I am Blessed

Oct 23, 2007

Hello all. Its been a little over a week since I last did a post. I have been going through quite a bit of ups and downs. Last week I found out that I did not get a promotion that I was hoping to get. But I am okay with it NOW. Last week was a different thing. I also went to see Joel Osteen at Madison Square Garden and had a wonderful time. I realized that I have been looking so much at what has been going wrong that I failed to see and acknowledge all the good that has been in my life. I have wonderful parents who love me unconditionally, brothers and sisters that love me unconditionally. Friends that are always there for me. And I have lost over 170lbs!!!!!! Since last Sunday I have lost about 6lbs. and that was a great feeling. I also have done the Breast Cancer walk and also have walked quite a bit by my standards in the last couple of days. That is felt wonderful, i want to keep this up and get more into exercising. I want to continue to lose the weight. I have only 120 pounds left to reach goal and I have all the faith in the world that I will achieve this goal. I also realized something that I never thought would happen since my decision to have this surgery. The last time that I actually saw my surgeon was right after my 1 year. This means that I have not seen him in two years. No blood tests to check my levels, no update to see how I am doing. What hurts the most is that my Dr.'s office hasn't even tried to contact me to see if I was ok. That hurts a lot. I know why I haven't been back. Other than the fact when it came time for my 2 year update, the office called and cancelled and asked that I call them back to reschedule. They also did this same thing the year before for my 1 year update. It was at my 1 year appointment, my DR. told me he was happy with my weight loss and that if i didn't lose another pound he would be ok!!!!! Can you believe this. Here I was at about 317 pounds and my surgeon was okay with that. I was devastated. And from that point on I lost another 45 pound since October 2005. I truly believe that at that time, I gave up. If my surgeon was giving up on me by telling me that he was okay with me still being super morbidly obese, that told me that he had no confidence in my getting down to my personal goal. My Lord, I am still considered a candidate for surgery and I had surgery. I see now that I did not have to give up, I needed to fight with all I had in my to strive for my goal. I DID NOT DO THIS and now it will be just that much harder to reach my goal. What goal is that you ask, i want to be overweight, not obese, or morbidly obese. Please everyone give me strength so that I will reach my goal to be a healthier wiser woman. Any encouragement would be appreciated!!!!! I am blessed!!!!

I"m BAAAACCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 11, 2007

Hello all, it has been way too long since I have posted.  i always say that I will be better at posting but that never seems to happen.  What I have realized now that I am so close to my 3rd anniversary of my surgery that when I stop updating my profile is when i know that I am messing up and not doing what I know I should be doing to lose the additional weight to reach my goal.  I wonder if its still possible to reach my overall goal of 170 pounds.  Can you believe that I truly have not weighed myself in over a year?  That is a HUGE NO NO!!!!!  My really good sisterfriend Inspire actually bought me a scale for my new apartment because she said that there was no reason that I not check my weight on a more regular basis.  This will allow me to keep a better handle on if I gain a few pounds.  I was shocked when I realized that I had gained almost 25 pounds over the course of the last year.  I went on Atkins to lose the weight that I had gained.  I was so happy that I had gotten back down but then man problems but my life in a tailspin and I stopped doing what I knew would allow me to lose additional weigh so that I could get closer to my mini goal.   So, I am back with a vengeance and will stay on track and continue to update my profile with the highs and the lows.  to be continued......

Why oh Why......

Aug 28, 2006

August 29, 2006
Hello all, It  has been a very long time since I last updated.  I am doing okay.  Work is VERY stressful but I am hanging in there.  I am desperately trying to relocate to the NYC area but have not had too much success with finding a position in Higher Education.  I am realizing that it is still all about who you know when you know them in finding a position in this field.  Maybe had I put myself out there to meet people I would have a suitable job.  But I knew that my self-esteem was less than when I was at my highest weight.  The surgery has been very helpful but people continue to see the large woman.  Forget about all that I have accomplished and what my experiences have been within this field.  I'm still the fat candidate.  But I will find the job for me with the correct salary!

As far as my weighloss, I was doing well the last couple of weeks.  I went on the Atkins type diet and I lost 16lbs. in two weeks.  I then got super stressed at work and ate a slice of pizza and then a donut and the diet went out the door.  I know that I am a emotional eater so I should have paced myself.  But I didn't so now I need to get back on track again!!!! 

I am currently at 280lbs. for a total weight loss of -171 lbs.  I am so happy about this!!!!  I would love to be at 250 by my 2nd anniversary, so wish me all the luck and prayers you can!!!!!  Well I better go, I will be taking some pics and will post them soon!  Be Blessed.



June 2006

Jun 26, 2006

June 27, 2006

  Hello all, It's been a great many months since I have last updated my profile.  I have just returned from the BAF Chicago Meet and Greet and can I tell you that I had a ball.  BAF has been a god send to me and my well being.  I have had many ups and downs with my failure to stay on track with my weight loss.  But they have been there supporting me and giving me support when I needed it the most.  I will forever be in the debt of this great forum.

I must give some special shout-out to my divas and friends for life:  miss 203, Sassy Sista and Robin Birdsong.  These three woman have brought me into the fold and I am better for knowing them.  We had a ball tearing Chi-Town up and I will never forget it.  Much love to Frenchy as well for being our male escort for the weekend!!!

I had the pleasure of meetiing quite a few new people as well:  Ms. Deri, Mona, Mikos (and cutie pie brother Thadious) are some of the genuine people I have met in quite some time.  There were many more but these few people were the best!!

This meet and greet has re-invigorated my mind to make it to my goal.  I still have over 100lbs. to go but I will not give up.  One other thing that I promise to do is to update my profile more often.  I promise to all that I will continue to update the ups and downs of my weightloss journey.  At this time I am hovering around 294-296lbs.  This has been fro the last few months.  I am still losing inches and that keeps me uplifted.  I am currently in a solid 22/24 bottom and still in a 26/28 top.  I have not however attempted to try on a 22/24 top yet.  My outfit that I wore for Donna's 50th B-day party was a 26/28 top and a 22/24 bottom(which actually was big around the waist).  I was very happy that it was lose, it gives me joy anytime something gets too big.

Well I better get to bed.  Long boring day at work tomorrow I am sure!!!  I will update again very soon!!  Blessing to you all.


January 2006

Jan 22, 2006

January 23, 2006
  Hello OH!  I hope all is well with you all.  I wanted to give you all an update on my weightloss progress.  Well this past week I have been doing what is called a "protein train" on BAF.  It had been going very well and I wasn't feeling like i was losing my mind after not having over many carbs in my diet.  After all was said and done with continuing to go to Curves 5-6 times a week and following the protein train, I weighed myself on my scale at home and it officially stated that I was 300lbs.!!!!!!!  Can y'all believe that.  I have lost a total of 150lbs. since having the surgery in October 2004.  I am one pound away from having my two-derland party (see above )!!!! My final goal is to be 175lbs.  So I still 125lbs. to go but I am not going to let that knowledge put a damper in my success so far.  I can do this and I will do this!!!!  My BMI is now 49.9 and I wanted to dance a jig!!!!  That may not seem like a big deal but when you start off with a BMI over 70, who wouldn't be happy!! 

After I got off the scale for the second time(I could not believe what I had saw), I called my mother and told her.  Do you know what I did?  I cried like a baby.  MY mother knew what that had mean to me to be so close to getting out of the 300's. 

Now the work continues and I am okay with this.  I am proud of myself and will continue to feel this way.  Its a new year and its my time to be happy and to do what is good for me.  Take care and I will update again soon.

January 2006

Jan 17, 2006

January 18, 2006
Well it has been awhile since I have posted.  Don't get me wrong, I think about posting often but I just don't.  The reason is that I seem to be having only negative things to say or just plain feeling sorry for myself.  But this is a new year and I plan to be as positive as possible!!

I also have a new attitude when it comes to exercise.  For the last few weeks I have been going back to Curves!  Actually, I have been going between 5-6 days a week.  I really need to up my pace but at times I feel as if I look stupid because when I go to Curves I am ALWAYS the biggest person there.  I know that Curves is for Women but I still am self-conscious when it comes to my weight.  Everyone seems to be really nice but I still am very aware of how big I still am.  I also am not going to let that stop me from going to workout.  I also joined the National Body Challenge and they offer a 8 week membership to Bally's Total Fitness.  I will be starting that next week to see if I will be comfortable joining a traditional fitness Center.  Oh yeah, I decided to check my weight this evening and it said that I weighed 306lbs.  I am not really sure if that was correct but I have always said that once I hit 299lbs. and I am officially in twoderland I was going to throw myself a party!!!  So hopefully very soon I will have that PARTY!!!!!

Well, I better go and drink my last 50 oz of water for the day.  I am currently drinking about 101 oz. of water per day.  You all stay strong and continue to do what is needed to reach your goals.  God Bless and I hope I have helped at least one person as you all read my profile.

December 2005

Dec 27, 2005

December 28, 2005-  Its been such a long time and for that I am sorry.  I have always looked at other people's profile and would get sad when I get to the bottom and realize that its been months since they last updated.  And here I am doing the same thing.  I will do better...I promise!!  Well anyway I really have not written anything because I am at a very long plateau of sorts.  Since June 30th, I have only lost about 5 pounds.  I know its my own fault.  I have been so stressed and I know that I am emotional eater that I should have worked harder to not allow things to get to me so easily.  But of couse its been even worse knowing that I am not using this tool like I should.  I have not lost much but I ahven't gained and I guess that is a good thing.  I was told another thing i that my body has adjusted to this weight so it will be harder to lose.  I have all the faith in the world that I am going to reach my goal.  I am half way there so that gives me hope. I went to my 1 year Dr. appointment back on Oct. 20th and was devasted when my surgeon said that he would be perfectly happy if I did not lose anymore weight.  I was shocked and wanted to cry.  Why is he okay witht he fact that I am stil considered super morbidly obese.  I am currently at 315-317 and he is okay with this.  It really went through a long depression after that conversation.  But with the help of BAF and BMI over 50 I was able to put things in perspective.  I am the only person that will decide when my weightlss is complete.  I have over 100lbs. left to lose and I refuse to give up.  I am very aware that it will be very hard but I know I want to be a certain weight and my current weight is not what I deserve.  I have decided that I am going to do the Discovery Health Challenge to see how it will help me.  I say that it WILL help me bacause I refuse for it not to succeed!  You all wish me lots of luch and send me good vibes.  Well I better get going.  I am going to try to update at least once a week. Wish me luck on that as well!!  Peace and good luck to you all.

August 2005

Aug 15, 2005

Aug. 16, 2005.
Its been a long time since I have written a update.  For that I am sorry.  I have been so busy with my new job and getting settled.  I have no ideal what I weigh since I haven't been to the Dr.'s office in some time.  The lat I knew when I went to Curves, I was 317lbs.  Some one please tell me why is it so hard to et out of the 300's.  I keep telling my friends that I will be having a twodeland party when I get under 299lbs.  I guess I will just have to go on and get weighed.  In any case, I am doing well.  The depression comes and goes and Ir eally just want it to go away!!!  I feel as if I am failing at the weighloss, even though I know that its not the case at all.  I do however NEED to get back to working out.  I never do it anymore.  And I wonder why I feel like a failure.  This TOOL is to be used by me to lose the weight and I am slacking off big time.  I was reading someone elses profile and found this info.  I thought It would be good to have on my profile as well:

~~Long Term Habits of Successful Gastric Bypass Patients~~
edited by Albert Wetter, M.D.

The first postoperative year is a critical time that must be
  dedicated to changing old behavior and forming new, lifelong habits. The success of weight loss surgical procedures is most commonly defined by the total weight loss during the initial weight loss phase. However, foremost in the minds of patients undergoing surgery for morbid obesity are the questions "Will this be a long-term permanent solution?" and "What can I do to insure my lifelong success?" In other words, how can I maintain at least 74% of your initial weight loss after your successful gastric bypass? The following are findings from a survey of patients habits following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass.


Successful patients ate three well-balanced meals and snacks maximum twice daily. Daily servings for each of the food groups included three servings of protein, three servings of vegetables, one serving of fruit, two servings of bread/starches, and two servings of sweets.


Successful patients drank water and did not drink carbonated
beverages. On the average, patients drank 40-64 oz of water per day: 58% of patients did not drink carbonated beverages of any kind; 55% did not drink juices or sweetened beverages; 53% did not drink caffeinated beverages; and 74% did not drink alcoholic beverages. Carbonated beverages may be detrimental to the long-term success of gastric bypass for the following reasons:

  Carbonation: When the cold beverage is consumed, it warms and
releases gases, distending the stomach pouch. The stretching of the stomach then creates undue stress and subsequently causes stretching of the anastomosis

Caloric intake: Many carbonated beverages are high in calories, are low in nutritional value, and contain simple sugars. Not only do they add additional calories with low nutritional value, but they are absorbed quickly into the blood stream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar, elevated insulin levels, and increased hunger.

Caffeine: Many carbonated beverages contain caffeine, an appetite stimulant, which is detrimental to initial weight loss and long-term weight control.

*Vitamins and Supplements*

Successful patients took daily multiple vitamins, calcium, and iron if needed; 92% of patients took a daily multiple vitamin, 68% took supplemental calcium, primarily in the form of Tums, and 40% continued to take supplemental iron, such as Trinsicon or Chromagen.


Successful patients exercised regularly to maintain their weight; 77% of patients exercised. The average was four times per week for at least 40 min. Patients reported exercise as a key factor in their ability to maintain their weight. Exercise helps you to keep your weight in check and keeps you in control.


Successful patients slept 7 hours per night on the average, and 76% of patients rated their personal energy as being average or high.

*Personal Responsibility*

Successful patients took personal responsibility for staying in
  control. Of the patients, 70% weighed themselves at least weekly. They were found to have a general feeling that maintaining their weight was indeed their own responsibility and that the surgery was a tool that they used to reach and maintain a healthy weight. By weighing often and allowing themselves only a few kilograms of leeway, patients stayed in control.

Patients NOT successful lacked at least one or more of the six
success habits. The most common were lack of exercise, poorly
balanced meals, constant grazing and snacking, and drinking
carbonated beverages.


The first postoperative year is a critical time that must be
  dedicated to changing old behavior and forming new, lifelong habits.

To be successful after a gastric bypass, you must eat three well-
balanced meals and maximum of two snacks daily; drink water and avoid carbonated beverages of any kind. Remember to take your multiple vitamins, iron, and calcium regularly. You must and slept 7 hours per night. Regular exercise is imperative and above all,weight control is your own personal responsibility.

Enough said. Until next time...be blessed.


June 2005

Jun 13, 2005

June 14, 2005
So here is my most recent update.  I have been having a real problem with the fact that I don't get the full feeling.  I have been reading from so many and looking at so many news programs about one of the things that is such a good thing about the surgery is that you will get a full feeling very soon after eating your meal.  I mean I ahve been told that I should be only able to eat about 3 ounces of food at my time since the surgery.  I can eat so much more than that.  I am sure that someone out there reading my profile is saying that if I am suppose to eat only this amount of food, than why I continue to eat.  YOu are right but my mind is till tellign me that I still hungry so I need to continue to eat my food.  I have measured my food but still get the ovewhelming need to eat more food.  Why can I just have that full feeling so that I will know when to really stop eating.  I feel as if I am losing my battle with the food.   This not fair!!!

Anyway, I talked to the PA from the surgeons office and she remembered that I ahve had this concern for more than a few months.  She finally decided to have me take a Upper GI.  I did this on June 8th at 8:30am.  WEll I went to take the Upper GI and the tech told me that it looked as if everything was in working order.  I will have to wait until they send the result over to my surgeon's office to get a final diagnosis.  I guess they will also say the same thing.  I did go up to my Dr's office to weigh myself and I am officially (I really only believe his scale)328.0 lbs. At least that is something to be happy about.  I cannot wait until I hit 299lbs.  I truly don't remember being that size or anywhere near that size in well over 10 years.  I need some support that is closer to me.  I had the surgery over 2 hours away from where I live and I don't know anyone that has had the surgery that lives near me.  I don't even know if there is a support group anywhere near.  I think that having a support group to go to would lift my spirits but also give me people that understand what I am going through both the positive and the negatives.
So do anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do next.  I need to feel like I am doing other things that will help jumpstart the weightloss to a more active level.  I want to see weightloss at 20+lbs per month like the early part of my post-op.  I am currently 8 months 2 days post-op.  God bless you all and a little support from the site would really be helpful.

May 2005

May 29, 2005

May 30, 2005

Its been awhile since I have updated but here I am.  I ahve come back and forth to my profile to update but really have not been able to put the words down on paper.  I am really tired of feeling like a failure and constantly comparing myself to everyone else.  Don't get me wrong, I am so very happy for everyone and their weightloss but I still seem to end up feeling sorry foir myself.  All I ahve wanted was to lose 200lbs. in my first year.  Just like the lady that I met on my cruise last November.  Her name is Tara ( just like my Twin sister) and she lost 220 lbs. two weeks shy of her one year anniverary.  I have been in awe ever sense.  I am well aware that everyone one of us lose weight differently but I was so happy to believe that is was possible.  I guess becasue I know that even if I lost  200 lbs. I would pretty much be where many of you are beginning your weightloss!  So any way, as I get off the pity bandwagon, I am still very happy that I hade the sugery.  As you can see from my tickerfactoy weighloss check, I ahve lost a little over 100 lbs. so far.  My plateau has apparently ended but the weight is still coming off VERY slowly.  I am still a member of Curves and when I am able to go I enjoy it a great deal.  Since joining Curves on April 29 I ahve lost 10lbs. and 1 1/2 inches.  I actully did lose a few more inches but have also gained inches for some unknown reason.  When I was getting my measurements the worker hurried to tell me that people do gain inches because of the fact that they are gaining muscle.  I can agree with that for now.  I will take muscle over fat ANYDAY!!.  So here is how I have changed:
Measurements: 4/30/05                  5/27/05    Change
Bust           56                          55 1/2      -1/2
Waist          53                          52 1/2      -1/2
Abdomen        63                          62          -1
  Hips           58                          58 1/2      +1/2
Thighs         31                          31 1/2      +1/2
Arms           16 1/4                      16 1/2      +1/4
Weight         341                         331         -10lbs
Body Fat%      E4                          50%

This adds up to the fact that I lost 2 inches but gained 1 1/4 inches.  I have been back once in the last couple weeks due to travel for my job search.  I know I better get back to a routine or I will be completely in the depression mode that I am trying so hard to get away from.  Well I guess I better go.  I will update very soon about my Upper GI that I have coming up very soon.  God bless you all!!!

About Me
Staten Island, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2003
Member Since

Friends 97

Latest Blog 30
I am Blessed
I"m BAAAACCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why oh Why......
June 2006
January 2006
January 2006
December 2005
August 2005
June 2005
May 2005
