
on 9/20/14 10:48 pm - Mount vernon, NY

I just started my process of getting ready to have the surgery... You weight management, meeting with the nutritionist, and having to set up an appointment not with the therapist.... And I'm really freaked out, which is making me want to back out.... Like what if I don't like skinny me, and what if it goes wrong, what if I donot lose weight after the surgery... You know the regular self doubt stuff .

Dawn ..
on 9/21/14 12:19 am - MI
VSG on 09/23/14

Take a deep breath and relax. Take it a day at a time. Read, research and visit the forum often. I was apprehensive when I started the process in December, 2013. We all fear the unknown. But just remeber back to what lead you on this path in the first place... We are all hear for you and we all seek support from one another.

My surgery is Tuesday, and although I had the same questions and concerns as you, I am TRULY looking forward to the benefits that my sleeve will give me.

It will be OK 

Consult 12/9/13, Pre-Surgery Appt 9/5/14, Surgery 9/23/14, Height/5'.52", HW/273,  ConsW/268 ConsBMI/49, PreSurW/213 PreSurBMI/39, SurW/193.8 SurBMI/35.4, Drs GW/140-150 My 1st GW/160 2nd GW/145
Visit my online store at  Independent Consultant ID 30858

on 9/21/14 12:24 am - LA
VSG on 04/24/13

I'm sorry you are feeling this way.  Maybe you just aren't ready and that's ok.  This is a lifestyle change that you need to embrace because the journey is not easy for most people.

As for me, I couldn't wait to have wls. I wasn't scared or nervous, just impatient to get on with my new way of life. I had laser focus until I hit goal.  Don't think of it in terms of doing it to be skinny.  Think of it as a road to a healthier, more active you.  I look better in my clothes sure, but now I have excess skin to worry about.  The truth is, I'll take the skin over the fat any day. I am more confident and I feel so much better without having to carry all the extra weight around. 

Good luck with your decision.  

"Whether you believe you can or you can't are right! " by Henry Ford

on 9/21/14 1:11 am

Instead of freaking out about the unknowns, think about what you do know. You know that you're obese enough to warrant surgery. You know that there are definite consequences for being that obese. Make your own list. You can't control what might or might not happen with any surgery. This is your journey, you get to control it however you want. If now isn't the time for you to have surgery, them make that decision and own it. If now is the time for you to have surgery, make that decision .... and own it.


Follow my journey:

It never gets easier. You just get better!

on 9/21/14 4:41 am

Awww!  Don't be scared. I was scared too and I'm a nurse in the OR where I had my VSG and had complete faith in the entire team because I know them. I think it was fear of the unknown and that I would fail at this too because I had failed at everything else. It seems overwhelming but all the puzzle pieces will fall into place. Use your new tool wisely and you'll succeed. Keep logging your food intake even after surgery to make sure you're getting enough nutrients and not too much junk. It will keep you honest. I became a nutty discriminating label reader. It gives me a sense of control which I never though I had. I still talk to my nutritionist when I have questions at 9 months out. You can do this!!!  These support blogs are great and let's me know I'm normal in what I'm feeling. Hang in there and good luck!  "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."


HW: 246 SW: 236 CW: 147 GW: 143 = 24.9 BMI.  DOS: 12/17/13 VSG

on 9/23/14 3:40 am

I'm only about 6 weeks into my pre-op process and have had those panic moments too.  There's a reason that the insurance companies like you to spend at least 3 months in supervised dieting - it is not that you need to lose weight to prove that you deserve surgery, but it gives you time to accustom your self to the changes that you'll need to make.  The preparation is certainly not going to hurt you, and no one can force you to have the surgery, so give yourself time to get used to the idea.  And definitely take advantage of that therapist appointment and keep reading these posts - it will help you understand both the good and the bad to expect, so you can consider the reality rather than your worst case imagination.


on 9/23/14 1:50 pm, edited 9/23/14 1:51 pm
VSG on 09/30/14 with

George is a great doctor, I started out with seeing him but had to change to another doctor cause of my insurance . I am getting my surgery done by his wife Christine. You dont know what's to come , how you will look or even if there will be extra skin. I have had the same thoughts as you.. think of it as a stepping stone to a better and healthier life cause that's the most important thing... change is good and it can only better you!! You will be ok! Are you having your surgery at NYU... Healthier and skinner is better than obese and miserable.... good luck!! 

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