Been MIA....where are all my Sep 17th, 2012 peeps

on 3/4/13 6:29 am
RNY on 09/17/12

Just wanted to check in and see how y'all are doing.  It's been a crazy ride so far, but I'm glad.  I've been at a stall for about a month and a half and I'm about ready to pull my hair out about it.  Gotta find a way to jump start again....any suggestions?  I go tomorrow for my 6mth bloodwork....not looking forward to that lol.  Hope all is well with you all!

HW: 260 SW: 254 DOS:227 CW: 175   27lbs lost before surgery

on 3/4/13 6:37 am - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

Yup being light weights has a lot of stalls. Seems to be a few pounds here and there but that is ok for me. I have my 6 month appointment next week, should be fun, hoping to be at 180 be then, that would be 82 pounds post op. only 34 more to go.

 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 3/4/13 7:47 am
RNY on 03/11/13
On March 4, 2013 at 2:37 PM Pacific Time, angeleigh wrote:

Yup being light weights has a lot of stalls. Seems to be a few pounds here and there but that is ok for me. I have my 6 month appointment next week, should be fun, hoping to be at 180 be then, that would be 82 pounds post op. only 34 more to go.

What determines if we're lightweights or not? My BMI is 43. I have never considered myself a lightweight. lol


on 3/4/13 7:54 am - angier, NC
RNY on 09/17/12

From what I have seen if you have less than 100 pounds to be at a normal weight, you will not have large numbers like someone who has 200 pounds to lose.

For me my post op weight was 252, So i only had 102 pounds to lose to be at goal of 150.

 Follow me on Pinterest!  SW/254 HW/276 CW/142  

Pictures: Pre-op, 1 year post op, 2 years post op.

on 3/4/13 8:26 am
RNY on 09/17/12

I'm so glad you posted.  I was feeling like I was some sort of freak lol...with the not losing REALLY fast.  We're almost the same weight...I was at 175 this morning (prob won't be at the doc office tomorrow).  I've got 35 more I want to lose, but I'd be happy with 25.  I just want to get as far away from 200 as I can lol.  Hang in're doing great!

HW: 260 SW: 254 DOS:227 CW: 175   27lbs lost before surgery

on 3/7/13 9:08 am - San Antonio, TX
RNY on 09/18/12

doing great I am now at 87 lbs lost and thirteen to go to hit 100




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