Milestones met

Oct 24, 2010

Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary.  What a difference 2 years makes.  My health is so much better since I have made the decision to take back my life and get healthier.  Today I am 70 pounds lighter than the day we got married.  I am no longer taking blood pressure meds and I can go for a normal walk with my husband and not feel the stress on my body.  I can keep up with him too.  At 6"8" it is difficult on his back to take short slow strides, so I can walk faster and that is way better for him.  This evening we will celebrate by going out for Thai food - my favorite.  And, then to a movie.  We have never been to a movie together.  Dan had wanted to take me on many occasions, but I had always come up with some excuse because I feared not being able to fit, or be comfortable, in the theater seats.  I'm really looking forward to our date tonight.  I'm sure I'll be comfortable.

This weekend I also met another milestone.  I finally have been able to get into my drysuit, zip it up and purge it of air.  I was able to get into it 3 weeks ago but my middle prevented me from purging the air out from below the waist!!  LOL.  That was funny when it looked like a balloon!  This is just a step closer to being able to put my own fins on again.  I'm hoping I can cross that goal off of my list when I get into the water.  I am really excited to be able to go scuba diving again.  The last time I went was before surgery and I was wearing my larger suit which was already becoming dangerously large.  Now that this one fits, I'll have to get a bunch of diving in before I shrink out of it!

