D-J wrote a blog post 12 years, 12 months ago
final jump,not amused - ok so i went in for my pre-op stuff yesterday,,my blood,hurin tests, and meds reviewed,, after that we had to wait on our pre-op class,i had an hour and half to kill ,,so i go out ...

D-J wrote a blog post 13 years ago
say two of pre-op diet - learned some things yesterday,,theres alot of sodium in these darn shakes they make you drink,,so by my secound one ,,my feet were way swollen and my head was killing me,,,needless...

D-J posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
high sodium protien shakes?? - started my pre-op diet today and started getting a bad headache this afternoon,, feet swelling,,checking the contents of the protien food they have a very high level of sodium in t...

D-J posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Liver shrinkage? - I was wondering if after your pre-op diet and all, when it's time for your surgery what happens if your liver hasn't shrunk enough,,does the doc just stop or do they have other way...

D-J wrote a blog post 13 years ago
first day of pre-op diet - so i get up hop in the shower this morning knowing this is the start of it all,,although all through this past month i have been making changes to my life,no sugar ,, hardly any ca...

D-J wrote a blog post 13 years ago
back from walmart,, - so i get all the little essentials,,baby spinach ,,celery,,more crystal light,,and i suddenly realize,,i am buying like i am never gonna be able to go to the store again,,,Huh?? so...

D-J wrote a blog post 13 years ago
picked up food yesterday,,, - there is so much i want to say and so many feelings i want totouch on,, but ihave to go to walmart to make sure i got all of what i am going to need to fill in the blank spots on t...

D-J wrote a blog post 13 years ago
Got my surgery date,,yaaay - Oh boy,,,today i got the call,, the surgery date call,,June 16th,i go in on the 8th for my pre-op clas but in the meantime tues next week on the 31st i will go in and pick up my pl...

D-J wrote a blog post 13 years ago
my first few hoops - well,i finally started the ball rolling and went in for my three interviews the nutrition, fitness and mental well being people,, the last one was a hoot,,i played stump the shrink...
About Me
Surgery Date
May 15, 2011
Member Since

Friends 27

Latest Blog 15
