Stuck in a rut 3 years after surgery?

on 4/9/12 1:10 pm - Raleigh, NC
I need help to start losing again, I gained back 20 pounds and I am afraid it will keep going up?
on 4/9/12 9:31 pm - Manalapan, NJ
 It's amazing how that weight seems to just creep back on - all of a sudden you realize you're up 20+ lbs. It's so scary. I had the same experience too. I know my eating was out of control (especially carbs). I recently started a new fitness/nutrition program and it seems to be really helping. The program is gluten and dairy free. I am finding I am feeling so much better without it - less cravings. Are you exercising? If not, I'd defintiely start. It helps a great deal in maintaining.
on 4/10/12 4:49 am - Raleigh, NC
Thanks for your words of encouragement.  I am trying to exercise but need to challenge myself more.  I will look into the program you are talking about.  I really do not eat much but what I eat is heavy in carbs.
Not the Same Dawn
on 4/10/12 11:38 am - BEE EFF EEE, CA
The problem is that some carbs are fruits and veggies..rarely do you eat too many fruits or's the *white* carbs that are a problem, usually..sugar, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cookies, candy..all the bad carbs that call your name and make you actually hungrier if you eat them..

I consider it my drug addiction. Sugar is just as addictive as alcohol, and if you think about it, they make alcohol WITH, they're's difficult to control an addiction by using "moderation" because as soon as you invite a glass of alcohol back into the party, the alcohol takes over.

Yes, RNY worked for me but it also requires a lot of work from me!

Before Surgery: 214
Highest Weight: 240
Now: 125.6
Goal: 130
on 4/10/12 1:01 pm - Raleigh, NC
I am totally learning that about the white carbs.  I am really starting to make sure I get my protein in and I do feel better about that.  I have also learned I cannot tolerate Beer as much as I would like too it is the same as carbs to me I want more.  Also Beer makes me very thirsty which makes me want to drink more beer so I just do not drink it at all.  I need to find a trainer or someone to help me work harder in my exercising to push me.  I have a hard time pushing myself.  I have lost from 375 to 230 but still have about 65 to 70 more to go.  I have lots of areas that need to be toned up as well.  I know what you mean about work, it is every minute of every day but I do think it is worth it.  Thanks for your reply and advice.
on 4/11/12 5:01 am, edited 4/11/12 5:07 am
Mini Gastric Bypass on 11/29/10
I found away to re-claim a smaller pouch and help with the problem you are having. Just go to There you will find a 5 day eating guide that follows the way you ate after your surgery. Liquid proteins then soft proteins then hard proteins. Not only is there a step by step guide there are also wonderful reciepes that my wide an I still use.

It help me and you can use it any time you feel bad habits begining to creep back into you life.


Surgery Gastric Bypass
Date 11/29/10
Lost 167 ibs.
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