
Kim S.
on 12/30/13 1:09 am - Helena, AL

While in Michigan at Christmas I was introduced to this root vegetable.  Yum and Yum!  Had it mashed with some butter, salt and pepper.  It must not be popular in the South, because this was the first time I'd tried it...I've heard of it, but I know no one that eats it or prepares it.  I was excited to find that Publix does carry them-so next up, I will roast in the oven with some Brussels sprouts!!

Anyone else know of ways to prepare it???


Oh!  also tried cross country skiing!  Loved it!

on 12/30/13 1:56 am - Joppa, MD

Ahh the rutabaga. A great veggie and a fun word at the same time. I like to roast them with carrots and/or sweet potatoes. Little olive oil.

My sister got me started on boiling them like potatoes until fork tender. Drain but save your cooking liquid. Mash while adding your reserved cooking liquid as needed for moisture. Then add a tablespoon of olive oil and a dash of nutmeg. Start with that dash (which is maybe a quarter tsp) and taste. You can add more if you like, of course. Add your salt and pepper to taste. Then prior to serving I will sprinkle with more nutmeg.

I also like them in stew.

I have to try them with brussels sprouts. I had never considered that. And I love Brussels sprouts. Both are very underestimated in the veggie community if you ask me.


on 12/30/13 2:15 am

The first time in my life that I ate that was in South Carolina ... YUM YUM YUM indeed!!! wish I had some right now...

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 12/30/13 2:20 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Now I want roasted brussel sprouts...  

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


H.A.L.A B.
on 12/30/13 3:11 am

I used them instead of potatoes in my stews. Like them. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Kim S.
on 12/30/13 3:24 am - Helena, AL

Here's a great Brussels sprouts recipe....I've had it at the restaurant (Flip Burger) and have made it at home.

Flip's Brussels Sprouts

8 oz Brussels sprouts split and blanched
2 oz bacon
3 tablespoons blended oil (I used olive oil)
1 tablespoon minced ginger
2 tablespoons thinly sliced red onion
1/8 cup apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat sauté pan over medium high
2. Add oil, Brussels sprouts and bacon
3. Brown slightly
4. Add salt, pepper, ginger and onion
5. Sauté for 1 minute
6. Add apple cider vinegar
7. Stir in butter
8. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley (I left this off)


Citizen Kim
on 12/30/13 3:25 am, edited 12/30/13 3:25 am - Castle Rock, CO

You are morphing into a Brit!!!!

We English call it swede and the Scots call a dish of swede and or turnips  "neeps" - that and mashed potatoes is what accompanies the haggis on Burns Night (neeps and tatties)!

We cook and treat it as you would mashed potatoes!   Boil and ma**** with butter, salt and pepper ...   I will add a little cream if it's a little stiff!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 12/30/13 6:36 am
RNY on 05/13/13

I LOVE them. I roast them, boil and mash them and let them cook with meats in the oven as well. I love to do a mix of parsnips, carrots and rutabagas! YUMMMM!


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 12/30/13 8:36 am
RNY on 10/08/13
Have never had one. How would you describe the taste of them?



Kim S.
on 1/1/14 10:31 pm - Helena, AL

They have somewhat of a cabbage/cauliflower taste, with a texture of a cross between cauliflower and potato....very yummy.

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