What's on the menu today, RNYers? (Saturday)

on 5/30/14 10:39 pm
RNY on 12/18/13

Gooood morning, OH! Happy Weekend to you all! It looks to be a nice sunny day on tap for today here in St. Lou, so the plan is to get out and enjoy it while getting the usual stack of errands run. Grocery store, pet store (anyone else have a cat who chews up toys like a dog??) Chinese bakery (more on that in a moment) and home improvement store. Then, some work in the house, with all the windows open: Clean kitchen, get my in law's paperwork under control (we handle their finances, medical insurance, etc.), assemble a set of shelves in the basement, haul down extra pantry items to the shelves, laundry, and vacuuming. Somewhere in there some time on the treadmill and if there's enough time later on, a trip to the gym. The gym trip will probably be late tonight since the husbeast and I have tickets to a 6:30 showing of Maleficent.

The movie trip would have been a beastly thing for me just last week. My beloved husbeast has become enamored of the "dinner and a movie" concept, so we now go to the local AMC theater that serves food during the movie while you relax in nice, comfy reclining seats. The problem is that there's just nothing on the menu that's high protein, low carb, and preferably not fried! They're not real good about substitutions and modifications, either. So going to the movies used to mean I'd get the popcorn and eat way too much of it. This time, however, I'm prepared with a plan! There will be a Quest bar tucked in my purse, along with ONE cup of air popped cheddar cheese popcorn. The husbeast can order what he wants, I'll get a bottle of water and eat my bar and popcorn and stick to my plan for the day. Go, me!

Here's the story on the Chinese bakery trip. I got on the scale this morning and found that I'd lost the last pound I needed to hit the Century Club mark! Go, me, indeed! And I've been craving a steamed custard bun for weeks now. I kept promising myself that when I lost 100 pounds I'd treat myself to ONE custard bun (I used to eat them half a dozen at a time!) so I'm off to the bakery to score a few; one for me, the rest for the husbeast. And I'm going to savor that bun and make it last for as many bites as I can.

So here's today's snapshot: Water - None yet, will start as soon as I sign off. Supplements - ditto. Exercise - Treadmill and a gym trip at some point. Menu - 

Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Jay Robb's - Whey Protein, Vanilla, 12 g 44 0 0 10 60 0  
Prairie Farms - Large Curd Cottage Cheese, 1/2 Cup 100 4 5 12 450 4  
Strawberries Fresh Sliced - Driscoll's, 1/2 cup 50 11 0 1 0 8  
  194 15 5 23 510 12  
Cunning_Pam's Grilled Shrimp, Large, 4 ounce 112 0 0 24 252 0  
Heinz - Reduced Sugar Ketchup, 1 tbsp(16g) 5 1 0 0 190 1  
Gold's - Horseradish (Prepared), 1 tsp. 0 0 0 0 30 0  
Cauliflower - Raw, 0.25 cup 6 1 0 0 8 1  
  123 2 0 24 480 2  
Quest Protein Bar - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (Net Carbs), 1 Bar (60 g) 190 4 8 21 310 1  
  190 4 8 21 310 1  
En Egglands Best - Hard Boiled Egg Large, 2 egg 120 0 8 10 110 0  
Pelican Bay - White Cheddar Cheese Popcorn, 1 cups 90 7 7 2 135 2  
Kraft - String Cheese 2% Milk, 1 stick 70 0 5 8 190 0  
Dim Sum - Steamed Egg Custard Bun, 1 piece 47g 118 21 3 2 77 13  
Phormula-1 - Whey Protein, Fruit Punch, 1 level scoop (26g) 96 1 0 23 230 0  
  494 29 23 45 742 15  
Totals 1,001 50 36 113 2,042 30  
Your Daily Goal 1,000 38 39 125 2,300 45

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 5/30/14 10:59 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Century Club!!!! Woo hooo Pam!!! So excited for you! And damn your day is packed! Funny to think how sedentary you would have been six short months ago, right? So proud of you!!!

I'm awake and sipping my Click mocha protein powder + coffee. Off to the gym shortly. I am going up to Baltimore with a friend for a girls night out with other friends tonight. I feel like I am going to bring like 7 outfits lol. Getting dressed is fun again!

b: click mocha protein powder (just one scoop) in 12 Oz of coffee, a piece of paleo banana bread with a dab of butter

l: chicken breast tenderloins that I will sauté in olive oil with some mashed cauliflower and Benihana spicy mustard sauce

D: we are going to a Spanish tapas restaurant which means shrimp, chicken, and cheese for me. And likely some spicy peppers :) Small plates are perfect for WLS!

e: I'm scared but I am doing a class at the gym at 10 called Power Playground. My trainer told me it will be a challenge but I can do it. It's like a high intensity strength training course of 10 people with machines, ropes, balls, stairs and more. I'm stepping outside the box so wish me luck!!!!

v: will get on it

w: will have no problems today!

totals today will be around 900 calories, 70 g of protein and probably a bit too much fat lol!

enjoy your busy day running around! Sounds super productive!!!!

and congrats again! So very happy for you!

on 5/30/14 11:08 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Have fun in Baltimore and at your class! Power Playground sounds terrifying, but if your trainer says you can do it, I'm sure you can - good luck and way to go pushing outside your comfort zone!

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 5/31/14 7:26 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Thank you, thank you, Em! I'm pretty stoked myself! And I have to give you and everyone else here so much credit for being a wonderful support system. Yeah, I was even more of a couch potato than I am nowadays. It's so weird to look at a list of stuff to do and not just be overwhelmed with dread! I love being able to go from place to place doing my errands and chores and not feel like I'm so exhausted I just have to go lay down.

Sounds like you have a fun time planned in Baltimore. Tapas restaurant is a great choice! I hope the small plate concept never goes away completely, it really does work for WLS folks.

Power Playground? More like Pain Playground, sounds like!   I wish you the best of luck, but you've been working so hard on your fitness that I'm confident you'll do really, really well. You may just surprise yourself! Let me know what it's like when you can, I'm curious. They have a class at my gym called Power Pump, it may be similar. It's a bit out of my league just yet, but I may get there eventually.

Have fun!

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 5/30/14 11:06 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Good morning, Pam, it is SO exciting that you've reached 100 pounds lost - SO amazing! You've been working so hard and it's awesome to see it paying off. And I like your custard bun treat makes sense - one, you've worked hard and indulging every once in a while is ok.

My scale has not been quite so cooperative. I'm 2 pounds from the halfway mark, but the scale hasn't moved in 3 days and it's bugging me. I know I should step away for a few days, but I can't seem to make myself. It has me in a bit funk though when it comes to what to eat. My menu today is uninspired for sure.

My door has been fixed and I'm about ready to head out to the gym. Of course it took the maintenance guy approximately 2 minutes to fix the thing!

Time since surgery: 10 weeks

Pre Gym S: Babybel Light

B: Omelet made with eggbeaters, turkey sausage crumbles, cheese, peppers and onions

S: 12oz Nectar Lemon Tea protein shake

L: 3oz greek yogurt with a tablespoon wheat germ, string cheese

S: coffee with half and half

D: Quest Bar, I think

S: 12oz Nectar Lemon Tea protein shake

TOTALS: Calories 720, Protein 103, Carbs 39, Fat 23

V: started

W: starting

E: heading to the Y momentarily

My goal today or tomorrow is to get to the grocery store for some shopping - I want to try to incorporate meat into my menu more so I can get some more dense protein with higher numbers at each meal without relying so much on my protein shakes

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 5/31/14 7:44 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Thank you, Anny! It's pretty damn amazing to me, to be honest. Before my surgery the most I'd ever lost in one try was 60 pounds, so this is just incredible to me when I look at the number. I'm trying to avoid minimizing the accomplishment; there's a little voice in my head that keeps whispering "Oh, don't get so excited, it's just the first hundred you have to lose." And I keep telling that voice "Eff you, I LOST it, a whole 100 pounds! And I'll lose the rest, too!"

Why yes, I talk to the voices in my head, doesn't everyone? 

I'm sorry to hear about your slump. It will pass, though...I know you know that, but it's good to hear it sometimes. Maybe go out on some recipe sites and pick something new to try to perk up your tastebuds? I feel in a rut sometimes, and even if I don't actually make anything new it's always fun to look at recipes and figure out how to adapt a flavor profile or a new protein source to my meal plan.

Hope you had fun at the Y, and that the grocery store provides you with a bit of inspiration!

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 5/30/14 11:08 pm - Brighton, IL

First off,congrats on the Century Club! When you started this journey did you even see this coming? I know I didn't! Sounds like a good workable plan for the movie too. I'm not a big fan of Quest bars because they remind me of candy bars which were my kryptonite before surgery,but this is a perfect way to use them. My hubby is working today so I will be cleaning the bedroom,dusting and working a bit weeding in the garden. We have all sorts or green beans and peas and corn coming up and I am trying my best to keep the weeds down. Lily and I already have 3 miles in this morning. Later I will bike for twenty minutes and have my exercise out of the way for the day. B 1/2 c steel cut oats with nuts and 1/2 banana with peanut butter L 1/2 c chicken salad and 1/2 c Greek yogurt S string cheese D 31/2 oz rib eye and 1/2 c green beans S 3/4 c Greek yogurt. 21 months post op maintaining at 121.4 today. On track with vitamins and fluids and finishing my cup of coffee. Have a super Saturday everyone!



on 5/31/14 7:46 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Thank you, Karen! Honestly, I was afraid to hope for such good results, so I'm almost surprised to have gotten this far already! It's been an amazing ride so far, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

Mmm, fresh veggies from the garden...I can almost taste them! In a couple of months you'll be enjoying the fruits (and veggies!) of your labor. Yummy! 

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 5/30/14 11:18 pm - Brighton, IL

Anny hang in there! That nasty scale will start to move again soon I promise! Just keep reminding yourself how much weight you have lost in such a short time and how much better you feel now. I don't know why we get so impatient to get the pounds off fast but I think it's just human nature. And Em you always make me wish I lived a fun life like you. Just think how much more you can enjoy life as you get smaller and smaller. And way to go doing a class you haven't tried before! I'm lucky that I push myself so I am able to just work out on my own. With only one income because I'm not able to work due to rheumatoid arthritis and one son in college,I'm not sure I could afford a gym. But I have found exercise I love to do and make it work. Have fun everyone!



on 5/31/14 1:03 am
RNY on 10/08/13
YAY!!!!! Pam!!!!!



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