Pray for my family

Apr 03, 2007

Okay...I'm not usually one to come to the board and post my personal family business...but I just felt in my heart to come here and blog and pray for my brother Phillip.  He's 70 years young and just recently had triple bypass surgery because he had 3 blocked arteries.  He's doing well and I know he'll recover but I'm asking those who know the words of prayer to please keep him in prayer.

Wow...Its Been A Long Time

Mar 21, 2007

Hey family...okay...this really don't make sense...I haven't put anything on my profile in a while...and that's because I hate this new format...I can't figure out where to put schitt but that's okay because I have figured out this blog thing!  All is well in my world and things are good.  I was a little upset with myself for gaining a few pounds, but I didn't sweat it because I know what I have to do to get them off so let the games begin because by the summertime...oh its gonna be on and poppin!

I have made some changes in my life and they will be for my good and I'm looking forward to new beginnings!!!  To those pre-ops I say congrats for taking the first step to battling this ugly disease we call obesity...and its truly a disease.  Know that there's a wealth of information out there for you and I caution you to please do research, research, and more research.  You also have a wealth of information in people on this site and I know I personally don't have a problem talking to those who contact me.  I along with many others are here to help you.  We're looking forward to you joining us on the loosers bench and its a wonderful place to be.

I haven't lost anything in a a matter of fact I've gained about 15 pounds...but I'm happy to report since realizing I gained those pounds I have managed to loose 6 of them (YEAH)!!!!!!!  See...before I was beating myself up about it but lifes trials and tribulations had me sitting around eating this and that until I realized "I have control over what I do" and when I got back in that mind-set things turned around for me.  So, to the post-ops who gain weight...yeah we feel like a failure but we know we're overcomers and have battled this before and we know we have the power to get back on track.  So...yes, we're still in the struggle of the weight game but we don't have to beat ourselves up about it...just be about it and get the weight back off.

I am still holding at my size 12' the 10's are a bit snug but trust me they won't be by the that's my goal.  My original goal at the beginning was seeing a single digit size, and I have in some clothes but I have come to realize that these hips and thighs just love the double digits (haha) but one day I will be a solid single digit...not just pieces here and there.

Okay...I just wanted to stop by to say hello and let everyone know that Ms. Praise is doing great!


Check Me Out on MySpace

Nov 23, 2006

Hey family...if you have a myspace page...include me as a friend and I'll do the same:

My page is:

2 Years Post Op

Nov 13, 2006

Wow...its hard to believe its been 2 years since I had WLS.  November 11, 2004 was the beginning of my "new life" and I haven't been disappointed yet.

I have lost a total of 138 pounds and while I'm not where I want to be I'm nowhere near where I use to be so for that I'm thankful.  When I look back on these 2 years I see a whole new attitude, no co-morbities, healthier than I've ever been in my life and that by itself is wonderful in my eyes.

I still have work to do and I know i'll reach my goal as I have every confidence in myself that I will.  I have fallen off track and have even gained a few pounds but I'm not going to beat myself up about it because I know what I have to do to get things moving and the first step to get back on track I've taken.  I'm one of those people who have to get motivated to do something and I'm back to being motivated to finish loosing my weight.  I will tell you its very easy to get comfortable with this tool as it'll have you thinking you're okay, but trust me when you look around you will have gained weight before you realize it.  I joined a site called SparkPeople ( and its a site that tracks everything you put in your mouth, offers advice, recipes, etc.  I like it better than Fitday as Sparkpeople is easier to navigate in my opinion.

I feel great, and looking forward to loosing my last 50 pounds to get where my surgeon wants me to be, but personally I want to get to my own personal goal which is 40 pounds away.

To everyone who have encouraged and inspired me on this journey I want to thank you personally for being there.  To the new-ops your time is coming...just wait and see; to the post-ops we have so much to be thankful for and for those I've developed friendships with as a result of this site and WLS...I am so happy to have met you and look forward to continuing this battle with you.

That Darn Snoopy!!!

Oct 28, 2006

Hey family, okay...yesterday Snoopy and I almost became unfriendly. I went to pick him up from a friends house and before coming home I decided to stop at the party store to purchase a halloween costume for a party I was going too. Well...this spoiled azz dog of mine was determined he didn't want to get in his bag to go into the store, so he's practically fighting me not to get in the bag.  So...he jumps off the back seat and crawl under the seat and stay there.  I'm looking at him like WTF is this about so I simply left his little azz in the truck and when I came back wouldn't you know it...his azz was in the bag ready to go.  This dog never ceases to amaze me.

Turning 40

Oct 27, 2006

Okay...its hard to believe but...I'm turning 40 in a few days (Oct. 30).  I just can't believe it...the big 4-0!!!!  I remember turning 20 and 30 and looking at people 40 thinking..."'re 40".  Well my how times have changed because look who's there now...ME and you know what I'm loving it and embracing it because 40 is the new 20 and that's just how I I'm in my 20's.

My girlfriend Debbie said to me 2 years ago..."we're going into 40 fabulous".  And her saying that really hit home for me because that has been my theme for 2 years.  I will be 40 soon and I feel just that FABULOUS!!!!  I am nowhere where I use to be 2 years ago and I am thankful for that.  I've lost a tremendous amount of weight which resulted in various health issues disappearing (thank God).  I feel good in my mind, body, and spirit and I have gained a few true friends along the way.

I am proud of what I have accomplished and what I have done in my life thus far, and while I still have work to do I know that at this time in my life I am actually happy with alot of things I wasn't in the past.  I have gotten rid of people in my life that didn't have my best interest at heart and I've met people who have come into my life and made me believe again.  I thank both the one's I got rid of and the new friends gained as I've learned something from them all.

I want to especially thank my girl...Dimple Donna for being there as my sounding board when needed...Donna you already know I love you to pieces and I can never repay you for everything you've done and the talks we've had and the advice you gave on a variety of situations gurl.  I've been able to be my true self around you and you love me unconditionally and when I say "thank you" I mean that from the heart.

I will report back in a few days to let you know how my birthday went but trust me when I tell you...with this new thing going on I'm sure it'll be nice.


Okay...its official...HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wow...I am 40 ya'll and you know feels great!!!!!!  I had family and friends calling me all day to wish me a very happy birthday and it felt great to know so many people thought enough of me to take time out of their busy schedule to call and wish me a happy birthday.  My family is clowing me saying...dayum the baby of the bunch is 40 so we know we're getting older (LOL).  I also received some really nice cards and gifts and I had the best birthday a person could ever wish for.

I want to especially thank DWH (my friend) for making this the most enjoyable birthday I've EVER had in my life.  He really did his thing ya'll and I'll forever be grateful to him for it.  He told me he didn't think he did much and that's the way I'm supposed to be treated on a regular basis and I told him if this is "normal" then I am looking forward to what else is in store (HAHA).  I had a lovely birthday and am ready to embrace my 40's with a bang.

So its official...I am part of the 40 and older club (YEAH) and it feels great.  To everyone on the site who helped make my day special I want to say THANK YOU!!!!!  This group is simply the best and I'm fortunate to have found you and established lifelong friendships.

New OH Site

Oct 13, 2006

10/13/06 - 11:43pm: OH is really doing their thing...I am really impressed with the changes to the site. It's on the line of myspace and I love it. Keep up the good work and let me get back to exploring the new possibilities.


Oct 31, 2004

I had a wonderful birthday yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I thought turning 38.'s taken me a while to realize that I'm getting older, but its also fun getting older as I'm aging gracefully (am I vain?). I went out last night with some family and friends and had a wonderful time. I figured I needed to get out and shake my booty and have a drink or two before my surgery and believe me...I had a wonderful time.

I'm really getting excited about my upcoming surgery and is it normal to be a little scared in the process? I'm not scared its just I've been thinking about things I hadn't thought about in a while and its really strange to me, but hey...I'm sure I'm not the only one who's gone through this. I have decided to let people know about my surgery because I don't want to start loosing weight and people come to their own conclusions on what could be wrong with me (you know how people are quick to judge). A friend of mine went through that when she had surgery and lost alot of weight quickly...people thought she was sick in the worse way, so I've made the decision to let those "in my circle" know what I'm doing. It felt good talking about it and letting my family and friends know exactly what I was doing. My sisters comments were..."I guess I'll have to puree you some turkey for Thanksgiving". I thought that was so sweet of her as she loves to cook and she's having a huge Thanksgiving dinner this year. I'm not sorry that I won't be able to eat all that food, as I've never really ate alot of food on Thanksgiving anyway.

My family and friends are being really supportive of my decision as they know I have battled with my weight for years. They have informed me that they will be there to do whatever I need to do as they know I'm not someone who enjoy cooking, so I'll more than likely have my sister prepare meals for me as she's a wonderful cook. I have so many people who want to be at the hospital with me and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I don't think I want alot of people at the hospital after I have this surgery (who knows...I may feel differently after my procedure...we'll see).

Well...that's the latest going on in my world and I will keep you posted...Until next time...


Oct 30, 2004

Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday dear me...Happy Birthday to me!!! I guess you can figure out that today is my birthday and I turned 38 today.


Oct 27, 2004

I don't have anything new to report, however, I am getting excited about my upcoming surgery. I can't wait until November 11th get here as that will be the start of "my new beginning". I think I have covered all the basis on things I need to do and I'm so excited I've alredy began packing my suitcase for the hospital (see how anxious I am). I was going over some paperwork the nutritionist gave me and she had a list of items to consider taking to the hospital and I must admit some things I hadn't even thought of (i.e. walkman, lip balm, etc.). I have been reading alot of profiles on the site lately and I am really happy to see that I'm among a group of people who can identify with what I'm going through. I have met some wonderful people through this site and I really appreciate all the kinds words people have expressed. This site is a godsend and I would definitely recommend it to anyone considering having surgery as I've learned alot by visiting this site. Anyway...the countdown is on...15 days until surgery!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 14, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
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Friends 193

Latest Blog 44
Wow...4 years and counting!!!!
With Sadness...
An Overdue Update
Hey family
Just Blogging...a Minor Update
