I'm still working this thing of ours.. ;

Jul 21, 2009

On July 18th I passes the four year mark. I'm weighing in at 123 ( less on my home scale naked as a jay of course!).. The real news would be that yes, I have had my Abdominoplasty. And I had my breasts done. I completed the circle. I am very proud of my success and thankfull so thankfull that everything I hoped for and visualized came true... life is good. I'll be back soon. peace mo

Almost 3 years out ~ My weight today is about 115 pounds.

Jun 24, 2008

Next month I will be 3 years out of surgery. I usually would start these posts with " I have lost to date." But, that's over. When you lose something you also usually look to replace it or recover it somehow. I will never replace or recover the fat again. Never. That is my personal vow to myself and I need to affirm it evry so often in this journal and to my private heart. I now weigh on my scale at home about 112 pounds. some mornings it looks like 110 pounds. On me it's fine. I probably weigh more like 115 to 118. I get weighed reguarly at my Doctors both G.P and Bariatric also I have used my Chiropractors scale which seemed right at 119 with clothes on two weeks ago. So who's scale is right? Who knows? And for me at this point I know My weight is right for me...I take my vitamins, do my blood work, take B12 by injection twice a month. And have my protein levels checked . I still follow the rules, you have to play the game to stay in it. 

The way I feel about this body I have now is that I created a new me. The shape of me is something I work on daily, I don't mean that I exercise or lift weights.. I have from day one of weight loss mentally visualized myself smaller and leaner. I walk, always take the stairs, keep fairly active. and when walking I keep in my mind how I want my body to look. How I want my legs to keep going. I do think about the 'core' I know that helps.
 Thursday is Gary's birthday. I love that husband of mine. My friendship with Karen is over at least for now. Her weight loss journey took her to places that don't include our friendship. I don't think that this riff can ever be repaired and I just don't care enough to try. So goodbye to Karen.

 My Brothers' getting new caps.. should be a movie star smile when it's all done. Gary will get his front implant done. I need a new Television in my bedroom before we both go color blind. :) I could use to have the whole apartment painted. And the floors need to be done so much I dream about it. Truly, today I took a nap and dreamed someone pulled up all my floors and I can't fiqure out who it was. It will come to me.

I am waiting to hear from the appeals court regarding my appeal for a adominoplasty. I have received a letter stating that I have now met the critia for pannis removal/abdominoplasty. This could mean reversal of decsion. Lets hope. :) Maybe the nest time I catch up I'll have had the excess skin removed and the tummy tucked... One can only dream.. 

The Journey Never Ends.. 119 pounds. 12/16/07

Dec 15, 2007

It is now 2 years and 5 months post-op for me and I weigh a wonderful 119/120 pounds. ... I'm finally a slim/thin person once again.

Last night I had a Chrisymas party to attend with a group of women I get together with every so often. Some I had never met before. This was really Karen's night to shine as this was her Red Hat group and she has lost over 50 pounds in four very short months... 

I realized something last night when one of the new women at the party asked me how long it took for me to lose the weight. I said  "2 Years and counting.". Everyday is a day I am aware of pounds lost and kept off. This dosen't mean that I continue to antisipate further weight loss. I'm content finally with the number on the scale. But, that dosen't mean that it's complacy that has set in. Far from it. I remain diligent.. I weigh every day, cause thats just me. Weighing helps to motivate and encourge me. It keeps me on track. And I watch what I eat. I never forget thats the key. I nevr forget what it was like to live life at almost 300 pounds. And I never take for granted my little ass now. :) Mo

Checking In with Myself

Oct 08, 2007

It is now October 8th 2007 I am 2 years and 2 months out . Weighing in at home about 120 pounds. Thats 170 pounds lost to date.. Next month I have a appointment with Dr. Wizman so I can bet that his scale will be a few pounds more.. But Ya know what? It's just dosent matter.. I'm well,healthy and THIN!.. Thanks to all the Bariatric gods above. .. More next month.. mo

My Proudest Moment Here It Is. ...

May 03, 2007

maureen.jpgMay 3rd 2007. I am now 127 pounds. I have lost a astonishing 163 pounds. In 22 months I have gone from 290 pounds to 127 pounds. Thank You God!!  Thank You Buddah!!! Thank You ME!!! YEAH BABY!!

I continue coming back to this site after over 2 years, and each time I do I am amazed at the compassion and love that I have had given to me here. Tonight I was standing on my terrace looking out at the stars,  reflecting on my shapley ankles LOL! when it occured to me to check out the 'July 2005 Board' and see how everyone is doing. 
 I saw My message from Debbie from the July Board and low and behold she has made for me this BEAUTIFUL '150 POUNDS LOST ' card. Thank you Debbie from my heart to yours.. Thank you so much. This is amoung the most special things anyone has ever done for me. Thank you for thinking of me. Words, emotions, .. where can I begin to explain what my life feels like now? When I see that card It chokes me up so. .. Thats me.. Yeah BABY!!! 
( working on my appeal to insurance for Skin removal ~ ala 'Tummy Tuck  and a breast lift... Might even go for the lower body lift.  Will return with news soon.

March 2007 20 months out... hey Baby .. 130 pounds.. 160 lost

Mar 15, 2007

I  try to follow the 30 minute rule before and after food. The Protein rule for sure, Vitamins Yes me too. I am one compliant '20 monther'!! I get in the exercise mostly.. I walk, bike, bowl, .. and swim ( should be doing that more).. But the thing is I feel the important life changes that I have made are not one's that are about food or coffee. ( although those two are very big in my life..).. The changes are about the way I do everything now. And that's my point NOW I CAN DO EVERYTHING!!...

Not that I do everything, lol! I do a lot..but I can do whatever I couldn't do before... Before was a bad place.. this a good place.... Before was a prison of my own making and this this baby is the life.. Even if I can't afford it, get to it, be young enough to wear it, be to old to figure out how to use it, I can still do whatever it is that it is...
My life change would be this: I have no more excuses. I am not to fat, to tired, to old, to sick. to nutin honey!!!.. I am just part of the world... a regular joe. thats me...

 Waiting to hear about Plastics Surgery. Should know something by the the end of this month. fingers crossed everybody.... :) moooo

Plastics.. lessons in life.. 1/12/07

Jan 12, 2007

Last night I went to my surgeon's weight loss seminar with my friend Karen. Karen is well over 300 pounds and close to 65 years old. She's 15 years older than me but we hang. I love her dearly. If Karen dosent have this she will probably die. I f Karen does have this she might die then I'm directly responsible.
Please my Yams don't try and change my mind on this. I will be responsible. I so feel it. She is the very first person I have actually taken by the hand and lead the way. I am sure that I have referred many I don't even know their names. From the first I have touted this surgery and let my doctors name drop all over the place. ..BUT>
I have never taken anyone to a seminar I have never told anyone else to drink the KoolAid.. ( or in this case the Crystal Light)..
anyway.. I am getting off track. Okay. Besides dealing emotionally with going with my friend. I'm walking in there last night thinking Man I feel good I look good and Karen don't let me cry I have to keep up this whole tough girl persona around all these people.
We went in and then they came. The seats started filling up with the morbidly obese. And filling up and filling up... The room that I had been in a year and a half ago and sweated my way through was ice cold. I noticed that 'they'.. the skinny people the doctor and staff must set it cold so that when you get 40 obese people in one room it doesn't smell. The things you notice now... I wanted to cry.
I crossed my legs and pulled my jacket tighter. Who am I? I thought.  what a world. Where do belong?..  I wrapped my arm around my friend Karen and waited. We went through 2 and half hours of both surgeries, corny jokes told by a charming guy. It was like taking a refresher course for me. Man..
I sat there with my 'before' pictures out waiting for someone to ask me to see them. This was a shy group. I would have latched on that thin person a year and half ago and asked "did you have the surgery"?.. Maybe They didn't think I was thin enough. Wait this wasn't about me.. Not everything is I reminded myself.  A hard reminder after all this.
Somewhere in to his talk the Doctor looked at me with curious eyes. He new me and he didn't know me. I haven't been much to the support groups. Then he looked right at me and said some of us here are not here for surgery. I blinked and blurted out and some of us already had it with you. Then I guess it hit him.. maybe he recognized Me.. My name? Nah.. that was not gonna happen. He didn't have clue as what My name was...
It's not his fault really I never made it a point after the first 2 or 3 times to attend his groups.. I didn't want to hear about the atrocity's of eating a half a bagel by 50 hungry people. especially when I just ate one. And I didn't want to be hypnotized by his therapist who took too long to make any points with me... I just wanted at the time to go home come in every 6 months or so and work my own program. And that's what I did.
So when I show up a year and half later, 150 pounds lighter should he greet me like a lover lost? Yeah I thought so. I am so self obsessed.
After the seminar I guess I corned him. In my mind I still have all my bulk all that fat making me more than I am in a way.. enough to keep a person in a room surely. Almost he was slipping by me before I could make my statement to him.. How was he getting by me? I looked down.. Oh. He just went around me... I think at this point I could have used a Valium. I felt twinkly.. like deejay.
I'll just add here that I did speak to him about my quest to find a plastic surgeon who yada yada yada I'm making myself nauseous takes insurance... .. I did my whole spiel.. I will come to every seminar I will come to every support group.. just help me with this... He looked at me like I was from another planet.
Did I mention that during the seminar he mentioned compliancy, I said aloud I have been compliant with everything . He said aloud "you don't even have to say it, they can look at you and see it.." .. to me that was a great compliment.  I sound so attention starved when in reality I'm not at all. .. back to the end we walked outside Doctor and I and he pointed over to a group of people talking in the parking lot. He said" look, isn't it marvelous how they talk to each other afterwards?".. .. Yes it was great. get back to me. get back to me. we walked back inside together.. I followed him into his office.. I was beginning to feel like a stalker when he turned around and said.. "can't you come up with five thousand dollars?" For five thousand Doctor Yakamaka or whatever name he said could "do you". "Just stop shopping and save up". That's what he said. .. that's when I walked out. This is my body. I will figure this out. I think I had enough of this obsession... maybe not. probably not I never learn lessons the first time around... that's my story. For Now. Mo

Peace, Love & Mo

It's now January 2007 Year and half out.

Jan 12, 2007

It is January 12th 2007. I am one year and 6 months out of surgey. I'm weighing in at 140 pounds. I'm going with 140 because the scale is crying to read that each day.. I'm about a pound away. I'm just about 150 pounds down. .. gone.. pffftttt.. shazam.. Life is always remarkable. My self obbession with this surgery my weight.. has lead me to my goal and beyond it. Now  I look at myself and I am proud. I am fearful of weight gain, I am careful. And I'm getting a little obessed.. Thi si an excerpt of a email to my Candied Yams email loop.. I thought it fitting for this journal.
Early this morning I dressed with care. Watchful how every crease of my pants fell. I groomed and prepped.. sat at my kitchen table and wrote my list of questions and whatever I thought to discuss with the almighty Dr. Wizman Bariatric genius.. I got to the office a half hour before appointed time. Thought to myself how well this doctor manages to have those of us post-op enough to look fit and trim arrive in time to be seated with those pre-ops who are ever hopeful and full of doubt. And then in I walk as his own personal testament to how wonderful he and this surgery of ours truly is. Oh, and I did my part I showed my before picture around and talked of how I have had no serious or non-serious complications. Of how life is now truly grand... And then they called me in....
Doctor is not in today I was told. Everyone new and old patients are being seen by his associate a new comer to the practice... So I went along in .. what was going to do leave? Reschedule? I figured I had already done my whole act in the waiting room I might as well get something out of this visit... I was prepared.. I was weighed.. labs were gone over.. And low and behold I was the ideal WLS veteran. No shit Doc. But whajagonnadoformenow? Now that I have lost 150 pounds.. And have feel like a sack of skin? Are you going to tell me of a Plastic Surgeon YOU recommend who can make me feel like this whole process has been completed? Can you assist me like I just assisted you in your waiting room for one hour? Can you give me more than "Come to my support group meeting where I can show you to all my Bariatric hopefuls?.. One hand washes the other I told the associate of my doc's and when you speak to him later give him that message from me... That was my visit.
Don't get me wrong, I will be forever grateful for his expertise as far as the surgery itself it's the after care the excess skin after treatment that is lacking. And they know it. The minute I mentioned it the lack of Plastic Doctors who will take any kind of insurance they simply nod their collective head. From the girls working behind the desk to this new young associate they have heard it before. Each one of us goes into this surgery so hopeful for a good outcome to lose the weight to feel better about ourselves. But how good can you feel when you have to push your skin into a pair of tight stretchy girdle like things to stop the skin from flapping?.. One stop shopping would be ideal I told them today. Go see your Bariatric surgeon after a year then move on down the hall to the Plastic Surgeons offices who works with patients and takes insurance. Oh, and on the way out stop at the little Protein packed vitamin/food store that also just down the hall... sound's like something out of the future.. but it's coming. It's probably going on in places, at Bariatric enters right now. Just not at mine. When I left today I made sure to let them how I feel. Said I would be back tomorrow with my friend Karen for her first Seminar on Lap Band. ( another referral from me to him).. And I said I would also return for the end of month support group he holds. .. My intention is to go there and bring this subject up again in a room full of post-ops who are a year out and see what reaction I get. Even if the cards play out this way: I never get a abdominoplasty I never get the skin taken care of. for whatever reason. Maybe just maybe I will give these doctors some food for thought and sometime in the future when someone else comes to them and asks them to help with after care pertaining to loose skin there will be an answer and the answer might be "oh! just let me introduce you to my associate down the hall".. yep.. in an ideal world.... mo

Peace, Love & Mo

My reminder!

Nov 02, 2006


15 Months out! It is now October 30th 2006

Oct 30, 2006

I could not let this month go by without checking in and journaling my weight loss.. I am 15 months out of surgery and down almost 140 pounds.. I'm edging towards 150 pounds on the scale.. I have hovered between 155 and 150.. without actually getting to 150 YET!!.. but I will.. Gary and I are going to my Neice Kara's wedding on November 11th.. and I AM looking forward with love to being there and coming in at 150!!.. IT WILL HAPPEN>. and then maybe another 10 pounds to 140.. and I would say after that I will have been 'cooked and done'.. I'm still walking and biking.. trying Pilates when I get to the community center.. ( I still have to motivate to exercise).. but I do try..  Lovin' my life..

About Me
Tamarac, FL
Surgery Date
May 06, 2005
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 28
Almost 3 years out ~ My weight today is about 115 pounds.
The Journey Never Ends.. 119 pounds. 12/16/07
Checking In with Myself
My Proudest Moment Here It Is. ...
March 2007 20 months out... hey Baby .. 130 pounds.. 160 lost
Plastics.. lessons in life.. 1/12/07
It's now January 2007 Year and half out.
My reminder!
15 Months out! It is now October 30th 2006
