Gallbladder surgery nightmare

on 10/11/12 8:37 am - Brooklyn, NY
First my surgery was postponed from october 5th to october 15th because HIP didnt give my authorization in time.

Yesterday I became somewhat concerned because it was already the 10th of the month and two days left and no call from the hospital for pre admissions testing. So, I called the drs office and was given the number for the hospital since the call needed to come from them. Fair enough. The hospital told me to come in today for testing so if there are any problems the dr will still have a chance to see me on friday.

I get to the hospital and there is nothing in the system for me. No pre admissions testing and no surgery date scheduled. By this time im livid. I feel like ive been on a roller coaster. I spent the last two years in pain, running from dr to dr to find the problem and now i have to deal with all this red tape. But it gets worse (of course it does)

I called the drs office and the receptionist tells me she didnt recieve authorization for my surgery thats why there is nothing in the system. Now, I just cant take it anymore I proceed to rip into her and the dr....she NOW remembers me from last month when she had to reschedule my surgery and I was livid then. i wasnt so angry because they didnt get my authorization. I blame HIP for that. I was angry about the lack of information. Throughout all of this nobody has called to tell me anything...if I didnt call them I wouldnt know anything. In my world that is highly unacceptable from my surgeons office.

So she said she would make some calls and get back to me. She worked her magic (in so many words) and got it somewhat fixed. She got approval for pre admissions testing and they scheduled me for my original surgery date of october 15th but Im not outta the woods yet.

As I look at the paperwork they gave me to take downstairs for a chest x ray. Under surgical procedures it says 1- 2 gallstones (I dont have any. I have a non functional gallbladder) 2- morbid obesity (im now 190 lbs) 3- Lap cholecystectomy. 4- Lap Gastric bypass. Are they kidding me? Im almost 4 yrs post op from my gastric bypass.

So as im about to call the drs office AGAIN. I see that shes left me a voicemail. She says that my insurance is requiring me to do certain things before surgery such as a psych eval. So i called her and told her i dont need a psych eval because im not having a gastric bypass. Been there, done that. And i told her i dont have gallstones either, i have a non functioning gallbladder. So now she cant find the test results that gave the dr that diagnosis.

Ok so either the surgeon needs a vacation on a deserted island so he can get himself together or he needs alot more help in that office. Somebody needs to get organized...pronto.

Oh and by the way there was another lady who was there with the same problem. Ok so now i dont feel singled now Im playing the waiting game to see if im really gonna get surgery on monday but yet im already out of wor****il october 22nd.
Oxford Comma Hag
on 10/11/12 8:56 am
Solise, I'm sorry. Keep at them until they make it right. Nag your insurance company too.


I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 10/11/12 9:05 am - Brooklyn, NY
Im actually gonna pay them a visit in the office tomorrow to make sure everything is right. I need this rock outta my body so i can get my life back. Im tired of not being able to do what i want to do, when i want to do it. The pain is always there, the same way a pregnant woman is always concious of the fact that shes pregnant.
on 10/11/12 11:53 am - Belgrade, MT
RNY on 10/15/12
That is just insane!!!!  I would be livid as well!!!  I hope they get their act together!!  Not sure I'd want a surgeon operating on me that can't even read your file/diagnose someone right!!  Sadly, happens all too often (medical mistakes).

Good luck!
Shelly, mom to two special needs kids in Bozeman MT

on 10/11/12 5:05 pm - OH
I'm thinking if they can't fix it and fix it fast, I'd find a new surgeon.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 10/11/12 11:05 pm - Kansas City, KS
Honestly, I would find a new surgeon. If they cant even fix the paperwork, how can you trust them to cut you open. Call you insurance company and find a new one in your network and make a consultation visit to one or two.

Remember you are a paying customer they should meet your standards to win your business. In the competitive health care market today there is no reason to put up with such substandard services.

Best wishes to you :)

 RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133

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