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on 9/16/16 6:11 pm - Grain Valley, MO
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Friday Sept. 16th

Rainy day in Kansas City.  I had an interview with a temp service this morning.  My doctor wouldn't refill a prescription without seeing me so I saw her this afternoon.  I refused to weigh but when she asked if there was anything I wanted to talk about, I told her I have had some regain and am bothered about it.  She said I should visit my surgeon's office and talk with the dietician.  It's been 4 years since I've been there.  My PCP does the same blood work as the surgeon once a year.  I absolutely have to start exercising because when I go to the surgeon's office they will ask me what I do for exercise.  My doctor also said low carb most definitely.  Where have I heard that before????

I have a bridesmaid dress to hem tomorrow.  Then I'm going to make a top.  I have 10 pieces of fabric for tops or dresses so I'm going to make some tops for fall/winter. 

Roz, the protein bread is pretty good.  It has 6 eggs.  Very filling.  I had a slice with Laughing Cow.  I will make it again.  Bread is not a big thing for me but crackers.  I have to measure out the number in a serving to take for my lunch.  If I take the whole tube, I'll eat them all afternoon.

Today's eats:

Ham & Cheese Quiche

Protein Shake

Power Crunch Bar

Potato Soup - 1/2 cup; saltine crackers; slice of Pepper Jack cheese (DH's  tummy is really upset due to eating the wrong foods so Potato Soup sounded good to him.

Pistacchio Pudding or Greek yogurt (I need to post the Pistacchio Pudding recipe....delicious.)



RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

on 9/16/16 12:07 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Friday Sept. 16th

Good morning Gang, weekend is finally here!  Now to just get through the next 8 hours!!

Looking forward to a quiet night at home for a change.  Been a while since we've had a weekend at home.

B - Premier protein shake

S - egg salad

L - chili with 1/2 oz of shredded cheddar

S - tuna salad

D - bacon wrapped sirloin (4 oz)

Totals - Cal 850, carbs 26, protein 94

Have a great Friday everyone!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

Roz !!!!
on 9/16/16 10:41 am - Butler, PA
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Thurs. Sept. 15th

hahaha....If I told any one out side of our LW's they would think I'm crazy.  Probably even some of our LW's think that way.  I just know my Protein Drinks work for me! 

Boy I miss having Wendy's Chili's....  My bladder has been really good and I don't want to take the chance.  If I knew I could stop at one but it doesn't hurt than I always go back another day.  Kindof as addicting as my Protein Drinks I guess.

Sounds Good Gina!!


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

Roz !!!!
on 9/16/16 10:35 am - Butler, PA
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Thurs. Sept. 15th

I feel for you!!!   Is the low carb bread any good?  Any Protein in it?

Sounds Good!



God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

Roz !!!!
on 9/16/16 10:29 am - Butler, PA
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Thurs. Sept. 15th

I've raised a few waiters eyebrows in my time.....  No sense wasting or being tempted with the bun...right?

Sounds Good.



God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

Roz !!!!
on 9/16/16 10:26 am - Butler, PA
Topic: Menus and Miles Friday Sept. 16th


Success in Maintenance starts with GOOD CHOICES during the Honeymoon Period.

I feel I need to repeat this: I am a FIRM believer in Good Whey Protein Drinks!!!!!  It is sooooo much harder to do Maintenance without them!


Happy Friday LW's!!!!!    This morning I put my 8 yr old granddaughter in charge of remembering my Protein Drink if I don't have it with me when we leave the house....LOL.  She has a much better memory than I do.  I'm looking forward to the weekend.....


Maintenance:  7+ years out 

Breakfast:  1 Babybel Cheese Round

Protein:   Matrix Mint Cookie 35g

Snack:     Nature Valley Gluten Free Almond Nut Bar

Lunch:     Split Pea Soup

Protein:   Matrix Mint Cookie 35g

Snack:     Nuts and Cheese

Snack:     Banana Popsicle

Dinner:    Eating Out...grilled shrimp?


God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

on 9/15/16 4:26 pm - VA
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Thurs. Sept. 15th

lol  You are a true star lightweight!  

Hi guys,

MENU: (DS Maintenance Mode)
Pre-B - 2 protein coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 (30g)
S - regular coffees w/1/2&1/2
B - Greek yogurt w/blueberries
S - peanuts
L - small bowl of soupy chili and a snack size bag of chips
S - snack-size popcorn
S - peanuts
D - steak and salad
S - CarbSmart ice cream

morning batch: done
calcium batches: done
iron: stopped
evening batch: started
heme iron: pending

walking and stairs

5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 9/15/16 10:34 am - Grain Valley, MO
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Thurs. Sept. 15th

I'm enjoying a day at home.  The current temp job is the worst job ever due to my co-workers (workers being used loosely).  The two girls are from the same agency.  Not sure how they ever got hired.  They have no work ethics or any ethics.  I talked to the project leader and she was surprised it took me so long to talk to her.  She fully understands the situation and said she would have never hired either of them.  We don't have a supervisor in the building with us, but one will start Monday.  The project leader suggested I take today and tomorrow off.  These 2 are talking to each other or on the phone/cell phone, texting.....anything but working.  They're never on time, take long lunches and leave early.  One prides herself on how loud she can belch.  Cursing is now in the mix.  I notified the temp agency why I am not working today.  They called me but I didn't hear my phone.  Of course when I called back, they were on the phone.

I made a loaf of low carb bread a it's pretty tasty.  This afternoon I'm going to Jo-Ann's and Hobby Lobby......get excited just thinking about it. :)

Today's eats:

Oatmeal w/walnuts

Protein shake

Deli ham/cheese

Protein iced coffee

Nature Valley bar

Not sure about dinner


RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

on 9/15/16 9:00 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Thurs. Sept. 15th

Hi Gang!

Nothing on the agenda other than a boring work day! 

So ....

B - 1 scrambled egg, with cheese slice

S - egg salad

L - 4 oz chicken with peppers, onions (yesterdays left over lunch.....I will eat it remembering the strange look I got from the waiter when I was ordering the insides of the lunch special!... um no they're pre-made.....okay well then, I'll have.....let me see what I can do!) HAHA

S- tuna

D- chicken sausage

TOTALS Cal 747, Carbs 21, Protein 80

Baseball tonight, last regular game of the season!  Lets hope my duck feet work tonight!

Have a great day!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

Roz !!!!
on 9/15/16 7:46 am - Butler, PA
Topic: RE: Menus and Miles Wed. Sept. 14th

HAHAHA....I understand completely!!!   I was soooo tired when I got home from work last night that I kept the 1 1/2 yr. old in his high chair (eating popsicles) while I cooked and cleaned up.  Within 20 minutes after I "left him loose" he broke my favorite cheapy glasses, tried on every shoe on the shoe rack and pooped twice......Love this boy!

Tuna Salad sounds good.....I need to buy some!

Sounds Yummy!



God is walking with me every step of the way. Because of HIM this is possible!!

RNY 10/15/2008 9+ Years!!!
Height: 4' 11" HW: 203 SW: 197 CW: 119
on Maintenance

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