What meds for Rhuemetoid Arthritis?

on 6/21/13 11:49 am - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12


I have been diagnosed with Rhuemetoid Arthritis. My Dr, instructed me to take Ibuprophen until I can see him again. In a month. I told him I could not take it, he asked why and I explained because of my RNY I cannot take NSAIDS. He asked why not?

Really? I mean come on.  So I explained how they can cause ulcers. So then he asked if I had a history of ulcers. I told him no, and he said it should be fine. So,. . . needless to say I was a little dumbfounded and upset when I left his office. Unfortunatley, my fingers have gotten really bad. And my feet are killing me. I have been dealing with the constant pain everyday. While waiting for them to figure out what was wrong. And now it seems its getting worse. I don't think I can wait a month until I see him again. He is a Rhuemetologist. But I thought he would have a clue as to the needs of gastric patients.

So does anyone else have this? If you do, can you please give me some ideas of pain managment. And what kind of medication are you taking? Besides hot showers, and rubbing emu oil, and arnica into my joints (which does help sometimes) I am not finding too much helpful information on the internet.

I want to have information on what can(or should) help me, so that when I go back to him and can have information on what has helped others so he doesnt think I am a dummy.  And I hate that look Doctors give you, when you try to explain something, and because they are the doctor (and know everything) they make you feel so stupid.  ugh!!!

And yes, I left a message with my bariatrician, so that maybe he can call him, and explain the NSAID thing.

Thank you!

on 6/21/13 11:54 am

There are drugs like Enbrel and Humira that are used for this. They are usually weekly injections. It may be too soon for these but at least you can know there are other options.



on 6/21/13 12:07 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12

Thank you, I will look them up.

on 6/21/13 11:57 am - OH

You might want to tell him that the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery states that RNY patients should not take NSAIDS due to the risk of ulcers in the blind stomach.  Perhaps that will make sense to him.  If not, you could tell him what I told my PCP recently - "I'm going to follow the advice of the ASMBS since it's research-based.  If new research comes out that shows NSAIDS are safe for RNY patients, I will reconsider that."

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/21/13 12:06 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12

Thank you Kelly, I am going to write this down so I can memorize it without tripping up my words if I get nervous. 

on 6/21/13 9:22 pm
RNY on 05/14/13
Great advice! I am going to use this info.
Katie K.
on 6/21/13 12:00 pm - Maitland, FL
RNY on 06/25/13
I don't have it but I've read that going gluten free helps with RA.
on 6/21/13 12:05 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12

Yes, been doing that since November. I also have Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism. And it mentions the RA symptoms being helped by going gluten free. My bariatricain has been working with me to get to a paleo diet. So, I am almost there, besides some yogurt. Oh, and peanut butter.   We originally thought the pain was due to the Hashimotos. Thankfully they finally went ahead and sent me to the rhuemetologist. I now know for sure.  And I must admit, the diet has helped some. :)

on 6/21/13 12:39 pm
I have psoriatic arthritis. Similar to RA. Prior to having RNY I did a trial run of Tramadol and Tylenol together for the pain. It kept it tolerable, but of course does nothing for inflammation. I've found since surgery my arthritis has tamed down some and I attribute it to my new low carb (no gluten) diet. At some point I expect to go the biologic route as mentioned above, and after 6 months (I'm 5 weeks out) my surgeon will ok methotrexate if necessary. Honestly, I believe I'd be looking for another Rheumatologist if I were you... one familiar with bypass patients, unless you feel yours is willing to learn.
on 6/22/13 3:08 am - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12

I am going to do my best to inform him. lol. He is only one within 245 miles for me. Driving kills me, so I cant fathom going to find a different down in Phoenix or the valley right now. Sigh.

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