Doing Better But Still Struggling

on 12/4/12 6:14 pm - Maryville, TN
RNY on 04/02/12

I've really been struggling to get back on program with mixed results. Overall I'm doing better but my weight loss has stalled at 221 or 222, depending upon whose scale I use, and I know its due to eating incorrectly and not exercising. Still can't walk very well because of the arthritis in my knees and I no longer have access to a pool. I've been thinking of going back to Curves. I used to be a member but had to drop out when I weighed nearly 350 lbs because of health concerns. Now I'm 130 lbs lighter and able to move without getting light headed from lack of oxygen. I called the owner of my local Curves and left a message asking if there would be a problem with my coming back. Maybe I'll hear something back later today. I'm also looking for a hobby. I know a number of other WLS patients who have taken up knitting or crochet to keep their hands and minds busy but I haven't been able to catch on to either. A friend suggested that I take up scrapbooking but, frankly, as obsessed as I get with things I'm not sure that would be a good choice. There's only so much room in the house for "stuff!" Any other suggestions out there?

Thank you to everyone for being so supportive when I've posted my angst on this journey! Sometimes I have found myself regretting having WLS but more and more I find I am truly happy with my choice. I'm now over half way to goal and am walking further and longer without my cane. Sweet!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!


Dagne Tripplehorn
on 12/4/12 7:17 pm - OR
RNY on 04/06/12

I totally relate to your predicament.

Your idea to take up a hobby to keep from inappropriate eating is excellent! I used to be a crochet madwoman, but my thumbs have become arthritic and I'm saving them for more useful jobs, like opening protein drinks and typing. 

We need a soothing activity we can do late at night. I say we, assuming your biggest problem is at night, like mine.  ??

Things I've enjoyed: Embroidery!     Beading. Needlepoint/cross stitch/rug hooking.

Basket weaving. Water color painting. Candle making.

Making hand puppets (with sculpted heads).

Playing piano, flute, accordion, soprano recorder, and ukulele. If you can sing, join a choir or an ensemble or a girl band, or whatever! Making music with others is one of life's greatest joys.

Weave on a hand or table-top loom: easy and satisfying.

Wood burning. Carving linoleum blocks for printing on paper and fabric. Hand made paper. Origami.  Marbling paper. 

Active things I used to like: Belly dancing. Yoga. Neither require much footwork.

Interesting things my friends did / do: Magic--sleight of hand, etc.

Making historically correct things, like model covered wagons. Taking part in historical reenactments. 

Carving walking sticks. Bonsai. 

~~~~Congratulations on your terrific weight loss, and have fun!

Vivian Prouty
on 12/4/12 8:00 pm - Fort Worth, TX

Rebecca....130 lbs. in 8 months is amazing !!!  Congratulations on that amazing weight a long term RNY paitent PLEASE take advantage of the time  you have right now while you are in the honeymoon stage.    Once you past that one year mark the weight slows way down with coming off.    Now....don't get me wrong you can and will still loose weight but it is just much harder.    My suggestion to you if you don't hear back from the manager of Curves ( they may not listen to their messages very often......Go there and talk to them.   I am sure they would welcome  you back with open arms.    It truly doesn't matter what you do on your WL journey as far as exercise as long as you move your body.    Have you thought about getting those floor pedals that look like bicycle pedals that you can sit in a chair a pedal?   That is moving the lower legs and lots of senior citizens ( I am NOT calling you a senior citizen....but I am to a degree although I do NOT feel like one anymore LOL ) use them.    That is a good source of exercise for someone with arthritic knees because it would put no pressure on them at all.    I did Curves for 2 yrs post op and went there 6 days a week and loved every minute of it.    As far as hobbies....I really don't have many.   I do try to keep busy though.    The thing that newbies have to realize is......the exercise thing isn't just for when you are losing the weight....but for your lifetime.    Along with taking your vitamins and drinking your water and your waiting 30 minutes before and after a meal with drinking.   I wish you luck in your journey and continued weight loss.    If you think there is a possiblitly that you are on a plateau...let me know.   I have a plateau busters diet I can send you.   Good luck to you and your choices with food and exercise.   Have a blessed day !!!


Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 12/4/12 9:35 pm - OH

You could take a walk through a craft store to look at different options for hobbies.  Some things that would keep your hands busy include making jewelry (I find stringing beads to be really relaxing), making beads or other stuff out of polymer clay (you bake it in the oven, it's pretty neat), doing crossword puzzles or word finds, drawing, painting, coloring in coloring books (they even make coloring books for adults, and it might sound silly, but I find it pretty relaxing), making cards (like Christmas cards), quilting, latchhooking, making hooked rugs (I'm working on a rug now made from scraps of cloth), sewing something (all kinds of possibilities out there), cross stitch, making Christmas ornaments (you could make them from polymer clay, or craft stores usually have ornaments you can just paint, and they have kits to make all kinds of ornaments), paint by number kits, etc.  You can also find all kinds of cool craft ideas on Pinterest.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 12/4/12 10:48 pm - Maryville, TN
RNY on 04/02/12

Thank you all for the great suggestions! I'm surprised I didn't think of them myself since I used to love to visit craft stores. I guess I'm in danger of losing touch with my inner child! I'll have to go by and see what I can stir up. Thanks again!


on 12/5/12 2:22 am - GA

I just rejoined my Curves and love it!

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