not as happy a birthday as i hoped

on 10/3/12 3:25 am - Rochester, NY
 And I don't think it has much to do with it being my birthday.  I've just been mentally in a funk this week, mostly because of some changes at work I am unhappy about.  I've allowed myself to make some unwise choices as a result, which just causes a downward spiral for me.  

I woke up this morning, feeling fat and ugly, still seeing all 288 pounds of me when I look at my stomach to get dressed.

I know this will pass, but for this moment, I'm just sad.

Follow my vegan transition at
HW:288    CW:146.4   GW: 140    RNY: 12/22/11  


on 10/3/12 3:35 am - Fargo, ND
RNY on 02/22/12
I feel your pain. I was in the same funk this weekend. Feeling better now. Hope you start feeling better. You have done a fantastic job. Don't let the other stuff get you down. Enjoy your Birthday. Happy Birthday! 

  Highest weight : 315 lbs, Surgery weight: 298.5 lbs, Current weight: 183.5 lbs





Sara O.
on 10/3/12 3:35 am - NC
RNY on 03/12/12
Don't let this temporary funk get you down. I challenge you to do something that will put a smile on your face. Go shopping, see a funny movie, or have dinner with someone whom you love. I know these things make me feel better when I'm in a funk. Funks are temporary, unlike your weightloss. You are no longer 288 pounds! Never forget that! :D
on 10/3/12 3:35 am
RNY on 08/27/12
Aw, dont be sad. Talk to us and we will make you feel better. You are doing a great job and working your tool well I see. We all get down at times and need a pick me up and this site is perfect for that. Hang in there and know that you are most definitely not alone.

Neen L.
on 10/3/12 3:39 am - Arlington, VA
Wishing you a happier latter part of your birthday!

I'm sorry that work is difficult right now. I understand how stress and frustration can have an affect on your ability to deal with food in a healthy way. And the "funk" isn't necessarily something you can think your way out of, as people so often expect.

You've done so wonderfully on your journey. I confess that there are days I wake up and see 280 lbs of me too, even though it's been gone for a long time. When it happens, I try to take inventory of the positive changes that have happened in my life since I began the journey toward a healthier life. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't, but it's worth a shot.

Like you said, this *will* pass and you'll feel good again. So you made a few unwise choices while you're feeling emotionally vulnerable. Who hasn't? No one handles stress perfectly every time. Have compassion for yourself, be kind to yourself, and remember how hard you worked to get to where you are now. You are beautiful and you are worth it.

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

Always cooking at!

Need a pick-me-up? Read this:

on 10/3/12 3:39 am
RNY on 08/27/12
Btw...Happy birthday!!!!

Calla Lily
on 10/3/12 4:31 am
RNY on 01/23/12
Happy Birthday! I hope you feel de-funked soon

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/3/12 4:36 am - OH
It's ok to feel sad.  So.. for a time... feel the sadness... and then make a plan to find something to help you feel better.  We all make unwise choices, especially when we are feeling sad or lonely or amgey or depressed, so don't beat yourself up over them... Just don't make further unwise choices to make the situation worse.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 10/3/12 4:39 am - Baltimore, MD
So sorry you're in a funk Wendy.

Perhaps it will make you feel better to know that I give thanks for your life. You are a great member of this board. You give down-to-earth, practical advice that we can all use, great vegetarian/vegan recipes're just an all-around nice person.

So thank you (God/Universe/whatever is your deal) for creating Wendy. She's enriched my life!!!

(A smile? Maybe? A little one? Pleeeeeeease???)

Happy Birthday, friend.

RNY Gastric Bypass 1-8-08 350/327/200 (HW/SW/CW). I spend most of my time playing with my food over at Bariatric Foodie - check me out!

on 10/3/12 6:37 am, edited 10/2/12 6:49 pm
What Nik said... 'cuz she says it so well!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!


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