Lab levels question

on 11/27/13 12:41 am - Bryan, TX
I am about to have double knee replacement (19 days). In October, I was diagnosed with low Vitamin C so started taking 3000 mg Vitamin C (Emergen C well de-fizzed) split through the day in 1000 mg doses. When I saw my primary doctor 2 weeks later for pre-op clearance, he ordered Vitamin C lab, Ferritin, and said we should wait on the other labs (metabolic profile and CBC****il closer to surgery.

On October 18, my ferritin was 43 (standard range: 8-252) and my Vitamin C was 0.60 (standard range: 0.6-2.0). I continued my 3000 mg Vitamin C daily and added 45 mg Carbonyl Iron (Feosol) which I take with one of my Vitamin C doses each day.

On October 26, my ferritin was up to 57. My hematocrit is 44.0 and my hemoglobin is 15.0. Should I be able to increase the iron to build my ferritin more without problems with hematocrit/hemoglobin or am I better off sticking with 45 mg iron rather than 90 mg iron daily? On the plus side, my protein is up to 7.2 (highest it's been in 6 years!!), my albumin is up to 3.6 (also a 6 year high), and my calcium is up to 9.3 (another 6 year high).

I'm still waiting on the results for the Vitamin C test. I'm hoping to be up around 0.9. I have noticed a lot less bruising, though I still bruise when something hard scrapes across my skin.

I'm just worried about anemia and healing after my knees are replaced and want to have my levels at the best they can be before I go under the knife.


on 11/27/13 5:19 am - OH

What's your serum iron level?  Taking 90 mg iron a day won't hurt you but 45 mg might be enough.  I'd want to know the serum iron level, though.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/27/13 6:06 am - Bryan, TX
*sigh* I knew there was something I forgot to ask to have checked. I have no clue what my serum iron level is.

on 11/27/13 6:08 am - OH

I'd probably call your doc and ask him to order that, then.  And then decide from there whether to take the 45 mg or 90 mg.  If your serum iron is on the high side, I might stick to 45 mg iron.  If it's on the low side, I'd take 90 mg.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


illinois Gama D.
on 11/27/13 11:16 am

I wanted to say good luck on the knees replacement!! I had PKR done and it was tough but doable, then had to have one TKR ! let us know how you are doing:) Denise

Rny 2003

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