your attitude about maintenance has changed.  Are you getting a little haphazard with portion control?  Are you eating things you wouldn't have dared to eat while you were loosing?  Have you been skipping workouts.  My surgeon told me that after about a year, year and a half or so (depends on the individual) that we can no longer rely heavily on malabsorption of fat and calories to keep us thin.  It's at that point where food choices, and exercise matter most.  All you have right now is a smaller stomach.  So some of the "magic" that happened for you in the beginning is not going to be there for you if you screw up now.  My suggestion is to get back to basics.  Protein first, and don't eat anything you wouldn't eat at about 6 mos post op.  You are at the point where you have to work your pouch.  It's not doing most of the work for you anymore.  20 lbs is not a lot.  Congrats on reaching out for help before it got way out of hand.  Right now you are at a place where you can totally turn this around.  Go back to the behaviors that helped take the weight off in the first place.  You can do this!
(Roux-en-y 07/05/2012) Heighest Weight/Surgery Day Weight 240lbs     
on 9/21/12 6:44 am
thank you, thank you for replying and the support. yes your right, my attitude has changed and many of the things you have just mentioned have as well.  And i know i need to fix those behaviors and I plan on doing so. 
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