10 years post-Op!

Feb 23, 2013

If I could change anything, it would be that I would have had more information about eating right BEFORE I had gastric bypass surgery.  Although I've done well, there are still issues that I'd not be dealing with if I'd had the shift in thinking and an understanding of why i was so fat in the first place.  The processed foods that are so enticing are a major factor in our nations obesity.  If you want a clearer understanding before making the leap to surgery, please, please, PLEASE watch as many of these documentaries as you can to obtain some great information that you might make a well-informed decision. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!  Surgery isn't the only way out!! 

The titles are:

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead;

Food, Inc.;

King Korn;


Forks Over Knives

Fresh, the Movie


Beautiful Truth

Killer at Large

Many of these can be found on Netflix or Blockbuster Online.

Again - at the time, bypass surgery was the best choice for me, there's more information out there now, though.  Please take the time to at least look.  God Bless you!



1 comment

8 1/2 years Post-op

Dec 08, 2011

Still doing okay, as far as I can tell.  I haven't been to the doctor (who is now Augustin in KC) for over a year as we didn't have great insurance.  I have an appointment in January.  Sometimes I have a sharp pain in, what I think, are my bowels.  Not sure what that is.  I'm still holding at around 208-213, which is fine with me - I wouldn't mind getting down under 200 again, but, whatever.  I still do not drink pop, at least not more that a sip or two of my husbands.  I think it must do bad things to the linings of my stomach and intestines, so I stay away from it.  I chew ice alot.  I take B multi sublingual.  My mucles ache sometimes, and I know I need to get more excercise and that would probably stop.  My blood pressure is usually really good and low.  I'm always cold from about October until May....looking to maybe move south in a few years.  My nose and finger and toes are usually cold - - it's best to keep them as warm as possible, as once they get cold, it takes forever to warm them back up again.  That's about it.  Still grateful for this surgery.  The gastric sleeve sounds good too, but what's done is done.  Thanks for stopping by! 

I'm almost 6 1/2 years post op!

Oct 20, 2009

Well, it's been a while, so I thought I'd update: I started taking the Reliv products almost 2 years ago.  The only other thing I take is an iron pill 2-3 times per week. I haven't had labs done lately, but I don't 'feel' like i have the anemia issues i used to. I have gained 30 pounds, though, and Grrrrrr...it makes me mad!  I just saw some pics of myself last night and I'm going to really try to walk 4-5 times a week.  I can tell I can eat about twice what I used to be able to eat.  I have bouts with hypoglycemia where my sugar drops pretty low, around 50. That's usually after eating hot fudge. You'd think I'd learn, but NO!!  I'm not the greatest at eating healthy, my family are junk food junkies, and they've sucked me in.  Oh well, I love my family. lol  The only other things that I struggle with are gas and burping.  Aggrivation!  All in all, though, I've been very content with having the surgery.  No regrets.  I give Jesus ALL the glory for the fairly smooth ride that I've had. 

Yea! 5 years out!

Dec 21, 2008

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Custom">http://www.pyzam.com/toys/view/customcountdown">Custom Countdowns & MySpace">http://www.pyzam.com/myspacelayouts">MySpace Layouts
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Haven't been sick for a YEAR!!!

Nov 03, 2008

I've really been feeling good the last year or so.  My hair has gotten thicker, I'm not hardly EVER cold like I had been ( I haven't worn socks to bed since like last January!  That's exciting to me!!) And I never have an ulcerated tongue anymore nor do I have any issues with brain fog. 
The only thing I didn't do well the last year is get enough protein.  I stopped taking my protien shake (I guess I got a little giddy at how good I was feeling and thought I could handle it), anyway, I've started back again and can tell a difference.  My occasional heart palpitations have gone away, too. I can't tell you enough about liquid nutrition!  It's so perfect for us who already have absorption issues.  It's really the best. 

Just got my labwork back!!

May 23, 2008

The doc said my labs are great!  Yayyyy!!  I must say that I feel better than I have in a long time.  I've been taking only Reliv products since November, and everything looks good.  My iron levels are coming up and I haven't been getting cold like before!  Yaayyy!!!!  Thanks Reliv!

I was born a fat baby....

Nov 14, 2007

We are seeking the will of God for this lifelong struggle. 
I personally am leaning more toward the lap RouxNY.  It seems that it would work best for me.  Rick HATES surgery of any kind and will probably wait until he sees how things go for me.  He just recently got a new job and will not be eligible for health insurance until Jan 2003.  Jesus knows if this is what we need, so we are not worried about it.

I (Lori) visited my PCP Dr. Randy Buckles here in St Joseph and he's put me on Meridian which was totally expensive, but he gave me some samples.  It gave me bad insomnia and a couple other problems.  I'll go back in a couple of weeks.  He'll recommend WLS for me as he's already told me he'd help me.  My insurance company has an exclusion in the info booklet, but we'll see.  I've gotten some good information of the net about getting approved the first time, so I'll do my homework and get my ducks in order and see what happens.  Also, I spoke with my Pastor about this, he would like to pray with me about it also.

Well, I learned today that the obesity exclusion listed in my insurance coverage book possibly does not mean "morbid obesity"!!  What a weird thing to get excited about, but it means that I could very well be approved, since I unfortunatly am in the "morbid or super obese" catagory.  I am learning a little bit about the bpd/ds operation.  There is a surgeon in Omaha that does this type of procedure, and it's an option, too.  This truly is a "journey".  I see my PCP next week.  I'm going to get a letter written for him to fax with the pre-approval request mapping out my "diet life" and why I believe this operation is needful.
Also, I found out that someone at Rick's job had the surgery and thier insurance paid for it 100%!!!!  We'll be covered Jan 1,2003!!  Woohoo!!

Dec 3, 2002
I found out that the coverage my husband will be getting with his new job in January is.......UNITED HEALTH CARE!!!! Yippee!!
I couldn't ask for better coverage that will pay for Wls!!  I got turned down by Coventry today by my PCP, but who cares.  Jesus will have His way regardless!!!

Dec 27
Well, I have an initial consult with Dr. Ali in KC, MO!  It's not until Feb 25th.  Not excited about the wait, but I'll deal with it.  He does the RNY lap, and that's what I feel I'm being led to go with.  I'm also talking to Dr. Hornbostel's office in Sedalia, but that's another hour away and I'm not sure that he's done enough of them for me to feel comfortable with him.  I'll continue to pray about which direction would be best for my family and me. 
I also searched on the net to find something out about making a will and getting my affairs in order.  I am not afraid to die, as if I am separated from this earthly body, I will be present with my Jesus. I also believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that if it is not my time to leave this earth, then I'll be just fine.  BUT, considering I have a family that are not "multi-taskers" so I'm doing everything I can to facilitate things if death does happen.  :)  I found a site called www.secure.buildawill.com
It's pretty cool and helps you through the process.  It's only $30, too!  Alot cheaper than an attourney!  Anyway, that's where I'm at right now.
Lord bless you all.

January 1, 2003
Happy New Year to all.  I'm collecting more info and determining who will do the surgery.  I think Rick is looking at it more seriously, too.

Feb 5
Well, I got a temporary insurance card off of the internet, so Liv-lite in Junction City is looking to see if they are in my UHC PPO network.  I hope so, because they seem to have done quite a few open, and the more I think about it, the more I would like to do it open.  Dr. Ali doesn't do them open I don't think.

Feb 21
I'm waiting to receive my info to complete to determine medical necessity at Liv-lite.  Patty and Pam have been awesome and very helpful!

Mar 3
I've sent off all of the medical history things.  I sent it overnight with UPS, because now I'm racing against a clock, sortof.  My office has 2 people in it.  Me and the Administrative Assistant who, by the way, is a wonderful friend and sister in the Lord!!  Anyway, she just received her dates for a mission trip that her and her husband are taking to Peru.  They'll be leaving just after July 4th, and I need to be back to work by the end of June so I can get caught up on my work before she leaves.  She'll be gone for at least 2 weeks.  I talked to Pam last Friday and she thought it would be okay.  Thank you, Jesus!!!  Now I'm waiting for the insurance approval and just starting to excersice more to prepare my body.

Mar 13
Changes, changes!!! I just got out of the hospital for what I thought was heart problems.  My heart checked out great, it turns out that I have GERD (what a strange word) anyway, I feel fine. GastroEsoughagal Reflux Disease.  It doesn't really bother me much.  I do burp alot if I eat too much. After I got home, I had a message to call Patty from Liv-Lite.  She said that I just got approved!!!!!!  BUT...Liv-Lite is "out of network" for my insurance company.  They'd only pay 75% leaving me a $8,000 to $10,000 bill.  Sorry Charlie!! No can do!!  So, now my next choice is Dr. Philip Hornbostel in Sedalia, Missouri.  He does the surgery lap, so now I get to start all over again. I've faxed all my info over to his office today.    They aren't scheduling initial consults until June!  Hmmmm I'm gonna investigate a little closer to home, like Kansas City.

Mar 14
Well, I searched United Healthcare's website (www.myuhc.com) and looked for all the surgeons that are "in-network" that are also listed on this website.  I made a list and started calling.  Dr. Thomas Helling in KC, MO was the best one for me.  He's very experienced and praised by his patients.  He also does the RNY open as I have chosen for myself and really would rather stick with than the laproscopic.  I called his office and went through a little tussle with my insurance to just change the name of the surgeon and hospital and send a new approval letter.  They said I'd have to start all over, but Patty from Dr. Helling office went to bat for me.  They approved the change, said they'd send me the letter and low and behold I got an appointment (a cancellation) for March 24th!!!  I'll get a surgery date then.  I also called our local mental health agency and got an appointment for a psycological eval on March 26th.  I'm on my way!!

Mar 29
Well, my psychological went good.  I didn't have to do to gigantic test that people had talked about.  I talked to the Dr for about 45 minutes, answering a bunch of questions, and that was it.  He said I was aware of everything that can/might happen and I have realistic goals for weight loss.  Now I'm waiting for a date.  They're currently scheduling for July and August, but I have the problem with the office that I work in needing certain times off, so we'll see.

Apr 1
April Fools!!  okay, so I didn't fool anyone today.  Bummer.  Anyway, I'm waiting for a confirmation of my surgery date, I'm hoping they can squeeze me in on a cancellation, so that I can do this before my coworker leaves for Peru. Thank you, Jesus!!!

Apr 23
Okay, I'm set.  I have a date!!!!!!!!!! May 27th!!  I very happy and it's kind of unreal, although I'm doing my all to prepare.  I've started walking more (little things, like I park as far away from the door that I can and walk in)  I try to do a lot of deep breathing and coughing when I think about it, I've stopped drinking coffee, and pop too for the most part.  I'm drinking as much water as I possibly can and I'm taking prenatal vitamins.  I'll be off work from Memorial Day until after Independence Day!!  Hallelujah!!  Just the time off work excites me more than I can say!!!!  I love my job, but I love my home and family more! Anyway, I got an angel, too!  It's Lori Trueblood, my new dear, sweet friend that I met through an e-mail thing.  She's the greatest, and her surgery is next month, too! 

The countdown has begun......34 days.

I want to include this in my profile....I've modified it a bit.

8/2005 (I put (Yes!) after the goals that have been accomplished after surgery.)
The top reasons why I want to have surgery:
1. To feel good about myself. (Yes!)
2. To be more comfortable with my body. (Yes!)
3. To be able to leap for joy when God has blessed me! (Yes!)
4. To buy clothes in a normal store and actually get clothes with some style and that fit correctly.(Yes!)
5. To have more energy! (Yes!)
6. To be able to tie my shoes. (Yes!)
7. To be able to sit on a floor and get up gracefully.(Yes!)
8. To go down the spiral slide with my son! (Yes!)
9. To cross your legs or sit Indian style. (Yes!)
10. To fit into an airline/bus/whatever seat without spilling over and without "sucking it in" the whole time. (Yes!)
11. So my ankles won't swell. (Uh, this still happens - bad
    circulation is still an issue)
12. To fit into a booth at any restaurant. (Yes!)
13. To not need an extension to a seat belt on an airplane and to have the tray table not balance on our bellies.
14. To be able to ride a bicycle again!! (Yes!)
15. To not turn beet red after moderate exercise. (Yes!)
16. To be able to pick something up off the floor without getting up from a chair to do it. (Yes!)
17. Panty Hose that fit and that I can buy in a regular store! (Yes!)
18. To go to an amusement park and ride the rides. (Yes!)
19. To be able to sit in any chair without worry of breakage.(Yes!)
20. To not to have to apologize when caught in a narrow aisle and have someone need to get by. (Yes!)
21. To go para-sailing if I want to!
22. To be able to go horseback riding.
23. To not worry about rashes and sweating. (Yes!)
24. To not have to listen to "caring" people who have diet suggestions. (Yes!)
25. To not worry about spilling food, sauces or gravy down the front of your blouse/dress/shirt when eating. (Yes!)
26. To not have to think up some excuse for not doing something because you know your weight will impede you. (Yes!)
27. To get into any vehicle without being a contortionist. (Yes!)
28. To have a bra fit comfortably and to be able to buy underwear at Victoria's Secret rather than at "Tubby the Underwear Gal". (Yes!)
29. To not have to worry about the weight limit of step stools, ladders, motorcycles, exercise equipment, etc. (Yes!)
30. To worship God and leap for joy or run the aisles if I feel led to, without feeling sick or broken down the next day.(Yes!)
31. To not wake up feeling achey in the back...or to have ache-free legs and feet. (Yes!)
32. So the bathroom scale won't creak and groan when you step on it. (Yes!)
33. To be able to leave the tablecloth on the table at a restaurant....instead of dragging it with you when you get up.(Yes!)
34. So you won't look the other way when you see yourself in a monitor where they have security cameras. (Yes!)
35. To never be embarrassed about your size.(Yes!)
36. To not count tying your shoes as daily exercise. (Yes!)
37. To not have to wait for the handicap stall when there are plenty of other stalls available. (Yes!)
38. To not be more out of shape than seniors. (Yes!)
39. To not break the toilet seat when leaning to one side. (Yes!)
40. To try to make a double chin and fail. (Yes!)
41. Buy clothing bargains...to fit the next year and they do!(Yes!)
42. Not to have to worry about plastic zippers. (Yes!)
43. Normal waistbands rather than elastic! (Yes!)
44. To wear knee socks correctly instead of worn like slouches. (Yes!)
45. To look good in a t-shirt! (Yes!)
46. To try on a long slim skirt and really look good. (Yes!)
47. To be able to get close to the sink and not come away with a wet belly. (Yes!)
48. To get out a stuffed chair GRACEFULLY and not look down to see if the chair has come up with you. (Yes!)
49. To not worry if the chiropractors gown will fit. (Yes!)
50. To not be self-conscious about eating in front of others. (Yes!)
51. To not be afraid to ask which hairstyle suits your face. (Yes!)
52. To not have people checking you out after looking in your grocery cart.(Yes!)
53. To not feel intimidated around skinny folks.(Yes!)
54. To have your friends NOT be embarrassed to be seen with you. (Yes!)
55. To be able to use the regular stall in a bathroom. (Yes!)
56. Non binding undergarments!(Yes!)
58. To be able to walk and talk at the same time without gasping for breath.(Yes!)
57. Public speaking without worrying about what bulge is showing! (Yes!)
58. To not have the fear of being rejected. (Yes!)
59. No more wide-width shoes. (Yes! I went from a 10W to a 9 1/2 regular)
60. To not worry about how to get in and out of the back seat of a car. (Yes!)
61. One size fits all and it fits you! (Yes!)
62. To have a lap. (Yes!)
63. To save money on eating out! (Oh!Yes!)
64. To be able to use toilet paper as it was meant to be used and not to have to invent ways to "get the job done". (Yes!)
65. To never ever say to someone who is very large that "oh, I'm too fat, I need to lose more"  said to make them feel bad. (Yes!)
66. To be able to get between cars in a parking lot without wiping the dust off your belly and your bottom. (Yes!)
67. No more heat rashes and chafing in the upper thighs.(Yes!)
68. So that the cloth in the thigh area doesn't wear away long before the rest of the pantyhose do. (Yes!)
69. To meet a friend online and not be horrified to have to send a picture of yourself. (I really haven't met anyone "on-line".)
70. To not take fat references and fat jokes personally. (Yes!)
71. To know you can go anywhere because wherever you sit you CAN be comfortable and look at ease. (Yes!)
72. To shop at the mall and not have your back ache from lugging your huge bottom and stomach around. (Yes!)
73. To be able to stand still, carrying nothing and still look poised. (Yes!)
74. To be able to cross your arms across your chest without them resting on your stomach. (Yes!)
75. To have your feet get smaller. (Yes!)
76. Using your mouth to taste and chew food rather than just a route to get the food from your lips to your stomach. (Yes!)
77. No high blood pressure. (Yes!)
78. To avoid other health complications from being overweight.
79. To be able to borrow a co-workers jacket for an important meeting or if I'm cold. (Yes)
80. To meet someone for the first time and their eyes don't pop out of their head with amazement.... because they never knew you were fat. (Yes)
81. To see your reflection in a mirror or store window without turning away. (Yes! AND THIS IS SO NICE!)
82. To be able to kneel for prayer for as long as I want to. (Yes!)
83. To look in the mirror while doing my hair and not feel like a fatty. (Yes!)
84. To not mind getting your picture taken. (Yes!)
85. To not avoid going to the doctor because you have to get "weighed"! (Yes!)
86. To wake up each morning feeling energized and ready to go. (Yes!)
87. To not even worry about squeezing into small places. (Yes!)
88. To not have to enter an elevator and check the weight limit. (yes)
89. To look in your closet and have problems deciding which stylish outfit to wear to work since you have so many that look and fit well. (Yes!)
90. To be able to roll over comfortably in the bed. (Yes!)
91. To buy tie shoes instead of slip ons. (Yes)
92. To be able to walk any distance without looking for a bench to sit on. (Yes!)
93. To look forward to shopping and just trying on clothes. IT'S SO NICE TO SHOP FOR CLOTHING NOW!
94. To be able to drive by any fast food place without salivating. (Yes!)
95. To be able to shop for healthy food and know that this is the way I'll eat the rest of my life! (Yes!)
96. To not feel lower than low when an innocent child remarks about your size.
97. To not constantly be thinking of where your next morsel of food is coming from. (THIS IS WONDERFUL!!  YES!!)
98. To talk about maintenance when you encourage the others. (Yes!)
99. To not have to spend $10 to get one pair of underwear that fits. (Yes!)
100. To feel good again!!!! (YES!!!!!!)

Apr 29
Less than a month left!!!  I'm still waiting on UHC to send the precertification letter to my surgeon.  My pre-surgery appointment is next Monday, so I hope they get on the ball!  Also, I ordered a box of Real Meals, because from what I'm reading, the more protien you have, the less likely your body is to "shut down" and hoard your calories.  Then you slow or stop losing weight or you lose muscle.  The Real Meals looks like the optimum choice.

May 3
Got the Real Meals and tried one yesterday.  Very Good! Only 23 days and a wake up!  I've designated my friend Tina A. to be the person to decide if the "plug needs to be pulled" should something unforseen happen.  I know that it's a possibility, and I'm not foolish enough to think "that won't happen to me".  I do believe I'm prepared.

May 16
The doctor's office FINALLY got my pre-certification letter from UHC.  Yea!  Now, I think everything is ready.  My allergies are REALLY kicking into overdrive!  I'm sneezing all the time and stopped up in the mornings.  Go away pollen!!  Go away!  LOL
About 10 more days to go!!!  I'm really trying to not stuff myself and GAIN any weight, I don't think I've lost any either, though.  It's funny, though, how I tend to think "Oh, I'll never get that again, I better eat some..."  when, in reality, I've got to stop and remember my goal here is to be healthier and if I eat some of that, just to eat a small amount and try and be satisfied.  It's easier said than done. 
My mom gives me a hard time and reminded me on Mother's Day that she's afraid of infection.  I understand she's concerned.  I appreciate that concern.  She's never lived in this body, though and has a hard time understanding the "radical-ness" that I've chosen.  I love my mom, and I suppose I'd be concerned if it were my own child as well.  I hope she sees this is all I can do, no matter how things turn out.  I'm doing this because there are so many things that I "could" be doing if this weight were not hindering me. So many things that need to be done and I want so desperately to feel good and healthy again. One more diet?  NO!  Diets are what have helped me get to where I'm at now!!  Lose, gain more, lose, gain more.  No thanks.  I need help with this problem, and this is the best help available.  God has my steps ordered, and He knows the outcome of this surgery. He has given the Doctor the knowledge to perform it, and I am taking advantage of that knowledge.  Thousands of others have been successful and now, by the grace of Jesus Christ, I'm gonna bind this on earth and it will be bound in heaven!

May 24
Well, 2 more days and a wake up!  I'm off work now as Monday is a holiday.  Yippeee!!!  For this I am thankful.  I've started eating smaller meals as of today and then Monday it's "liquids only".  I donated a "self-directed" unit of blood, but then found out that the hospital I'm going to be at doesn't use blood from the Red Cross.  Great.  Oh well.
We came home from church tonight and my youngest son is complaining of body aches, headache, fever and sore throat.  Wonderful.  Sounds like strep throat and I drank after him today too.  Well, Jesus it's truly in Your hands, now.

June 1st
Hey All!!  I made it!!  Just as the Lord had promised... all went great and I'm home hobbling around (really I'm not feeling too bad).  The Dr found a leak while I was still on the operating table, fixed it then, and all is well!!!
I had a horrendous pain in my right shoulder-blade area on Saturday, right before I was supposed to be released.  I figured out that if I kept burping, it would go away immediatly.  I got a binder, which helps.  More later!

June 10
I got my staples out yesterday, which was a breeze.  I hardly knew they did it.  I had been gently washing my incision 2 or 3 times a day as I think water is very healing.  They said everything looked good and that I had lost 21 pounds!  Yippee!!
I've been driving and puttering around the house, I walked yesterday but I think I overdid it a little as it was almost 90 degrees and I walked uphill for about 5 or 6 minutes straight.  I'll get on my treadmill tomorrow, as I believe I need some excercise daily to really help me do this right.  Anyway, God has been so good to me and has healed me to this point.  God bless!!

June 13
I've been slowly walking everyday, sometimes just a little bit, but I'm trying to make it a habit.  I'm on children's chewables 2X every day.  I'm gonna get a B-12 sub and Citrical for calcium.  I've been kinda tired the last couple of days, but maybe I've been doing too much, I'm not sure.  I've been keeping track of my food on www.fitday.com and I've been eating about 400-600 calories a day.  Sometimes it's hard to keep track when you're eating a tablespoon of this and a tablespoon of that!!
I'm SSSSsOooooooo  enjoying my time off with my boys, though, and don't look forward at all to going back to work 40 hours a week.  I've got a good job, and for that I'm thankful.

June 21
Well, I've gained 4 pounds since last week, but I've determined that it's water.  The first 2 weeks I know my system was cleaned out, and now my body is regaining the liquids that it initially lost.  Not to get discouraged!!  Got some B-12 subs at GNC.  Cherry, very good.  Next I'll need some calcium citrate.  We absorb that best.  Not to get gross, but I had some bright red blood in my stool today, I'm almost positive it was...yuck...hemmerhoids...ooooh noooo~~~@@@!~~~~!!!

July 5
I went back to the Dr to get released on July 2nd, and I've shed 30 pounds!! Gone forever!  No more blood problems, and that's what it was.  I've had absolutely no problems and I give God all the glory, for it is Him that is bringing me through this, not me. 
I'm back to work full-time now - yucko!  Although I like my job, I love my home and family and I'd much rather be here!!  I can already feel a difference in my body, things like sleeping better and being able to clean myself easier (if you know what I mean)!!  Some have made comment that they see a difference, but I think I'll probably need to shed about 20-30 more to really see it.  Anyway - 30 pounds in 5 weeks is more than I could have hoped for and I'm traveling on!!

July 15
I spoke with my surgeons office today and they said my 6 week post-op blood work was JUST FINE!!  I'll probably start on some calcium soon, just trying to find the right one.  I'm down almost 40 pounds now!  I can wear a few things that I haven't worn for a couple of years!!  Also, I am still "vomit free".  Nothing has made me dump although I've noticed a couple of things make me "queasy".  One thing is if I eat a protein bar too fast, like a Detour bar or something, I get to feeling a little yucky.  I had to have a small bite of sweet corn last night, too.  No problems but I chewed it into mush.  I took another bite, and chewed it all up and then spit out the tough part!  I make sure that I have either a part of banana or avacado every few days.  The avacado is good for my skin and the banana is just good!  Another really cool thing is that it's more the norm to leave something on my plate than finish it all.  Three months ago it was completely the other way around.  Amazing!  I'm waiting patiently to go back to Curves.  Eight weeks (which will be next week!)  I've been walking when I can and parking further away from the building that I'm going to and stuff like that.  I just praise God for this awesome opportunity.  Sometimes I have to pinch myself and remember that I REALLY DID IT!!!  Lord bless each one of you who are praying about this surgery.

July 22
I'm 8 weeks post-op today!  I've lost 46 pounds so far and am feeling SO GREAT!!  Only a couple of times have I had a "painful" situation when I didn't chew something up good enough and it hurt me for 5-10 minutes.  I didn't throw up, it just hurt somewhat.  Taught me a lesson!! 

Sept 11
Well, Jennifer, thank you for "kicking me in the seat" so to speak to update here.  I still get on here about every day, but just to look.  OKAY - let's see - I'm still doing fantastic, not a single problem except for things I bring on myself like eating too fast.  I'm slowly learning!!  I've lost 65 pounds and I'm now down to 278!!!!  My BMI is finally under 50!!!  I'm getting into things that I have not worn in years and folks at work and church are really starting to comment.  My morning routine is a 10 ounce glass of milk and then a 10 ounce glass of diet V-8 splash (10 calories), a protien snack around 9am, then lunch at around noon. A protien snack or shake around 2, and a very small dinner. I usually get about 800-1100 calories a day.  I try not to eat much of anything after 6 or 7 o'clock at night.  Most nights, I don't even want to eat.  I walk about 1-3 times per week.  My schedule is very hectic, but I squeeze it in when I can. My energy level has shot through the roof and I feel fantastic.   I'll post another picture when I get closer to 100 pounds.

Let me say too, that I truly believe that God has kept his hand of protection on me throughout this whole thing.  I give Him all the glory.  My surgeon was excellent, but he's not my savior - Jesus is!!! 

November 11, 2003
Two months later, 25 more pounds gone.  Unbelievable!!  I'm now down to 254 or so (depending on what time of the month it is)!!  I'm in a size 18-20 top and 22 skirt!!  Way Cool!!  I can wear extra-large at most any store (except for those little teanie-bopper things they sell for 14 year olds!)  I do have some "bat-wings" and have to get something with the armholes big enough.  My appetite is pretty much nill right now, and I'm really enjoying that!  I've lost a total of almost 100 pounds!!!  I figured I'd be doing that in 6 months.  Now for the more difficult road - the last 40-60 pounds.  I'm shooting for around 190, my real goal is to be in a size 18.  That might sound bad, but I'd rather set my sights a little high that to be frustrated.  Is that bad?  Anyway, anything lower that an 18 will be a party!!!

Nov 28, 2003
Well, I hit it!!  ONE HUNDRED POUNDS gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOREVER!!!!!  Too, Way Cool!!  It really feels great to have finally gotten to a better, managable weight.  No way could I have done this without the help of my new tool.  I'd tried and tried, to no avail.  But, here I am now and how unbelievably thankful I am!!!!!!!
Also, my hair just stopped really falling out.  It was like I hit 6 months (almost to the day) and it REALLY slowed down.  One piece of advice:  If you have long (or longer) hair, and it starts to fall out DON'T GET IT CUT SHORT TO TRY AND MAKE IT LOOK THICKER!!  Just hold tight and it WILL stop falling out.  Just hang on.  I wish you all the best.

Dec 29
I've lost 105 or so now.  It's been just wonderful. I'm wearing a size 20 skirt now, and I can wear many XL's in the discount stores!  I'm really pleased with the outcome so far!

Feb 5, 2004
I'm still doing great!  I think I'm really getting the hang of the thourough chewing.  It's really important that every bite I swallow is "mush".  That way it goes through eassier and I can eat enough that I feel I've really eaten.  It takes me about 30 minutes to eat my meal, although I can eat longer if it's really mushy food like baked potatoes or popcorn.  I've lost 118 as of this morning (thanks to a 3-day fast), and my size 20 skirts are getting a little loose.  Lord bless you all!

I'm down to 218 today!! 126 pounds gone forever!! Hallelujah!  I'm now wearing 16-18 tops and some size 18 (or junior size 19-which I didn't even know existed!!)skirts!!  I haven't been in an 18 since high school (24 years ago).  Getting alot of compliments and learning how to handle them.  It's an odd thing.  I try to always give God the glory, though. 

The only news on my progress other than the loss is that I have had a couple of episodes of eating too much or eating "backwards".  What I mean by that is when I don't get my water in before my meal, then I eat plenty and then I'm so thirsty that I try to drink something - OUCH!  And sometimes, the pain lasts for an hour or two!  This truly is a learning proccess!!  I wish you all the best.

June 1  Ahh - Summer's on it's Way!!
Down to 210 this morning.  I kind of waiver between 210 and 215.  I'm in 16-18 skirts and 14-16 tops now!! I will be glad when the really warm weather gets here - I get really cold easy now, so the hot days will be welcome!  I hope everyone is doing well and getting smaller every day!!

July 11, 2004
Well, the REALLY HOT weather is here now, and our air conditioner on the car is currently not working, so I'm not cold anymore!!!!
I had an article come out in our local paper regarding my surgery and how things have gone.  If you'd like to see it, copy the following address and paste it in your address line:   www.stjoenews-press.com/Main.asp?SectionID=152&SubSectionID=423&ArticleID=54885 

Hopefully, that link will work.  If not, go to www.stjoenews-press.com , click on Lifestyles, then on the article titled: Gastric Bypass Surgery

July 20
I was in my brother's very private pool (the only way I'll swim) laying on an intertube. I felt something odd with my chin on my shoulder towards the front.  When I reached down with my hand, I was surprised to find out that it was.... MY COLLAR BONE!!!  My collar bones are pretty prevalent and it must just have been the way that I was laying, but it was a weird feeling.  :)

August 29, 2004
Well....it FINALLY HAPPENED....I got on the scale this morning and I'm under 200!!!!  (199 to be exact, but I receive it anyway!!!)  I'm sure it was about 7th or 8th grade when I was last under 200.  Absolutely incredible.  This is a milestone that I wasn't sure if it would happen or not, but miraculously, IT HAS!!!!!!!  I'm thankful to Jesus Christ for His provision and that He has made a way for this victory.

November 8, 2004
It's been a couple of months since I updated things, we moved and the only reasonably priced internet options are dial-up YUCK!!  Oh well, thank God for a library with lots and lots of computers on-line!!  Things are still good, I'm holding at about 198 to 200.  I'm totally happy with the way I'm controlling my portions, I'm using my tool.  I still make mistakes with sometimes not getting enough to drink, but I'm learning.  Rick has gone to Dr. Helling and the good Doc is willing to perform surgery on him, even though he has restricted his RNY practice to VERY obese clients (400+ pounds).
His bloodwork came back bad (high cholesterol, high blood sugar, non-working thyroid, and possible liver damage from "who knows what")  Anyway, he's going to a support group meeting tomorrow anyway.  I'd sure like to see him get it, but it's ultimately his decision.

We went to one of Dr. Helling's support group meetings and a lady was there that had the LapBand done.  She has the same insurance we do and she said it paid for her surgery, so Rick found a surgeon in KC by the name of Dr. Malley. He's already been to the information class and he has an appointment with him today.
As far as my weight, I had snuck back up to 201, so I got on FITDAY.COM and downloaded their $19.95 package to keep track of weight, food, emotions, excercise and it comes with a lot of reports that you can track all kinds of different things about your eating, different habits and nutrition.  It is a VERY good way to track what you're putting down the 'ole "cake hole"!!! Within 2 week I'm back down to about 197!!  My BMI is 30.03 and my goal is to get it enough under 30 to have a little "growing room"  not too much but like 4-5 pounds.  Things with my weight are great!!

January 22, 2005
We had the first Weight Loss Surgery Support Group for St. Joseph and surrounding areas today.  It went very well.  We had about 10 show up and 3 were post-op (including myself).  Anyway, I think everyone benefited in some way or another and I'm looking forward to the February meeting!
I weigh everyday and I fluctuate between 195 and 198.  I'm wearing a regular size 16 (which is so way cool I cannot describe it!) and am turning into a bit of a "sweater hound".  It's so much fun to try on cute sweaters and I'm getting bolder in my choice of clothing.  Nothing immodest, but I like the feeling of looking attractive.  Different ones have asked me about "plastics" (as in surgery), but I don't really have issues with my hanging skin and another surgery is not very appealing at this time.  I hope all is well with everyone and God Bless!!

March 13, 2005
My husband's birthday is today.  He is 3 days post-op from being banded!  He's thrilled about not being hungry and I think he's lost some already (men lose SO Quickly!!!)

June 2, 2005
Just over 2 years post-op!!  Still doing great.  My only real concern or issue is that I do have some gas usually everyday.  Now, I'm not trying to be gross here, but I think it's important that folks know what they're getting into...every morning it seems as though my complete intestinal system empties out over the course of about 1-2 hours.  I would rather it be that way, though, than constipation.  I've never had a problem with that. Still about the same weight, although I think my measurements are a little smaller.  I must be "imploding"!!  :)  I still drink one protein shake a day, and eat most of my daily calories before 3 or 4 p.m..  I walk at least one to two times per week.

July 1
Feeling fine.  I've been out in the sun some this summer and have notices my skin gets dry and sort of "leathery" pretty quick.. wear that sunscreen folks!!  Still slowly loosing and am at 191.5.
Thought I'd give a sample of my food for a day.  I always start out with:
1-2 cups coffee w/2t. of sugar or sweetner & T. milk or half&half
Champion whey protein mixed in 6-8oz milk & 6-8oz water
4 slices of turkey bacon (nuked to crispy)
1 slice of cinnamon raisen toast w/ butter & cinnamon sugar

It usually takes me about 3 hours to take in all of the above.

Then I get a large glass of tea or sugar-free Kool-aid (32 oz.).  I drink that over the course of the next 1 - 1/2 hours.  Then I get hungry and have some sort of protein (usually cheese, yogurt) or I might desire a starch, like fruit or bread.  Usually by 1-2pm I've eaten most of my calories for the day.  Then I want something about 4-5pm and I'm good until about 9 when I usually have a small snack.

October 19, 2005
I hover around 193-198.  I weigh everyday or most days.  If I'm up a little bit, I watch it the next few days until it comes down.  That way, I keep a close eye on my weight and know if "something's going on" or it starts creeping up.  I still use fitday.com (I actually downloaded it for $15 bucks last year).  I keep track of my weight on it and check my food too!  I know weight watchers and most of the "experts" say to only weigh one time per week.  I can gain 5 or 6 pounds in one week and then I feel out of control.  I have made my mind up not to go above 199.5!!!  I know that it's just a number, but I have to have a limit or I think it will inch it's way up and up.  This is a wonderful tool!  I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
One little secret that helps is that I do like to chomp on ice.  I think my habit started because I sometimes have a cube or two of ice after I eat if I'm really thirsty.  I don't want to drink and wash my food down, but letting an ice cube melt in my mouth really helps with my desire to drink something if I've just eaten something salty, or haven't gotten in enough water.

November 27, 2005
Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It was so nice to enjoy the people and not have to be miserable because I ate too much.  I was 194 this morning.  I weigh daily and eat less if the scales creeps up, especially if it's over 197.  I don't like that "200" number and I'm determined to stay under that.  My last labs came back fine. No problems.. Lord bless you all!

January 17, 2006
Happy New Year! Still doing great, I weigh often, and had my lowest weight day ever on December 24th!! It was 190lbs.!! Then, I went up to 196, which really bothered me, so I started keeping track again of all the food that I ate on my FitDay program, and I'm back down to 193.5, and have set a goal for the first part of summer of 180.  We got a little Westie dog, and I'm trying to walk him when the weather is nicer, so that's more exercise for me.

August 28, 2006
Today, my firstborn son turned 20 years old!! 
The last couple of months I've been hovering around 189 to 192 pounds.  I've started a new B vitamin called Methylcobalamin 1000mcg sublingual.  I've been sleeping better and my memory seems a little better.  I do think I might be low on iron, though, as I've been kind of tired and some shortness of breath.  I go to a new doctor next week (Dr. Augustin at Truman Medical Center) and I'm sure he'll get my bloodwork done.  I did have a "sort of" milestone this weekend, though:  I've gone down to a 36B bra!!!  From a 48DD!!  To be blunt, they're still not perky, but I believe I am "growing into my skin" better.  I would recommend anyone considering plastic surgery to wait at least 2-3 years for the skin to really have time to bounce back.  I'm almost 45 years old, and it seems as though my skin is still bouncing back.    I still feel really good and try to be concious of my nutrition.

December 21, 2006
Labwork done a few weeks ago and my iron is low (it always has been between 10 and 11.5) but now I think it's about 8 or 9.  Anyway, I'm taking 2 Carbonyl Iron tabs a day from Target, a Methyl B-12 sublingual and 1-2 chewable Centrums per day.  I feel like the vitamin queen!!  Weight is still around 191 to 194. I wear a Large shirt (unless it's a shirt that I wear under something else, then I wear a Medium).  Size 16 skirt.  I guess if I had a tummy tuck, I'd probably be a 12-14, but I don't see that happening anytime soon!!  Still have flatulence, but I know what causes it (like Burger King onion rings) and I try to be careful about what I eat if I know I'll be around others.  I still like to chomp on ice, and I go to the dentist for the 1st time in a few years next month.  I hope I haven't damaged my teeth!

January 20, 2007
Pretty good report from the dentist.  No major problems.  I do try to be very careful, though and only chew on small ice, like Sonic ice. 

On a different note, something I thought about this morning was how my ankles used to swell.  When I was 300+ pounds, they were totally embarrasing and the only thing that would help was having my feet up for a day or two.  Then, when I lost the weight, it got much better and it was so nice to see smaller ankles and feel like a lady again.  Then, low and behold, they started getting bigger again, swelling by early afternoon.  I was very discouraged about it, and thought that I'd never ever have even half-way descent legs.
Enter my husbands 3rd shift job. 
His hours of being asleep and awake went crazy and mine did too.  I had a difficult time sleeping when he was gone, and then after I finally did get to sleep, I'd wake up when he got home at 4 or 5 am.  Anyway, to make a long story shorter, I quit drinking coffee altogether at the same time his job started. I just couldn't come to make a pot of coffee at 11:00 or Noon when I finally woke up sometimes, so  I went cold turkey from 4 cups a day to zero.  After about a couple of  weeks, I noticed my ankles had not swelled for a couple of days.  Hmmm.  Strange.  I guess it was the coffee.  No problem.  Then the cooler days of fall set in, so I thought, "I'll just buy some decaf".  I like drinking hot drinks when I'm cold, so I thought it would be okay.  Well, after about 2-3 weeks of drinking brewed decaf, here come the fat ankles again.  Arrgghh!!!!  But I WANT MY COFFEE!!!  Okay, I thought, I'll try Instant Coffee decaf.  Not my first choice, but I think a person can get used to just about anything if they want to bad enough.  I've been drinking 3-4 cups of Instant Decaf coffee now for 6-8 weeks with no problem.  I even found little tubes of Tasters Choice that I take with me to restaurants and have them bring me a hot cup of water.  I've come to the conclusion that it must be some chemical or something in the brewed coffee whether regular or decaf.  It just doesn't have the effects on me when I drink instant.  I said all that to say this:  I hope this helps someone else.  Happy ankles everyone!!

November 2007
I'm 4 1/2 years out now, and still holding at 191-194 pounds.  I wear a Med/Large top and size 16 skirt.  My health is pretty good, although I'm anemic and it's improving slightly with taking iron as often as I can remember (I'm really bad about taking vitamins).  I drink a Champion Nutrition Whey Protein shake about every other day and am looking into some liquid nutrition like Reliv - I'm getting tired of chewing Centrum. 
On another note, in September we moved to Springfield.  We moved for several reasons, one being the church in St Joe had become unbearable and,also, we wanted to move closer to the new grandson in San Antonio.  My husband is working at Wyndham Resorts and part-time at the Imax complex in Branson.  I'm trying to get on the Police Department here part-time.  After living in St Joseph for 45 years, getting used to all new people and a totally new community is more difficult than I thought it would be, but in time, I'm sure things will be okay.  God bless!

November 14, 2007
Okay, ya'll, because of a nutrutional product I'll be starting on soon, I wanted to make a list somewhere of any health issues and current vitamins/medicines that I'm currently dealing with.  I have a tendency to forget, once the problem is gone, that it was ever there.  So, here goes:

Centrum Chewable 1 per day.  If I forget this for more than 2-3 days, my toungue starts ulcerating
Iron (Carbonyl Iron) 45mg per day up to 250 mg of Carbonyl Sulfate Iron per day
B-12 Complex 1000mcg per day Methylcobalamin.  If I miss this for more than 3-4 days, I start getting really foggy and spacey.
No Scrips

Anemia (I think what should be at 11 or 12 is an 8) so I can get tired and groggy or gripee at times. I'm usually cold, especially fingers and nose) Plus, I chew on ice ALOT which is not good for my teeth.
Painful joints (knees, sometimes fingers, shoulders, hips) the more I excercise, the better these seem to get.  It's nothing delibitating, more annoying than anything.
Some anxiety at stressful situations
Hypoglycemic (sometimes my sugar levels will drop below 55)
Thinning hair (which could be normal - I mean I AM 45!)
My blood pressure is really low, sometimes I think it's too low, like 108/55.  Usually, when it gets that low, I haven't been drinking enough water and I'm somewhat dehydrated.
Vericose Veins - BAD  sometimes they hurt a little
Yeast infections from time to time

Sorry about all the detail, guys, but I wanted to make a real comprehensive list for my own reference AND to say that even with these issues I've listed, it's still WAY better than being fat with all those problems.

The only things that have come up since surgery are the Hypoglycemia and the thinning hair.  I had everything else before.

November 27, 2007
Just came out of a bout with an upper respiritory infection.  Got through it without drugs, just some steamy showers and Vick vapor rub.  
We went to the 6+ month out surgery support group here in Springfield.  It was real good!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Here we are enjoying yet another all-you-can eat by the Gulf.
In 14/16 now!! Sometimes even a size 12 blouse!!

Friends 5

Latest Blog 7
Haven't been sick for a YEAR!!!
Just got my labwork back!!
I was born a fat baby....
