a good diet pill?

on 5/18/11 10:25 am - Morehead, KY
 out 4 1/2 years....up 6 lbs...looking for a good diet pill?  any recommendations?


Kim S.
on 5/18/11 11:40 pm - Helena, AL
Kudos to you for snapping to attention when it is only 6 lbs!  You can lose that in a few weeks!

Diet pills, fad diets yada-yada-yada......we already know these things don't work...that is how we became obese in the first place.

Eat less and burn more.  Period.

Log your food
Protein first
Eat 6-7 small meals a day (minimum of 1,200 calories, 40% from protein)

The #1 thing you can do to maintain weight loss is build a substantial amount of muscle so your body becomes a fat burning machine.

Please do not fall prey to the fads and the pills--be healthy and eat smart and move your body.

Come here often for support.  We have all been there and we are the ones that know what works.

(deactivated member)
on 5/19/11 3:08 am - North Brookfield, MA
Kim, just wanted to say that I enjoy your posts and have taken some sage advice away when reading them.  Love your no nonsense attitude about the reality of weight loss. Thanks, Lisa
Kim S.
on 5/19/11 4:37 am - Helena, AL
Thanks so much!  That really is how I approach everything in life.  I try to pay it forward to help some folks learn the things I had to learn the hard way! 

Have a great day!

on 5/20/11 9:36 pm
I also like Kim's posts and she is right on the mark, I too eat 6 small meals a day.  I just can't get my protein in on 3 meals a day.  Plus, I can't eat most meats, it is a problem, but I work around it.
jenna F.
on 5/19/11 2:33 am
I agree none that works, takes a change of lifestyle. I personally use Visalus to help me keep me on track though. They have a metabolism booster that isn't like what they have in stores and doesn't have those nasty side effects.
on 5/20/11 4:20 am - Shelbyville, MI
I agree with what Kim said.
Diets don't work but lifestyle change does, anything else and you will be yo-yo dieting for the rest of your life. Don't do diet pills ever.

Instead exercise, move to lose. Calories in and calories out. What to lose those 6 pounds than leave 3 bites on your plate at every meal. Easy? Nope...it's hard to leave 3 bites even so cut yourself some slack. It's a learning process and it's called Mindful Eating. Leave 3 bites and in ONE YEAR you will lose 9 pounds. Watch your snacking too. Drink lots of water. Hungry? try drinking a cup of water and wait 30 minutes before you eat.

Really you are a success! 6 pounds is no biggie and you don't need diet pills, you have the power within you to make the correct choices for food. You know what to do. We are all professional dieters aren't we? And...we know diets don't work.

Food is not your friend but food is needed to fuel your body. I've lost 7 pounds in the last 3 months. It's coming off slowly but hell..this isn't a race, this is for lifetime.

lacygirlcat...YOU are a success. Now is the time to move to lose. I'm cheering you on. PM me if you want to talk more. Now be kind to yourself and go for a wonderful walk. Reflect on how far you have come. Never look back. Keep looking forward! Hugs Debbiejean
on 5/24/11 3:24 pm - Sunland, CA
Hi, I havnt been on this board for many years, but I have been going through some changes, so I was compelled to come back. My surgery was on 8/04, Roux-Y Gastric Bypass,I have since lost over 200#'s, I still yo-yo dieted up to 2 1/2 yrs ago, after having my last baby...
However, I had my tubes tied, was gona be turning 40 & realized it was my time to finish what I started. I did a lot of research, and I'm not encouraging the use of diet pills, but small doses of phendimetrazine gave me the kick start I needed to begin a ruinning routine, change my eating habits for good, smaller frequent meals, largest being at breakfast, after 18 months, I was the smallest I had ever been.
The danger in taking diet pills is dependancy, make sure you are monitored by a physician who is aware of your health needs, and the pills should only be taken short term.
I just had a full tummy tuck, and had over 5lbs of skin removed, never would of thought I would have gotten this small.
Goodluck, email me with any other questions
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