Sleeved on 10/17

on 10/24/11 2:13 pm

I was sleeved on 10/17.  I am not hungry, nor do I want anything.  for some strange reason I'm starting to crave ginger ale.  Probably because I have a lot of chest pressure and just need a really good big burp.  

I'm really concerned because I do not like anything.  My sense of smell is completely messed up.  Everything from food to fragrances smells horrible.  Popsicles seems to be the only thing I can tolerate.  I do not plain water.  Crystal, is not really working for me either.  I'm trying different flavors.  Hours will pass by and I'm like OMG I need to put something in my stomach.  Protein shakes is 50/50.  My stomach likes it one day and the next it doesn't. I throw up any type of broth.  

It's been a week and I am still extremely tired.  How do I get my liquids in for the day?  I am only getting about 8-12 oz in a day.  
HW: 250      SW: 237      CW: 174   Goal: 125     Height: 5'1    Surgery Date: 10/17/11
on 10/24/11 2:58 pm - CA
You need to drink drink drink even if you don't like it.  Stay away from the broth if it doesn't work for you.  Have you tried juices mixed with water or SF jello?  That worked for me and jello counts as fluid.  The sense of smell thing was true for me too.  It gets better. Have you been taking a ppi?  That can help with the pressure sensation.  Call your doc if you don't have one.Don't give into the ginger-ale craving.  The carbonation would be a really bad idea.  Go ahead and burp if you need to.  I was a big burper for a few weeks after surgery then the PPi kicked in and it got better.  You'll feel better soon.
putting one foot in front of the other...        
on 10/24/11 10:39 pm
 not that this matters but you were banded on my birthday lol! 
I know this sounds ignorant but what is a ppi ...this is the millionth post ive read with it in the text and i am having surgery nov 2...thanks
on 10/25/11 12:54 am
ppi is a proton pump inhibitor.  Reduces the acid your stomach produces.  Reduces the GERD or heartburn
(deactivated member)
on 10/24/11 11:47 pm
I was sleeved on the 19th two days after you.  I too have noticed a change in smell - I ask myself quite often if what I smell is me!!  LOL.  I can relate to the ginger ale, but haven't craved anything (knock on wood).  I too have extreme gas pain in my chest, it is getting less day by day, but still hurts when it comes and goes.  I think this is all normal, however I have fought to get my liquids and proteins in everyday so far.  I look forward to my "full liquid" stage tomorrow on day 7.  Luckily, I have tolerated broth and have it once a day, usually when the family is having dinner.  I did make some sugar free jello and I put a scoop of unflavored protein in it.  The jello cant be too hot when you do it because the protein will get weird. This protein is 17 grams per scoop and divided into 4 servings its only 4 grams of protein per serving, not a whole lot but 2 servings a day is 8 grams!  Its not the greatest but its not bad either.  The protein is important.  I noticed much improvement in my energy, attitude and even my stool!  I have heard stories of hair loss and being an stereotypical male, I want to do everything to prevent that!!  Just remember in a week or two we will be able to eat scrambled eggs and other foods to get our protein. 
Hang in there, try and get the stuff in your system.  It is such a short span of time until we can eat more normal food.  WE CAN DO THIS! 
I find walking helps with the gas pains, and be sure to use your breathing tool the hospital sent home with you.
Good Luck

Lisa J.
on 10/25/11 12:19 am - OK
Smells got to me too. Messed with my head ;-).  Just worry about the popsicles and whatever water/fluid you can get in. Are you *thinking* you just have to eat or are you hungry? Trust me, we can do without food a heck of a lot longer than we think we can. Try eating ice. As far as broth goes, I couldn't stand the prepacked stuff you cook with--it's bland as hell. I strained chicken noodle soup and just ate that broth. I've never tried Pho, (Vietnamese noodle soup?) but hear it's awesome strained as well as Miso. You just have to try whatever works for you. You'll find something that your tummy likes.

Each day is going to be better and better. Not magically overnight mind you, but in a couple weeks you'll probably have trouble remembering the discomfort.  The liquid is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do. Get some gas strips--trust me, ginger ale might sound good but make sure it's completely flat before you drink it. The carbonation will kill you.

Your tummy is like a newborn's at this must be kind and gentle to it. Not eating is better at this stage than trying to force stuff down. Just keep drinking no matter what.
Lisa J
HW: 277   Day of Surgery: 234    CW: 161 Goal: 135 sounds good but....? Who knows!

HW/277   EVAL/260  PREOP/246  SURGERY DAY/243   CW/162 1/3/2011
on 10/25/11 12:53 am
Being behind on your fluids will make you feel extremely tired and all around just bad.  The carbonation in the ginger ale will not make you feel better, it will most likely make you hurt so don't do it.  Did you doctor give you any medications for nausea and anything like Protonix?  Gas X?  My first few days I took an anti-nausea med right away in the morning with my protonix and started drinking like crazy.  After a few days I didn't have to do that any more.  Popsicles helped most of us but like you our sense of smell and taste were odd for a while.  Popsicles are really the only sweet thing I can tolerate even now.  Hope you feel better soon.
on 10/25/11 2:20 am - CO
I was sleeved on the 18th. They gave me a popcicle in the hospital and I almost threw up all over the nurse.

I tolerate water fine now, But, in the hospital the thing that saved me was ceffeine free hot teas. I don't like sugar substitutes, so I just went plain. It worked well and might be something you could try.

I hit my low a couple of days ago and realized that I hadn't started taking my vitamins yet. You might try that. I use chewable or gummies right now.

I also started looking for things with more Iron in them because I was feeling really tired. That helped too.

Everything tasting weird is proabably ketosis, your body burning fat. From a past weight loss attempt on high protein/low carb medically supervised diet, I learned that fat has 3 ways to leave your body: from your pee and poop, through your sweat glands, and out of your mouth. That's why things taste weird and smell weird. It won't last forever.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



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