Day 5 of 14 of liquid diet - struggling

on 9/8/14 5:52 am

Today is day 5 of 14 of my 2 week liquid diet (liver shrinking).  Today is HARD.  I just want to eat!

I know these 2 weeks will be hell but anyone else have issues like this?


Start Weight: 297         Surgery Weight: 279.7        Current Weight  248.4

Surgery 9/17/14

on 9/8/14 7:13 am - Kalamazoo, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

Hi Roxy

I can't really speak about how hard of time you are having, but....I start my liquid diet next Monday  October 15th. My Dr put me on a 3 week liquid diet.  I am so afraid of just what your going thru.  I just keep repeating to myself, "you can do, you really want this surgery and all it can do for you".

If you have any tips let me know.  Are you eating sf jello and sf popsycles?

Just know your not alone and you can do this, keep your eye on the prize.  Best of luck to you and see you on the loser's bench.


Jen H.
on 9/8/14 8:19 am, edited 9/8/14 8:20 am - Davie, FL
RNY on 09/09/14

This is my last day of a 2 week pre-op.  I felt terrible the first two days, but was ok physically after that.  There were hard times for sure, but just kept powering through.  I am very proud of myself for following it to the letter.  Keep your eye on the prize.  You can do this!

Just realized after I posted this that Bubbles said the same thing about eyeing the prize.  It's true though.  This is temporary.  What you can gain (or lose) can be a permanent change in your life if you can stick with it.


on 9/8/14 9:45 am

Thank you both.  Day 2 was WAY bad - I was so cranky and witchy.  Day 3 & 4 weren't too bad but it was the weekend and I could sleep until noon.  Today was OK hunger wise but the HEAD hunger was killing me (and it was a stressful day at work)

I am having the Jell-O, broth and popcicles too but they don't seem filling.


Start Weight: 297         Surgery Weight: 279.7        Current Weight  248.4

Surgery 9/17/14

on 9/8/14 12:53 pm

My first week was rough...more mentally than physically. The first weekend was hardest. It got easier for sure. I lost a lot of weight in those 2 weeks so seeing the scale come down was a nice incentive to keep on keeping on.

  RNY 7/28/14 - HW 312 (1/9/14) - SW 263. CW 164 (3/28/15)

on 9/8/14 11:21 pm

I found making soup with spinach and broccoli helped.  I just used chicken stock for the broth.

It helped me out a lot when I wanted real food.

It'll all be a distant memory soon enough.

Good luck!

on 9/9/14 12:09 am

I am day 8 of the same diet and I struggled about the same point you did. It's definitely hard. One thing I did was find things to keep myself away from food. Things such as walking, crocheting, puzzles, anything to get me through that tough spot...Good Luck.

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