Anyone else NOT a carb addict?

on 4/27/11 5:43 am - Sharonville, OH
Sometimes I feel like an outsider here. All of this talk about carbs being the worst thing ever just confuses me. If I eat some crackers with my lunch, I don't crave more carbs later in the day. If I have fruit, I never ever crave anything from that. In fact, I congratulate myself for eating fruit because I'm not a fruit eater!

If I overeat, which I do have to watch out for even now, I usually overeat on things like cheese or peanut butter, which are virtually carb-free. And the few times I've had sweets (at a picnic or party), I do find that I want to eat more sweets. But I'm thankful that I can leave the party. And once I'm away, the desire to eat more sweets goes away.

I don't buy sweets or starches like potato chips for my pantry because I don't trust myself around them when I'm alone at home, especially at the end of the day. LOL But if I eat a healthy carb, like whole wheat bread, for instance, I don't feel like eating more bread. Partly because I'm full and partly because I just don't care.

Is anyone else like this? I frankly find all the talk about avoiding carbs (especially healthy carbs) to be something I just can't relate to.
HW: 380   SW: 321   CW: 214  GW: 145  

on 4/27/11 5:54 am - Silver Spring, MD
Same here. I haven't had surgery yet but I overindulged in sodas and fattening foods. I don't crave cakes and cookies unless it is that time of the month. I'd eat a steak everyday if I could!

It's ok to be different!
on 4/27/11 5:54 am
I don't eat bread because it just sits like lead in my stomach...I do eat crackers often and find I am satisfied and don't necessarily "crave" them all day but I can eat more than other types of food so I have to really watch my intake (lots of sodium for me). I eat fruit too, when I can fit it in. I still have so much restriction, especially of dense foods, that I seldom don't get to the fruits. If I do it's the main part of the meal. For instance, I often eat a small banana for a mid-morning snack. I never eat rice.

Everyone is different and as long as you are getting your nutritional value and still have calories to get in and you're losing...who what's right for you and don't worry if that means carbs ;-)

Good luck! Cathy

HW 298.8 Surgery W 242.5 CW 152 GW 164Surgery Date 10/25/10!!!                   
on 4/27/11 5:57 am
I don't avoid fruits or veggies that have carbs in them but I do avoid white carbs. None of us here got fat on eating a moderate portion of Bananas or grapes. As far as wheat bread goes I make my own wheat bread and even that uses a ton of flour and calls for 5 cups of those to be Bread flour which is white. I use only whole grain with mine but I still wouldn't call it "good for you". Its the cakes, chips, pizza (drool), sodas that people have a hard time staying away from. So while we say "carbs" I don't think anyone stays away from fruit and veggies. (Most veggies even have some carbs) I do watch how much of the "dessert fruits" I eat like cantalope, grapes, bananas. Those high in sugars. I eat plenty of blueberries and strawberries though.


5'6" Start-276 Goal-150  Weight loss   Preop=5  Month 1=25  Month 2=10  Month 3=14  Month 4=3 Month 5=7  Month 6=9 Month 7=7 Month 8=Month 9=9 Month 10=7 Month 11=5 Month 12=5 Month 13=3 Month 14=4    


on 4/27/11 5:59 am, edited 4/27/11 6:02 am
I never suffered from the "eat a carb, crave a carb" thing, BUT I did low carb it during my losing stage mainly out of necessity. I simply did not have room for carbs of any sort. Once I got to goal, and sliding into maintenance, I had to more carbs, and found a balance that works for me. I do not avoid any food at this point, and haven't for a year. I didn't eat any veggie with a glycemic index count over 55 during my losing stage. I've never been a big fruit eater, and have zero desire to eat it. Fruit just isn't a big thing for me. I do love veggies, but I love green, leafy veggies. I eat mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and fries, but it's on a rare occasion. I eat rice and pasta as well. But again, I live a life of moderation. I avoided all carbs during my losing stage. I counted every carb that crossed my lips. Even my chewable multi had 2gr of carbs, those counted as well. The main carbs I took in was from dairy via cheese and some carbs in greek yogurt.

During my losing stage, I was hellbent on making goal, and making it fast. I was also hellbent on changing my relationship/thought process on food, and how it made me feel. I'm not a sweet eater, but I love Starbursts and Skittles. I indulge in those little boogers on occasion, but I can take them or leave them. As for my "weakness", it has always been chips, pretzels, crackers, dips, salty/crunchy/savory. Those are the foods that I do keep in check even in maintenance, but if I want some Funyuns, I'm eating funyuns and not feeling guilty about it.
Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Karen M.
on 4/27/11 6:06 am - Rockwall, TX
DS on 12/01/14
I feel the same way.  Sweets have never been my downfall, but don't put a bag of chips within my reach or they'd be gone.  I've only been sleeved for 6 weeks but I don't crave chips anymore.  I hope my mindset is changing. 

 HW:  268             SW:  268              CW:  230.02             5'5"                   48 yrs old              

on 4/27/11 2:23 pm - TX
 Glad toknow someone else who loves Funyuns!!
Mandyplus2 ..
on 4/27/11 6:13 am - GA
Same as USAF. I'm not a carb addict, but I'm a TOTAL sweets addict.

I can easily eat bread, pasta, crackers, etc. without cravings, but I did low carb in the losing stage out of necessity. Now I actually purposefully include carbs in my diet (even on my cut right now). Will be eating oats tonight!
 5'8" - 40 years old

on 4/27/11 6:23 am - WV
I am not a carb addict, but i used to be..I do have carbs in my diet even though im just over 2 months out..I have low carb whole wheat tortillas or pita,Some fruit but very rarely.I stay away from white carbs like potatoes and white bread.In the beginning I even had cereal..I manage my calories more than i do carbs and i have done very well over 50 lbs in 2 months so im gonna keep doing what im doing until it doesnt work.I think i still manage to stay under 60 carbs without trying..


on 4/27/11 6:17 am
I don't crave bread, pasta, sweets since surgery, but I do still crave potato chips.  But I recognize that I want something crunchy so then I go for a piece of crispy bacon.  Takes the craving away.
~ Elena.

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