My 20 Year Class Reunion

Jun 28, 2008

20 years---That's how long I've been out of high school, so you would think that in the last 20 years, I would have somehow managed to overcome the insecurities that plagued me during those 4 years from 1984-1988....but in 10 seconds this last week, they all came rushing back to me....I opened the mail to find an invitation to my class reunion......After high school, I basically dropped off the face of this earth as far as my high school classmates were concerned....I live about 30 miles from where I was raised, but I only go back to my hometown to see my dad and sisters and brother, never to socialize with anyone else....High School wasn't traumatic for me, and I graduated weighing 135 lbs....but I was never very confident in myself, never felt pretty enough, and always just what I considered to be a little dorky....Never quite knowing where I fit in....Now I get to go back to Bluffton, pay $50.00 for dinner, and hang out with people I haven't seen in 20 years......but I AM going....I look GOOD, and dammit...everyone is going to see it!!   So now I'm looking for the PERFECT dress to that shows ALL my curves, instead of some sort of shapeless smok that covers up rolls....and of course, the sexiest pair of heals that anyone has ever saw......

Post op Abdomnioplasty

Jan 10, 2008

When I started considering WLS--I constantly told my family that this surgery was "it"....I only wanted it to lose weight, and I wouldn't have any plastics afterward--but I was wrong....I wanted my body to match the skinny person I felt inside, so on 12-28-07 I underwent a "tummy tuck" precedure in Toledo with Dr. M. Gupta.....13 days post op and I am already thrilled with the results I am seeing...The pain was not at all as bad as I had envisioned...I did not have a pain management pump, just percocet and valium...drugs are a wonderful thing...

17 lbs. to goal

Jun 30, 2007

June 30,2007
Today my weight is 216.0
I am 16 months post op.
I truly feel that lapband was the best choice for me...It was kind of a DO or DIE decision...I would have the lapband, or I would have nothing...It had to work!   Each day I amaze myself...the things I enjoy that I never thought I would...Who would have ever thought I would look forward to bike riding!!!

March 31, 2007

Mar 31, 2007

Today, I weighed myself.  228....This is the lowest I have weighed in the last 16 years!  My clothes amaze me!  There are days I try things on, and I am thinking to myself the entire time--this will not fit.  When it does, I'm in disbelief...My BMI is 35.7, and I have no co-morbidities...Life is a good thing!

About Me
Van Wert, OH
Sep 15, 2004
Member Since

Friends 53

Latest Blog 4
My 20 Year Class Reunion
Post op Abdomnioplasty
17 lbs. to goal
March 31, 2007
