GAINED a pound?!

on 1/13/12 12:22 am - TX
Crazy! I got on the scale this morning and I've gained a pound? I know I need to eat more protein but I joined the gym this week (Wednesday) and have walked 4 miles since then. Is this normal?

Hints to keeping it from happening? I am in my 8th week out from surgery so I can eat regular food. I've had red beans and rice, salad, small and I mean small piece of pizza, not going overboard on food at all. I still can't eat all that much.
on 1/13/12 12:33 am
More then likely it's water weight.  Watch your salt intake and keep hydrated.  Also - electrolytes will cause water retention too - so if you are drinking something like PowerAde Zero, Vitamin Water Zero or Smar****er that will cause water retention.

HW - 310/SW 300/Day of Surgery 293.2/CW - 182.2 (2/26/19), fleur de lys abdominoplasty 2/12/19 - removed 8lbs of skin from abdomen.

on 1/13/12 12:58 am
I didnt have pizza or rice until I lost over 100 lbs and I still have only had rice 3 times. I also didnt have salad until about 4 months post-op. It literally has zero nutritional value and takes up room that should be filled with protein this early out.
the only time I experienced a gain was when I came home from the hospital and gained 6 lbs of fluids.
on 1/13/12 1:21 am
Your body will hold onto a little water when you exercise. Plus you will vary day to day anyway. As long as you are sticking to your plan, you should be fine, it will come back off. Watch your sodium intake as well. Drink plenty of fluids!
on 1/13/12 1:23 am - LA

Trust me, you will learn that this crazy sleeve of yours has a mind of its own.  Some days I get on the scale and have gained a pound and the next day lost three.   One week I won't lose a pound and the next week I will have lost five pounds.  I have learned to roll with the punches.  A pound is nothing to stress over, now if it was say ten pounds then either you have something to worry about or get a new scales.  I also found that when I started working out, I did not lose as fast and I would often have a few weight gains every now and then.  So if you are sticking with your doctor's plan and know that you are eating right and getting in your protein and water, then you will have nothing to worry about and the weight will come off.  Be careful though with your carb count with the rice and breads, after then months I still don't eat rice and only have a bite of bread about once a week.  I wouldn't risk it while you are still in your honeymoon phase! Trust in your sleeve!

If you fear nothing, then you love nothing. If you love nothing, what joy can there be in life?
                       VSG-3/3/2011 HW-308 SW-298 CW-152 GW-160
                                                156LBS. LOST

on 1/13/12 2:04 am - Toronto, Canada
You are totally normal.  Every person gains and loses weight throughout the day.  If 1 pound increase is going to freak you out go on the scale only once a week at the same time.

My weight loss journey is lose nothing for almost the full week, then drop a couple of pounds on day I weigh in and then next day my weight is up 2-3 pounds.  I would drive myself crazy if I weighed daily and its too discouraging.

Salt, time of month, and just daily fluctuations in water retention is the reason but why get bent out of shape when it is probably jus****er gain and will be gone in a day or so. 

Highest W 312   Referral W 252   Surgery W 237   CW 156  Height 5'6"            


on 1/13/12 2:14 am - Canada
OMG!!! DON"T STRESS! One pound, hell a couple of pounds is fluctuations in water weight ( You might be full of pee!!) Also, TMI I know but bowel movements affect weight as well!!!! Stress over a 5 lb gain, not one pound!!! You're doind GREAT!!

on 1/13/12 8:31 am - TX
Thanks everyone! I will watch the carbs and drink more water. I'm glad I have a place where I can come to get some encouragement!

I'm not going to stress. I was really just surprised that I gained. I remember seeing people post about gains periodically and wondered how on earth it could happen. But it does! So...I'll just be more careful.

How do you get over your carb addiction?
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