Would this Help??

Tina Mendonca
on 7/18/13 3:38 pm - Merced, CA

I know as a bigger person before that it was uncomfortable to go to a gym.  And most personal trainers that I have met have no idea what it is like to be a person considering WLS or who is Post-op.  If there were someone who has "been there and done that" in regards to WLS would you be more comfortable to work out with them or in a group of others who have had WLS over someone who has not walked a mile in those shoes? Does it even matter?  Just wondering.  I would love to hear some opinions!

on 7/18/13 3:48 pm
Definitely would prefer a trainer that knew where I was coming from!


Katie K.
on 7/18/13 7:23 pm - Maitland, FL
RNY on 06/25/13

The people at my gym have told me they love to see overweight people there because they like to see their progress. They'd rather see someone trying to get healthier than fit people maintaining health.


on 7/18/13 10:52 pm - Fayetteville, AR
RNY on 08/26/13

There is a gym in our town that works specifically with Dr. Roller's WL patients.  They have their own trainer and class and they say they love it.









on 7/19/13 1:05 am - Crandall, TX
RNY on 09/18/12

My husband is a personal trainer. Although he does not and has not ever had any weight issues, he definitely understands where overweight people are coming from (having been married to me). He "gets" it. I am sure there are many who do.

On a side note, he has about 6 clients that are weight loss patients. Four of them motivate him a great deal. He really admires their drive and passion and they are not at goal yet. He looks forward to working with them each time they come in. He celebrates their successes. Two of them break his heart. They had weight loss surgery but still kept their bad eating habits. And, although they come to him for personal training once a week and he gives them a 3 day workout for that week, they only come in the one day. And, they cancel that one day quite often. He wants them to succeed so badly.

Looking at it from my husband's perspective, it does not matter that he (personal trainer) has not walked in our shoes. He knows what needs to be done to get the results that we want and he is willing to bend over backwards to get the client where they want to be. He understands the science behind obesity/stretched out skin and he knows what is realistic. If you are thinking about using a trainer, I would "interview" them first. Attitude/personality/customer service/knowledge wise, they are definitely not all created equal. There are only 3 in his gym that I would want to train with.


My two cents, for what it is worth...


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