OT - Going on my very first cruise in Feb

on 12/17/12 12:03 am - willingboro, NJ
RNY on 04/04/12

Hi guys.  This coming Feb, I will be taking my very first cruise going to the Bahamas on the Carnival Fantasy.  Anything you can share (good or bad) about this ship or or taking a cruise in general.  What to wear, what to take, what to eat, what to do.  Like I said, this is my first cruise so I don't know what to expect.


Kim S.
on 12/17/12 12:06 am - Helena, AL

I love cruising!  They make it very easy for you.  You'll have tons of good (and bad!) food options.  My only advice is after you pack, put 1/2 of it back and don't take it!  The first time I overpacked!! 

Take a good camera and read your cruise guide that they leave at your door everyday...carry it with you, it will let you know EVERYTHING that is going on for the day.

Most of all, have fun.

on 12/17/12 12:31 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

Carnival food is iffy. It can either be okay or really bad, not often do they have fantastic food except maybe in the dining room at night. Definately take some protein shakes in case there isn't anything you can have or anything you like. I had to resort to it a couple of times last week. They do have greek yogurt in the buffet but it isn't always open You may want to grab a couple and keep them in your room fridge if you have one for "just in case".

Pack lightly, but be warned they do have one fancy night each cruise where everyone dresses up for the dining room and many get pictures taken so take something for that night or plan to eat in the buffet. (but that's the night you want to eat in the dining room it's usually the best night, like lobster or prime rib etc)

Make sure you take your camera. and some sun block and have fun!

Also be ready for pushy people trying to sell you things in the straw market in Nassau, don't take the "gift" necklaces they want money for them. Be ready to say "no". In Freeport the dock isn't near anything to do at all, be prepared to pay for a taxi to the shopping district or do an excursion. If you are only going to pay for one excursion do it on Freeport. Nassau ports to a lot of shopping and you can find plenty to do. We rent mopeds and go out on our own and have fun but we've also been there a couple of times, there are some scary neighborhoods if you get off the beaten path.


View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 12/17/12 1:09 am - WA
RNY on 07/11/12

check out cruisecritic.com for more advice and cruise msg boards.  i'm going on my 5th cruise in less than 2 weeks now!  Happy 2013!  My first cruise post op.  bringing protein powder and bars with me.  going to load up on veggies, fruit and fish.  looking forward to fun activities in the warm sun.  my best advice, don't over pack, you won't wear it all.  bring enough clothes, but use the laundry services, only a few bucks and so worth it.  never had my shorts/jeans come back to clean and nicely pressed.  Enjoy and Bon Voyage!

on 12/17/12 1:34 am - Raleigh, NC

Well since my hubby is a cruise addict, we have been on 14 with the 15th planned for June. Ironically we have been on the fantasy 3 times. It was our very first cruise and very first family cruise. We actually really like the fantasy. It is one of the smallest in carnivalls fleet and one of their older ships, although I believe it was remodeled. It is a good first ship to go on. They have come a long way with their food and are actually as good as Royal Caribbean at this point. There are plenty of good choices for WLS patients and lots to do and see.

Have a blast!!!!!! I always pack protein bars and powder in case needed.




Amelia L.
on 12/17/12 2:46 am
RNY on 08/20/12

I've been on the Fantasy several times.....Beautiful ship. 

Wear:  whatever during the day....at night in dining room--no shorts  ---Take a light jacket with you...the ship is kinda cold and the wind in Feb tends to be a little chilly on deck.

Take:  less than you pack at first LOL....seriously, remember your meds and vitamins

Food:  You will have no problems with this.  They have anything and everything and will make you stuff you can eat...

Do:  anything or nothing.  I lost 5 lbs on my last cruise just by walking around the ship alot.

Have fun....It is truly a great experience.


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