I had cancer post RNY

Kelly K.
on 5/8/13 6:09 pm - Conneaut, OH

Yes, you read that right. I developed a tumor on my right kidney. Had to have my entire right kidney removed and as expected it was cancerous. I was lucky. It was only stage 1B clear cell renal carcinoma. No lymph node involvement whatsoever. The only treatment needed was the nephrectomy(kidney removal).

And just last month, I underwent a partial thyroidectomy due to a large nodule on the left side of my thyroid gland! Thankfully, it was negative. Only 10% of thyroid nodules are cancerous as opposed to 90% of kidney tumors.

Needless to say, I've regained about 20#! So, off to the bariatric surgeon I went. Dr Ali wasn't too worried about the weight gain. He recommended that I visit the office more frequently. And I'm ok with that. I didn't have the RNY to gain it all back!!

RNY 4/20/09

Kidney Cancer Survivor 4/26/12

Partial Thyroidectomy 4/08/13

on 5/8/13 8:36 pm - NY

Congratulations on being a survivor!!!  If I might ask, what were your symptoms re: the kidney cancer?  I've known a couple people in the past couple years who have discovered huge kidney tumors and been successfully treated for cancer.

Linda, Endwell, NY RNY 11/5/12

Kelly K.
on 5/8/13 8:41 pm - Conneaut, OH
One night at work, I started having VERY bloody urine with clots. I thought maybe it was a Uti but after work, I went down to the ER & ended up getting a CT scan because I didn't have a UTI. Instead, they found a 6.9cm mass on my right kidney. Bloody urine was my ONLY symptom! No pain or anything.

RNY 4/20/09

Kidney Cancer Survivor 4/26/12

Partial Thyroidectomy 4/08/13

on 5/8/13 10:53 pm - KY
RNY on 09/25/12

Good thing that the cancer was found so early!  Also, that your thyroid nodule wasn't malignant. I was one of the 10% with thyroid cancer, but it was found early enough that it didn't require anything more than a total thyroidectomy. 
The 20 pound weight gain can be lost again.  I will keep you in my prayers and send good thoughts your way for your success! 


Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss~
Kelly K.
on 5/8/13 10:59 pm - Conneaut, OH
Thank you!!

RNY 4/20/09

Kidney Cancer Survivor 4/26/12

Partial Thyroidectomy 4/08/13

on 5/8/13 11:12 pm
RNY on 05/14/13
Thanks for sharing. Congrats for being a surviver
on 5/9/13 3:30 am

I am so glad your cancer was detected early and removed.  What a blessing on both counts ... You are a survivor AND an overcomer ... how awesome is that ... THANK YOU for sharing your story.  WOW ... congrats on beating the odds ... Best wishes for continued success on your journey ... you ARE a WINNER!!!!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 5/15/13 2:15 am - PA

Congratulations!! I'm very happy for you. Your story was very inspiring. Cancer is actually one of the things that I worried I wouldn't' be able to get through after having RNY. I haven't had it yet but plan to in the near future. I'm glad to hear you kicked cancer!!

on 4/14/15 12:38 am, edited 4/14/15 12:41 am - CA

Hi Kelly I too had Kidney cancer and still may it's on a watch I had a positive margin for tumor after surgery and they see a 5mm spot on my Lung which I pray it's a cyst.  Question.  Did dr tell you about the required need to decrease your protein due to your Kidney removal, did dr put you on any special diet after your Kidney  surgery ?  I'm concerned about the need to decrease when we need it after our Bariatric surgery.  So glad your surgery went well :-) !!!!  Cathy 



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