Losing track of the goal

Dec 18, 2007

I haven't lost any weight since April.  That's 8 months with no loss.  I need to get my butt back on track.  I still want to loose another 20-30 pounds to get to my own personal goal.  I CAN do it!

My measurements...4/16/07

Apr 16, 2007

Area-----pre-op-------Today------- Total Loss

Neck--------19------------14------- -5
Bust--------48.5-----------38.5----------- -10
Waist---------51-----------38.5------------ -12.5
Hips---------60.5-----------46.5---------- -14
Upper Arm-----20----------15------------ -5
Lower Arm-------14-------10.5---------- -3.5
Wrist-----------8.25----------6.5--------- -1.75
Thigh-----------33.5---------25.5--------- -8
Calf--------------22--------------17--------- -5
Ankle-----------13.5------------10.5--------- -3

TOTALS--------290.25-------222.5------ -67.75

April 16, 2007 - the scale started moving again!

Apr 16, 2007

The scale was stuck for about 5-6 weeks.  It didn't move, exept up a pound or two once in a while.  But this weekend, I lost 4 pounds!  Wow!

I'm now down a total of 114 pounds.  Started at 343 on surgery day (6/12/06) and this morning I weighed in at 229.  

I was hoping that my weight loss hadn't stopped...I still want to loose another 20-30 more pounds.  But I'm very happy with my weight loss and am so blessed to have gotten this far.  I went from a snug 26 pant to a comfy 16 pant.  My goal is to get to a size 14.  And, I actually think I will.

Wow, this journey is amazing!!! I'd do the surgery again in a second!  It was the best decision of my life!!!!

March 21, 2007 - First day of Spring!

Mar 21, 2007

I'm weighing in at 238, so I'm down 105 pounds since surgery.  That's good, but I really thought I'd have lost a little more by now.  It's been 9 months since surgery, and I really wanted to have lost 130 pounds by my one year surgiversary...but I'm not sure I'll make that goal or not.  

I've recently been realizing that I'm not eating the best that I can, and I can tell that my body is in it's "comfy zone" and I haven't been losing and weight.  I've also had a very hard time getting myself to exercise.  But I'm really going to start making exercise a priority.  So yesterday, I went to work at on campus and did 21 minutes on the elliptical!!! Now, this is a HUGE accomplishment for me because up until this week, I'd been struggling to get in 10 minutes on the elliptical.  But I DOUBLED that yesterday! I felt fabulous, I'm so proud of myself! Then today, I went over and I was able to do 24 minutes!!! WOW!  I'm hoping that if I can keep this up, and exercise at least 3-4 times a week, that it can finally become part of my life and I will "want" to exercise consistently.  I want exercise to be something I feel like I need to do to feel good, not something I have to force myself to do.  I hope to get to that point.

I'm also eating more meals from home and less meals out.  I always eat better when I eat at home (or bring my lunch to work) rather than when I eat out.  So I'm doing better with that as well.

I still want to loose another 30-40 pounds, with a total loss of 135-145 pounds...which would put me at about a size 14 (maybe some 12's) and about 200 pounds.  I think I will look great at that weight and at that size.  Even if I can loose another 20 pounds, I should be in a size 14 and that's the size I've always wanted to get to.  I never thought I "should" be a size 12, given my height and bone structure.  But I wouldn't mind lingering around a size 12, or a loose size 14.  We'll see what happens.

I want to get off of this damn plateau and make that scale move again!  I know that the weight isn't going to melt away the way it did the first 6 months after surgery.  I'm really going to have to WORK for this weight to come off from now on.  And I'm prepared to work for it.  

Current weight:  238
Current dress size:  16 (and a few 18's still)

Minimum goal: to loose another 20 pounds
Maximum goal weight:  218
Maximum goal dress size:  14

Maximum goal to loose another 40 pounds
Minimum goal weight:  198
Minimum goal dress size:  12

December 13, 2006 - Six months ago...

Dec 12, 2006

I had weight loss surgery, and I can honestly say that it has been the "tool" that helped save my life. 

I have LOST the following:

* 91.5 pounds (from 343 to 251.5)
* About 4 dress sizes (from 26 to mostly snug 18)
* Almost 13 points off my BMI (from 47.8 to 35)
* 57 inches from all over my body - that's a LOT!
* My reasons to make excuses to avoid being social
* My fear of going to the doctor and being weighed
* My fear of flying in an airplane and the seatbelts not fitting
* My constant obsession with food
* My collection of "skinny" clothes...since I now am too small for most of the clothes I had saved all of these years
* Fear of seeing a camera...knowing how big I was going to look

I have GAINED the following:

* More comfortable fitting clothing in sizes that are more easily found in stores
* More self confidence - still working on this, but it's much better!
* Ability to look at myself in the mirror or in a picture and not shudder
* More energy
* Not just the ability, but the WANT, to eat properly and keep myself within my nutritional guidelines
* More positive outlook on my dating life - I'm now dating! :-)
* Excitement over the future, knowing I'll look and feel good and won't dread the days ahead

Today's measurements:

Area-----pre-op-------Today------- Total Loss

Neck--------19------------15------- -4
Bust--------48.5-----------40----------- -8.5
Waist---------51-----------40------------ -9
Hips---------60.5-----------49---------- -11.5
Upper Arm-----20----------16------------ -4
Lower Arm-------14-------12---------- -2
Wrist-----------8.25----------6.5--------- -1.75
Thigh-----------33.5---------26.5--------- -7
Calf--------------22--------------18--------- -4
Ankle-----------13.5------------10.5--------- -3

TOTALS--------290.25-------233.5------ -56.75

December 11, 2006

Dec 11, 2006

Weighed in at 251.5 this morning.  My 6 month anniversary is tomorrow.

Weight loss chart

Oct 31, 2006

---------------WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY----------------
Starting weight - JUNE 12th surgery day - 343
DATE-------todays weight--------lbs lost today--------total lost
9/14/06-------281.8----------------- + 1.3----------------- 61.2
9/26/06-------280.0------------------ 1.8------------------ 63
9/28/06-------278.0------------------ - 2 ------------------ 65
10/09/06----- 275.5------------------ -2.5------------------67.5
10/12/06------273.8------------------- -1.7----------------- 69.2
10/16/06------271.0------------------- - 2.8 -----------------72


Oct 08, 2006

October 9, 2006
Feeling pretty low lately. Not really anything to do with my weight or surgery, but just too much going on right now. A lot of unanswered questions, a lot of changes, etc. My car needed repair work done. I spent $400 and STILL haven't actually had the problem resolved yet - very frustrating. I've applied for a new position in my office over two weeks ago, and although everyone including the director that is hiring for the position thinks I'd be great in that role, haven't heard back at all about it. Even if I knew I had an interview, I'd be happy. But no news make me stress out. It's a waiting game. I'm very impatient. I'm also having more difficult periods - I never used to get cramps, now I do. I'm not much of a complainer about that type of thing, but today was bad I'll admit. Another thing I'm dealing with is the down side of weight loss...growing out of clothes. Yes, it's a good thing really. But it can be a scary thing too. What will I have to wear? So much of my closet is now bare, I've brought up bags and bags of clothes from the basement and almost everything is too big. I'm happy that I'm getting thinner and no longer need the "fat clothes". But letting go of so much stuff, that my mother and I paid so much money for over the years, really hits me hard. And looking at the clothes I have left, not being happy with my morning selection of outfits that actually fit, is tough. On top of everything else (I'm going to be a bit pety here) I've recently been really struggling with being single. I'm sick of it. I'm ready to meet someone and have a committed relationship. I know you can't just pull that out of your ass - it has to happen naturally. But, again, I'm impatient. I've been single for years and years now, I've only had one real boyfriend and even that relationship was pretty screwed up. Friendship that turned into more, but it still wasn't what I wanted. Maybe I'm too picky. I don't know. What I do know is that I feel like it's my time to meet someone. I'm really ready. I never really cared much about being single up until very recently. It's bothering me a lot now. I'm feeling better about myself, more confident, and I feel like I no longer have a good excuse as to why I'm alone. I refuse to believe that there isn't a good man out there for me, I just need to find him. But where? And when? Impatience will kill you. I'm trying to get out more, meet new people, quit hiding in my apartment so much. But going out requires money, something I don't really have much of. The new job would give me more money, which would then allow me more opportunities to go out, which would also increase my chances of meeting a guy, etc. It's a vicious cycle. And right now, I'm on the losing side. As soon as you think things are okay, that you've got things under control, the rug is swept out from underneath you and your back on your ass where you started. Urgh! I'll be happy when some of these things start to fall in place. I know they will. All in time.

On the weight loss front, I'm doing okay. Weighed in at 285.5 this morning. Almost down 70 pounds now. I guess that's on schedule. I'm wearing size 22's and am very comfy in them, some are even loose. But size 20's are still just a touch too snug for my comfort. Another 10 pounds and I'll be in my 20's again. I'm very much looking forward to that. Now I just need to get a few more clothes that fit, and look nice on me, and I'll be happy. My wardrobe is really suffering from all this lost weight, but my confidence has sure been boosted in the process. I feel great!

On a side note: My hair is thinning out more and more, as each day passes. It's a little scary, yet, a small price to pay for losing this weight. Each morning when I brush out my hair and pull the handful of hair off the brush and throw it into the garbage, I remember that I've lost almost 70 pounds. I'm okay with some hair loss. From everything I've researched, I know that this happens to everyone and that it WILL eventually stop falling out and grow back. So I'm keeping my chin up about it. 

October 12, 2006
It's my fourth month RNY anniversary today and I weighed in at 273.8 this morning. So I'm OFFICIALLY 70 pounds lighter than I was the day of surgery. 70 pounds lost in 4 months. I think that's pretty good. I'm about on track with how fast I thought I would lose. My surgeon was very happy with my progress the last time I went to see him. So if I can still loose about 10 pounds per month for the next few months, and then maybe 5 pounds a month for a few months after that, I'll be in good shape. I started this journey at 343 pounds. Ideally, I'd like to end up at 195 pounds. So that would be a loss of 148 pounds. Can I do it? I hope so. I think I'll get VERY close to 195, even if I don't hit that actual number. With my body frame, height, bone structure, etc...I feel like anything below 200 would be awesome for me! I'd like to be in a comfy size 14 for the rest of my life. I'd even be okay with being in a size 16. I don't want to be smaller than a 14 or bigger than a 16 though. I feel like that range is perfect for me, and I should look good - healthy - at that size. I never went into this wanting to be "thin". I just wanted to be "normal". I'd like to be at my goal weight (195) by my 29th birthday...Aug 9, 2007. That would be 14 months post-op. We'll see. I need to focus less on the number and more on my health. I feel fantastic! I still need to exercise more and drink more water. But I do great with the food and vitamins. Every day is a new day. I can always do better. Progress, progress, progress. :-)

Here are my official FOUR MONTH post-op pictures, taken 10/13/06
Weighing in at 273.8

October 16, 2006
Weighed in at 271 this morning. Down another couple pounds! I'm almost in the 260's again. What an amazing feat! The lowest I weighed when I lost weight a few years back was 265, so I'm only a few pounds heavier than that right now. Wow. I went to Lane Bryant last night, to use a coupon I had that was burning a hole in my wallet. I decided to try on a pair of pants in size 20, not expecting them to fit "well" yet. But guess what?! They did! They fit perfectly. Amazing. It really is. I bought a pair of grey pants, for work, and a nice white button down shirt size 18/20. They fit perfectly. I wore them to work today. The pictures are below. As of this morning, I'm down 72 pounds in just over 4 months after surgery. I'm happy. :-)


Sep 05, 2006

September 6, 2006
I weighed in at 286.0 this morning. Only three pounds away from the 60 pound mark. I hope to loose this three pounds in one week, so that I can say I lost 60 pounds in three months. My three month anniversary is next Tuesday, Sept 12th.

September 8, 2006
I'm very closely approaching my three month anniversary. I've been feeling great! I'm still struggling with the exercise and the water. But I almost always get in all of my protein (sometimes more than what I need) and have been very good about getting all my vitamins in as well. I weighed in at 285.4 this morning. Only 2 more pounds to be officially down 60 pounds! I've lost 2 dress sizes - went from snug size 26 to comfy 22 in less than three months. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself! I'm exstatic with how I'm doing. The biggest difference is in how I feel. I feel amazing. More energy, more confidence, I smile more, I sleep better, etc. My meals have been a lot of chicken on top of lettuce (mostly chicken, which is why I don't call it a salad), lean beef on the george forman, eggs and cheese, protein bars, milk, lean pepperoni with cheese and crackers, and soups. Food isn't what it used to be - thank goodness! I eat to live, not live to eat. I started my period this week and have been craving chocolate. So I did induldge and bought low sugar/low carb ice cream by Bryers in chocolate flavor. I allowed myself two small scoops. It tasted wonderful and, to my surprise and delightment, I was completely satisfied and had no urge to go back for seconds. Wow, have things changed! In the past, I would have eaten 3 times that amount and still had something else to eat later in the night. I don't snack - hardly ever. When I don't eat much during the day at my 3 regular mealtimes, I will "occasionall" have a mini bowl of cereal (usually wheat chex with splenda). But this is rare, and not the norm. The norm for me is:

Breakfast: Heated milk with decaf/low sugar French Vanilla Cafe mixed in
Lunch: Protein bar-OR-chicken with lettuce-OR-tuna with melted cheese and crackers
Dinner: Lean beef with green beans-OR-eggs and cheese and a few bites of potatoes-OR-black beans and grilled chicken

I feel like I'm really conquering my old habits and replacing them with healthy ones. I feel the changes my body is making, but don't see it in the mirror as much as I wish I did. People compliement me pretty regularly now, saying they can see the difference. That makes me feel wonderful! I know that it will take a lot longer for my mind to catch up with my body, so that I can actually "see" the difference. I've been religious with having my pictures taken every couple of weeks. I'm trying to document everything, as often as possible. I want to be able to look back and remember how I got to where I am. This journey is incredible and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to change my life for the better. Thank you God! I'm truly blessed!

Monday, September 11, 2006
It's a somber day - a day of rememberence. Hard to believe it's been 5 years since the attacks on the World Trade Center. I don't feel the urge to write anything about myself today, other than to note that my weight this morning is 280.5. Down a total of 63 pounds. :-)

September 14, 2006
Gained a pound over the past week - weird. I'm now weighing in at 281.8. Oh well. I guess I'll have some weight fluctuations from time to time. I'm still down a total of 61.5 pounds in just over three months. I'm happy. :-)

Here are my measurements that I took this morning:

Area-----pre-op-------Today------- Total Loss

Neck--------19------------16------- -3
Bust--------48.5-----------43.5----------- -5
Waist---------51-----------44------------ -7
Hips---------60.5-----------53.5---------- -7
Upper Arm-----20----------18------------ -2
Lower Arm-------14-------13---------- -1
Wrist-----------8.25----------7.75--------- - .5
Thigh-----------33.5---------29.25--------- -4.25
Calf--------------22--------------20--------- -2
Ankle-----------13.5------------12.5--------- -1

TOTALS--------290.25-------257.5------ -32.75

September 19, 2006
Still holding at 282.5 - haven't lost any weight in over a week. I know the scale will start moving again soon. I just need to hang in there. My clothes feel like they're getting looser even though I haven't dropped any pounds recently. So maybe I'm losing inches. I just took my measurements last week, but I might have to take them again soon to see if I'm actually losing inches even though I'm not losing weight. We'll see. I wore a brand new collared shirt to work today. I bought it about 3 years ago (maybe longer) and at the time I bought it, it "barely" fit. So I put it in my closet, tags still on it, until I could fit into it. It's an 18/20. Well as things turned out, I gained and gained and never was able to wear it. So I couldn't wait until I lost enough weight after surgery to get into this shirt. Last night, I took it out my closet and tried it on, and tada! It fits perfectly, with a little room to spare. So awesome! It's a sharp shirt, people have been complimenting me on it all morning at the office. I feel good today. Getting into 18/20 tops and my 22 bottoms being comfy, and some even LOOSE, is just amazing. So I'll get through this little stall of not losing weight. I know I'll start losing again soon, but until I do, I'm just trying to soak in the feeling of looking better and feeling better than I have in years...wearing clothes I never wore before...getting compliments...I'm so excited this is working for me!!!

September 26, 2006 (3 and a half months post-op)

Weighed in at 280.0 this morning. So the scale is moving again. YAY! I was stuck at 282.5 for about a week and a half.
Things are going well for me. I've lost 63 pounds so far. And I'm about 3 and a half months out. I guess that's good, but I was actually hoping to have lost at least 70 pounds by now. But hey, I'm happy I'm losing! I'm down about two and a half dress sizes so far. Went from a snug 26 to a very comfy 22 and can even get some of my 20's on, but they're very snug so I'm waiting to loose another 10 pounds or so before I try the 20's again.
Water and exercise are the hardest things for me. But I'm trying. I do well with food. Eating almost all protein (chicken, tuna, eggs, cheese, milk, beans, etc) and some other things like plain corn flakes for breakfast, sugar free pudding for when I need something sweet, apples and peanut butter, some mashed potatoes here and there, and saltines. I don't miss pop – haven't hard anything carbonated since before surgery. I DO miss bread, cakey sweets (brownies in particular), candy and fast food. My mind has still not forgotten how all of that crap tastes, and my mind misses it. But it is a great feeling to know that I CAN'T have it. I don't have to choose not to eat it…my pouch knows I couldn't handle that stuff. So it's easy to resist. But I miss the taste of those things somedays. I've managed to even find decent choices when I go out to eat. When my mom and I went to a Mexican restaurant the other day, I had a chicken taco salad. All it had in it was grilled chicken, lettuce, sour cream, and refried beans. It was tasty and felt like a nice treat. And best of all, my pouch can handle it just fine. I've also eaten out at an Italian restaurant, which I was nervous about since I haven't eaten bread, pasta or rice since before surgery. But, I ordered and only ate about 1/3 of chicken parm (with cheese and sauce) and NO pasta, and instead had a few bites of ceaser salad with it. It was yummy and I wasn't even cheating. I've also eaten out for breakfast more than a few times and I usually order a cheese omelet and bacon. VERY high in protein, and of course I only about 1/3 of the meal. Sometimes I'll also have a couple of bites of breakfast potatoes with the omelet and bacon, but I do like I'm told – protein first. So I'm happy to report that I can still enjoy meals when I'm out. I just choose my selections very carefully, making sure protein is the main thing I order and that I'm not eating any bread, rice or pasta and also making sure to order all sauces on the side, since they can be high in fat and sugar. I still really need to kick my exercise into gear. Sadly, I've really not been good about that. But I'm trying. That's all I can do. 

September 28, 2006
The scale moved again this morning - weighing in at 278. I'm finally in the 270's!! It's a wonderful feeling to think that I'm only about 10 pounds heavier than my all time LOW weight as an adult. The lowest I got to about 4 years ago was 265, and I was in a comfy size 20 at that time. I know I weighed less than this in highschool but the lowest I can remember weighing as an ADULT is 265. Sad, but true.

I was watching "The Biggest Loser" last night and feeling motivated, so I ended up laying on the floor and doing about 40 crunches and some leg lifts. My stomach was killing me afterwards, but it did feel empowering doing it while I was watching the people on t.v. work out. I'm REALLY going to try to get my exercise routine to be regular, daily, without fail, part of my everyday life. I know I'll feel better if I do, and that the pounds will drop quicker if I'm exercising regularly.

Took my measurements this morning. Here they are:

Area-----pre-op-------Today------- Total Loss

Neck------------19-------------16------------- -3
Bust-----------48.5------------43.5----------- -5
Waist-----------51-------------44------------- -7
Hips------------60.5------------52.5---------- -8
Upper Arm-----20-------------18------------- -2
Lower Arm-----14-------------13------------- -1
Wrist-----------8.25-----------7.75---------- - .5
Thigh-----------33.5-----------28.5----------- -5
Calf--------------22------------19.5---------- -2.5
Ankle-----------13.5------------12----------- -1.5

TOTALS--------290.25-------254.75------ -35.5


Jul 31, 2006

August 1, 2006 (7 weeks post-op)
I have officially lost 40 pounds, as of this morning. I tried on a pair of size 26 pants yesterday morning, in attempt to wear them to work. They were falling off of me - so baggy there was NO way I could wear them. So I guess I've officially grown out my size 26's! YES! I'm wearing 24's now, and some of them are even a little loose. My guess is that once I loose another 10-15 pounds, I'll be in a solid size 22. I'm so excited! It's sad to think that it's been so long since I've been in a size 22. I'm very happy to be almost there again.

I took my measurements this morning. Here they are, compared to my measurements the day before surgery (June 11th):


Area-----pre-op-------Today------- Total Loss

Neck--------19------------17.25------- -1.75
Bust--------48.5-----------47----------- -1.5
Waist---------51-----------47------------ -4
Hips---------60.5-----------55---------- -5.5
Upper Arm-----20----------19------------ -1
Lower Arm-------14-------13.5---------- -.5
Wrist-----------8.25----------8--------- -.25
Thigh-----------33.5---------30.5--------- -3
Calf--------------22--------------20--------- -2
Ankle-----------13.5------------12.5--------- -1

TOTALS--------290.25-------269.75------ -20.5

So I've lost over 20 inches so far. I'm happy with that! My two month anniversary, post-op, is next weekend. I'd love to be under 300 by then. I weighed in at 303 this morning. So I only need to loose 4 more pounds and I'll be out of the 300's forever. Yay for me!

Surgery date (6/12/06) - 343
As of today (7 weeks post op) 8/1/06 - 303
Total weight lost since surgery - 40 lbs.

August 7, 2006 (7.5 weeks postop)
I am officially below 300 pounds! I cannot believe it!!! I weighed in at 299 this morning. I'm down a total of 44 pounds since surgery, almost two months ago. I'd like to loose another 6 pounds in the next 5 days, before my two month anniversary. We'll see how it goes. I started my "time of the month" yesterday, so I might not drop any more weight until that is done with...a few days from now.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
I weighed in at 294 this morning. I've lost 49 pounds since surgery. It's hard to believe that I had just gotten out of the 300's last week, and now I'm closing in on the 280's already. Wow. I'm so lucky to have had this surgery. My whole way of life has changed. My eating habits are so dramatically different. Food now only serves one purpose in my life - it gives me nutrients and keeps me alive. I no longer eat for enjoyment, boredom, stress, celebration, etc. I'm starting to find other ways of dealing with those times in my life, other than eating. Food no longer has the meaning it used to. I don't think it about it constantly, the way I used to. This experience is amazing, and I've done really well with it. I've had a couple of episodes of throwing up, but only because I either ate too fast (usually the case) or if I take too big of a bite of food (happened once so far). It's an awful feeling, when I eat improperly and have to throw up. But at least I know that my body won't "allow" me to eat the way I used to. I LOVE that! My two month anniversary was yesterday and I've lost 49 pounds so far! 

August 25, 2006
Good news: I'm down 52 pounds so far. Yippie! Bad news: some people on this support group website are so insensitive. I was feeling a bit discouraged today, feeling like I'm not losing at fast as I should. I made the mistake of posting a message about it on the boards. Wow. People are really rude sometimes. I received over 30 messages, some very nice and supportive, but most were very rude and intending to make me feel stupid. I now know that I should never post anything about me feeling low about my progress. But I was having a day that I was just not feeling like I was doing as well as I should be. Everyone must have those days. But most of the people who responded were very stern with me - felt like I was getting a lecture. Is that what a support group is about? All I needed was a little uplifting and a little bit of reassurance. That's all. Instead, I got a line of crap from more than a few people. That'll teach me. This support group is very testy...and they all seem to think that THEY know everything, and enjoy putting people in their place. I didn't appreciate it. I will now be using this website only to update my profile and to keep myself on track. These people should learn that everyone has their doubts and insecurities, no matter how well they're doing. Didn't their mothers ever tell them..."If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? Rudeness.

August 29, 2006 (2 1/2 months post op)
Weighed in at 287.8 this morning. Woohoo! I'm out of the 290's forever! I need to loose 4 more pounds to have a total weight loss of 60 pounds since surgery. I'm hoping to loose that 4 pounds by September 12th - my official three month anniversary.

August 30, 2006
Forgot to mention...I'm wearing some size 22's now. Almost all of my 24's are very loose and feel uncomfortable. I am still wearing some 24's, but also wearing some 22's. I played "dress up" the other night and was trying on clothes in size 22's and 20's, just to see how close I was to being in them. Almost all 22's fit now - some still a little too snug to look good. The 20's that I attempted to put on...don't think so. Not yet. But at least I'm one step closer to a size 20. I'll be in them before I know it.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 26, 2005
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 16
Losing track of the goal
My measurements...4/16/07
April 16, 2007 - the scale started moving again!
March 21, 2007 - First day of Spring!
December 13, 2006 - Six months ago...
December 11, 2006
Weight loss chart
