I am a Mother of 2 Boys Now (in 2017) they are ages 20 and 15. My 20 year old is very supportive of my surgery while my 15 year old criticizes me for needing surgery like I am weak so I need to have surgery. I was thin growing up , even all the way into adulthood until I hit the age of 40. That's when my weight went from 148 to a whopping 298 was my highest. Currently (11-17-2017) I weight 277 The photo you see on my vlog is the one my bariatric doctors office took of me at the office as my before photo weighing 283. A little backround to understand who I am alittle more. In 1996 I began driving  a semi tractor trailer. In 1997 my first son was born. In 1998 I was in a horrific accident in my semi that would change the course of my life drastically. The accident happened on a day I wasn't even supposed to be working. The Company I was working for had recently fired a man for substance abuse. The company called me to drive a short 4 hour day on a Saturday at time and 1/2 pay and being a single Mother how could I resist the pay, plus I loved my job. I hauled lumber from the railroad cars 5 miles away back to the yard most days and was a decent paid hourly wage. On my way to the railroad car this Saturday a women in the vehicle behind me decided to get off the exit then shot back onto the highway trying to play beat the truck and hit the truck. In order to aviod killing her I cut across 4 lanes of interstate highway and hit the cement barrier several times. I slipped 2 disks pinched a nerve have had 4 back surgeries and lost my right kidney. I was a heavy smoker ever since I was a teenager. When my 15 year old was 3 in 2005 I quit smoking, cold turkey because I was having some issues of my hands and feet blowing up retaining water. Turned out to be Burgess Disease although my initial thinking was it had something to do with my kidney, the only one I had remaining. 1 month after I quit smoking I started to pack on weight. I thought it was becaue I quit smoking although it seemed to be an awful lot of weight, Turns out my Thyroid had gone on the fritz and decided not to function properly anymore. Over the next 7-10 years I packed on 150 lbs until finally plateauing at 298. In 2014 I ran into a women who had the gastric sleeve and another women going through the 6 months steps to start the surgery for the sleeve and although I was very onterested in the procedure I didn't believe I qualified due to all my health reasons mainly the fact that I already have a spinal stimulator and a morphine pain pump and 1 kidney remaining that isn't functioning at normal capacity. But I had become so desperate to get this weight off my back, yes even with a stimulator and a pain pump I still have an aching back. I go every 6 months and get the nerves burned in my back. I figure all he could say is I wasn't a good candidate for the surgery. Which truely was I was expecting to hear. I am very nervous but know I need to go through with this surgery. If not for myself for my children but most definately for my back. This weight is absolutely killing me in more then 1 way. My surgery is actually Monday 11-20-2017 at 130 pm In Lexington Ky being performed by Dr. Weiss

About Me
Crab Orchard, KY
Surgery Date
Nov 11, 2017
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
